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People's hot comment: AI is innocent, "resurrection" must be standardized

Forest breeze
March 19, 2024 13:39 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Recently, a blogger "revived" Coco Lee, Leslie Cheung, Gao Yixiang, Qiao Renliang and many other deceased stars with AI generated videos and sounds, which triggered heated discussions among netizens. In the video comment area, someone still took the opportunity to do AI promotion and charging services in the name of warmth... Qiao Renliang's father said that he could not accept this and hoped that the other party would get off the shelf as soon as possible. "They did not ask for our consent, which is a scar." At present, there is no AI revival star video released under the blogger's account.

A photo, a voice, dozens of hundreds of customized text, the deceased can have both voice and appearance, "speak". People lament that AI "resurrection" technology is becoming more "advanced" and intelligent, and they are also worried about the "resurrection" stars and relatives revealing the "rush" side. It is reported that today's "resurrection" service for the deceased has formed a mature industrial chain. The number of individuals and businesses providing "resurrection" services is growing rapidly, and "resurrection" videos can be generated at 10 yuan to hundreds of yuan, and the "resurrection" restoration degree can reach more than 70%.

Experience tells us that the application of a new technology is bound to be more than just a digital consideration. In fact, AI "resurrection" service has been full of controversy since its birth. Those who support "resurrection" believe that the form is novel, the cost is not high, and the space interaction can place emotional comfort on the deceased; Opponents of "resurrection" believe that this technology is "uncovering the scars of the living", and even infringes on the portrait, reputation and privacy of the deceased. It is not difficult to see that AI "resurrection" service is not only a simple technical problem, but also a comprehensive consideration of human feelings, social ethics, public order, good customs and other factors when it comes to the special group of the deceased.

AI technology has no original sin, but the key lies in how to face and use it. Looking back at a number of AI "resurrection" service cases that have been exposed before and recently, the main problem that has caused many disputes is whether stakeholders have informed consent and how to avoid risks. Some people who are exposed to "resurrection" are often unaware of this by their relatives, let alone by explicit authorization and consent of others. However, due to the special aura of public figures such as stars, even if they have passed away, there are also legal risks such as privacy disclosure, infringement, fraud, etc., which are very likely to bring about "secondary disasters".

It is not impossible to rely on this right now. Article 14 of the Provisions on the Administration of Deep Synthesis of Internet Information Services stipulates that "if deep synthesis service providers and technical supporters provide face, voice and other biometric information editing functions, they should prompt users of deep synthesis services to inform the edited individuals according to law and obtain their separate consent." Article 994 of the Civil Code of China also clearly stipulates that, "If the name, portrait, reputation, honor, privacy, and remains of the deceased are infringed, their spouses, children, and parents have the right to request the actor to bear civil liability according to law; if the deceased has no spouse, children, and parents have died, other close relatives have the right to request the actor to bear civil liability according to law."

However, it should also be noted that in the face of the rapid evolution of real life, law and regulation often lag behind. In the case of AI "resurrecting" the dead, there are some issues that can be explored and clarified. For example, among relatives, who has the right to "transfer" the deceased's portrait, voice and other data; How to properly keep or completely eliminate the collected data of the deceased, and how to clearly define the responsibilities of businesses and platforms; Where is the utilization boundary of the deceased's data, and who should bear the potential benefits or risks in the future... These are the details of the rules that may be faced and need to be solved with the development of AI technology.

Today, with the constant landing of new AI scenarios and the continuous acceleration of technology commercialization, the controversy caused by AI's "resurrection" of the dead provides people with timely and necessary cold thinking - technology is innocent, practice must be standardized. The purpose of technological development is for "people" to live and develop better. The more advanced the technological evolution is, the more we should be in awe of it. Only by keeping the ethical bottom line and the boundary of the rule of law can technology better benefit mankind.

(Editor in charge: Xu Yuhan, Qu Yuan)

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