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People come to talk: make good use of public interest litigation to weave a safety net for food and medicine

Spectral pine
16:50, March 20, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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The Supreme People's Procuratorate recently released 10 typical cases of public interest litigation in consumer protection procuratorial work, providing reference for procuratorial organs at all levels to strengthen precise supervision, improve the quality and efficiency of public interest litigation in the field of food and drug safety, and better safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people.

Pay close attention to hot issues of food and drug safety and actively respond to social concerns. Food and drug safety is related to the basic interests of the masses, and legal means must be used to solve the frequent problems in this field. The procuratorial organs have strictly implemented the "four strictest" requirements and made many efforts to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. In 2023, procuratorial organs at all levels nationwide registered more than 23000 public interest litigation cases in the field of food and drug safety, up 16.8% year on year. The abuse of veterinary drugs in the aquaculture field, the sale of illegally added industrial formaldehyde animal blood products and other illegal acts involved in this case are all food and drug safety issues with severe impact and high public concern. Only through continuous and accurate supervision, intensified case handling and high-quality and efficient handling of each case can we effectively ensure the food safety and drug safety of the masses.

Keep pace with the times and constantly promote the solution of new problems in new business formats. In recent years, although the food and drug safety situation has continued to improve, new problems and challenges in the food and drug field, such as online marketing, community group buying, false publicity in the medical and aesthetic industry, have also followed with the emergence of new business types. This requires keeping an eye on the hot spots of social and economic development, constantly updating case handling concepts, innovating case handling methods, and "managing the new with the new". Two of the cases released this time involve new business forms. For example, the procuratorial organ urged the administrative organ to strengthen the supervision of MCN institutions according to law, protect consumers' right to know, and eliminate the potential safety hazards caused by illegal publicity against the behavior of "Store Explorer" who added shopping links without marking "advertising" when publishing promotional videos on the short video platform. The release of typical cases can play a role of demonstration and guidance, and provide experience that can be popularized and replicated for all parties to successfully handle similar cases.

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the exploration and establishment of the system of public interest litigation by procuratorial organs. Over the years, the public interest litigation system has been deeply implemented to safeguard the public interest and safeguard the good life, and has yielded fruitful results. Serve the overall situation, serve the people's justice, and take responsibility for the rule of law, pool the joint efforts of procuratorial, judicial, administrative, and social forces, strengthen the supervision in the field of people's livelihood, and will certainly be able to weave a safety protection network for people's food and medicine, and solve the problems around people.

(Editor in charge: Yin Shen, Qu Yuan)

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