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People's online review: make every effort to ensure the safety, civilization and order of the Qingming Festival

Jiang Meng
10:42, March 22, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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With the Tomb Sweeping Day approaching, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the State Forestry and Grass Administration recently issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Tomb Sweeping Day in 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), requiring all regions to do a solid job in preventing and resolving various risks and hidden dangers, firmly guard the safety bottom line, build the people's defense line, and ensure that the Tomb Sweeping Day is safe, civilized and orderly.

In spring, the sky is clear and the earth is bright. The Chinese people cherish their grief, cherish the memory of the martyrs, and pursue the future cautiously at the end of the Qingming Festival, which embodies the profound humanistic spirit of being close to the family and continuing the blood line, and also contains the wisdom of the way of going round and round, and the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. The peak of Tomb Sweeping Festival is coming, so it is particularly important to do a good job of service guarantee. Relevant departments issued the Notice to guide local funeral service agencies to prepare in advance, optimize service guarantee, prevent potential risks, and formulate emergency response plans, which are timely and necessary.

The optimization of service guarantee should focus on the convenience of the masses. The Notice requires that all funeral service agencies should timely release information related to the sacrifice and sweeping and respond to public inquiries and messages through hotline, mobile client, WeChat public account and other channels; We should try our best to provide more high-quality, efficient, convenient and warm services by adding service windows, extending service time, optimizing service processes, etc; Full consideration should be given to the special circumstances of different groups, especially the elderly and the disabled, and green and convenient channels should be set up to ensure the demand of special groups for sacrifice and sweeping. Mourning and tomb sweeping is a "dialogue" between the living and the dead with heart, emotion and love. Loving grief is also a way to comfort the soul. Funeral service institutions should not only create a solemn and clear atmosphere for memorial ceremonies, but also from the perspective of the tomb sweeping masses, find out the shortcomings of the service and make up for them, strive to improve the quality and humanization of the service, and improve the satisfaction of the masses.

Advocating a new style of civilization, we should also practice green sacrifice. The Notice requires that we should vigorously promote civilized and low-carbon ways of sacrificing and sweeping, such as flowers, greening and planting trees, collective sacrifice, family memorial, and advocate changing customs and new fashions. Use flowers to express their grief, fill the wish card with acacia, fold the water-soluble paper into a thousand paper cranes and put them into the pool, write a letter into the space-time mailbox... The funeral service institutions should organize more innovative memorial activities to enrich the carrier of memory of ancestors. The mourners should also understand that the way of expressing feelings should be consistent with modern civilization. Green tomb sweeping reflects the nature of "clean, bright and clean".

Security is the top priority of the Tomb Sweeping Festival. Local civil affairs departments should establish and improve the emergency security mechanism for the Tomb sweeping Day, and formulate and improve the service reception, personnel and vehicle evacuation and other programs. The competent forestry and grass departments at various places shall formulate the forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing disposal plan according to the characteristics of the fire prevention work during the Qingming Festival. In short, the more detailed and in-depth the relevant departments think about the problem, the more effective and effective the response will be.

To do a good job in the tomb sweeping ceremony, all localities should implement their service management responsibilities, highlight the orientation of benefiting and facilitating the people, guide and encourage changing customs, and strengthen the awareness of safety precautions. We should also combine the tomb sweeping ceremony with the promotion of filial piety to the elderly and loving relatives, and establish the concept of "filial piety should be performed as soon as possible", so that filial piety can be more reflected in the daily care for the elderly.

(Editor in charge: Meng Zhe, Qu Yuan)

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