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People's online review: escort the employment of college graduates

Zheng Yan
March 22, 2024 12:36 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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E-commerce job fairs, Yangtze River Economic Belt special fairs, SME special fairs, TCM health care special live broadcast on duty activities... Open the main venue page of China National Talent Network large and medium-sized cities joint recruitment activities, and various regions and industries are full of recruitment activities. Fresh graduates can quickly find interested enterprises, understand job information, listen to policy presentations, listen to curriculum vitae writing, contract signing and other courses, and deliver resumes online, which will make it easier to participate in recruitment and more satisfactory to apply for jobs.

In the recruitment season of "Golden Three Silver Four", the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has recently officially launched the special spring event for the joint recruitment of college graduates in large and medium-sized cities in 2024 (hereinafter referred to as "Spring Session"); The Ministry of Education has decided to carry out the campaign to promote employment of 2024 college graduates in spring from March to April. A series of recruitment activities organized by relevant departments will further strengthen employment services for young groups such as college graduates and promote full employment of college graduates with high quality.

Employment is the greatest livelihood and the most basic support for economic development. This year, the number of fresh graduates from colleges and universities across the country will reach 11.79 million, a record high, and employment pressure still exists. It must be noted that this year's economic growth is expected to be greater than last year's, and the industrial structure upgrading will expand employment capacity, which provides strong support for expanding employment. This year's government work report adjusted the number of new urban jobs to more than 12 million, put forward more positive employment goals, and sent a positive signal of greater efforts to stabilize employment; It emphasizes that "we should strengthen policies and measures to promote youth employment, optimize employment and entrepreneurship guidance services", and provide policy "big gift package" for graduates' employment. It can be said that the advantageous factors are constantly gathering, the policy effect is effective, and we are full of confidence to do a good job in the employment of new graduates.

Post resources are the lifeline of employment. Widening employment channels and expanding resource supply have become the top priority of graduates' employment work. From the perspective of recruitment industry, from the "one industry prospers and all industries prosper" of the cultural and tourism industry, to the obvious employment driving role of the wholesale and retail industry, and to the new job demand generated by the platform economy, the relevant industries are directly related to the capacity of the "reservoir" of employment. From the perspective of employment structure, private enterprises are the main force to absorb employment, policy posts are important employment channels, and the employment potential of SMEs still needs to be tapped. The special session in spring emphasizes exploring the scarce jobs, focusing on the forefront of industrial development, and clearly giving full play to the role of SMEs as the main channel of employment, which will help to develop more jobs and provide more choices for graduates.

To protect the employment of college graduates, we should not only expand the job increment, but also optimize the job stock. In reality, the matching efficiency of supply and demand information is an important factor affecting employment. A lot of college students get their first job. In the face of numerous and miscellaneous information, it is inevitable that they will become more and more attractive. The high search cost, low matching efficiency and the traditional matching mode of employment and job search have added obstacles to job search. This requires relevant departments to clarify the needs of industry enterprises, master the situation of graduates, and more accurately get through the employment blockages. During the spring campaign, colleges and universities should actively invite employers who had recruited graduates last year to recruit, actively explore new employers, do a good job of return visit services, increase the promotion of private enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, actively facilitate the recruitment of employers, and realize the two-way rush of graduates and employers.

Careless employment can not be separated from warm service and careful supporting. In spring, we organized employment and entrepreneurship guidance experts to enter the campus, enterprises and parks, organized graduates to carry out professional experience and simulated training, and mobilized other provinces and cities with employers to participate in the meeting in cities with heavy employment tasks and underdeveloped areas in the central and western regions, so as to "send jobs" for graduates. This also shows that to weave a dense employment service network, on the one hand, it is necessary to consolidate the foundation, provide better employment guidance services, help graduates establish correct employment concepts, make reasonable personal plans, and improve their ability to apply for jobs; On the other hand, we need to check and fill gaps, provide precise services for key groups, and secure the bottom line of employment.

The policy effect depends on the implementation results. All departments around the country should think about what students think and understand their difficulties, steadily implement employment policies, and do a good job of employment services with heart and soul, so as to achieve the expected goal of urban employment, help college graduates find jobs successfully, and shine and grow on a broader stage.

(Editor in charge: Meng Zhe, Qu Yuan)

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