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Marching towards spring and running towards dreams (talk today)

Xiang Xuesheng
February 19, 2024 05:37 | Source: People's Daily
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At the beginning of the New Year, new major projects were launched to make a good start; People are diligent and spring is early. Spring ploughing and preparation for ploughing are carried out from south to north. The spring tide of "field of hope" is surging; The window unit is warm, convenient and efficient, and strives to provide quality services... On the first working day after the Spring Festival holiday, people are full of holiday blessings and accumulated strength, and start a new struggle with a more full spirit.

At the 2024 Spring Festival reunion, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "In the Year of the Dragon, we hope that the people of the whole country can inspire the spirit of the dragon and the horse, and work hard to create a new chapter of Chinese style modernization with the driving force of the dragon and the tiger, and the fish leaping over the dragon." The mobile China is full of vitality and strives to make progress; The busy figure is full of energy and never stops. The economic warm current is surging, and the development pulse is strong. The myriad weather and prospect of striving to promote Chinese modernization are spreading in China.

Spring is the plan of the year. In the high spirited picture of the times, "every ordinary person has made extraordinary contributions". Heading for spring and running towards dreams, new answers are being written. Let us unite to gather strength, forge great achievements through struggle, work together with one heart, roll up our sleeves and work hard for a long time to create a better tomorrow.

People's Daily (February 19, 2024, Version 1)

(Editor in charge: Wei Jia, Qu Yuan)

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