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Provide strong ideological guarantee, strong spiritual force and favorable cultural conditions for the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation

——On Deeply Studying and Implementing Xi Jinping's Cultural Thoughts

Ren Zhongping
06:13, February 6, 2024 | Source: People's Daily
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Culture is about national origin and national fortune.

The Chinese civilization is the only great civilization in the world that has been developing continuously and in the form of a country. It is in the new historical direction of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation.

Chinese civilization and Chinese style modernization, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly put forward the topic of this era at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, and made a profound explanation——

"It is our new cultural mission in the new era to continue to promote cultural prosperity, build a cultural power and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation at a new starting point."

"Chinese style modernization gives modern power to Chinese civilization, and Chinese civilization gives Chinese style modernization profound connotation."

"Chinese style modernization is the old and new destiny of the Chinese nation, and will certainly promote the rejuvenation of Chinese civilization."

All great practices need the correct guidance of scientific theory. In October 2023, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held the National Conference on Propaganda, Ideology and Culture, which formally put forward Xi Jinping's cultural thought and held high the cultural banner of our party on the new journey.

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that "comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese style modernization is the central task of the Party and the country in the new era and the new journey, and is the biggest politics in the new era." At an important time node in the development of the cause of the Party and the country, the proposal of Xi Jinping's cultural thought is a milestone.

As a theoretical summary of the practical experience of the construction of the Party's leadership culture in the new era, this important thought provides a powerful ideological weapon and a scientific guide to action for doing well in the ideological and cultural work of the new era and new journey and shouldering the new cultural mission.

As the cultural part of Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, this important thought provides a strong ideological guarantee, a strong spiritual force and favorable cultural conditions for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation.


The guidance of thought is like a flag on the journey and a beacon on the voyage.

In the great practice of the new era, Xi Jinping's cultural thought shows its unique penetrating and inspiring power with the theoretical quality and open characteristics of "being bright and practical, and connecting with practical".

Hexi Corridor, the legend of Dunhuang for thousands of years; Jiangxi is the capital of porcelain. Through the historical dust, mountains and rivers, Dunhuang and Jingdezhen, two pearl of the Silk Road, are romantically reflected in the cultural tide of the new era. "Three Rabbits in One Ear" Zhu Tuo is in the cup, and "Dance and Music Flying" is floating on the wall of the bowl... Dunhuang culture and ceramic culture have been quenched and transformed. The ancient Chinese treasures and modern art forms are integrated with culture and tourism, culture and education, culture and innovation, and entertainment, and are rejuvenated in innovation driven and industrial empowerment. From grottoes to porcelain kilns, from color painting to blue and white, the millennium memory is integrated into the millennium skills, and people of insight at home and abroad gather together to jointly promote the marketization and internationalization of Chinese excellent traditional culture IP. Guests come from all directions and go around the world, witnessing the camel bell sail of international trade in the new era and playing the Silk Road movement of cultural exchanges in the new era. From this, we can appreciate the great practical power of "promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture".

"The excellent traditional Chinese culture created and continued by the Chinese nation in thousands of years of history is the root and soul of the Chinese nation" "Let the cultural relics collected in museums, the heritage displayed on the vast land, and the characters written in ancient books come alive"... Xi Jinping's cultural thought contains a series of major innovative ideas and a series of strategic arrangements, and is "smart and practical" It guides the Chinese civilization to keep singing and make a new start, and develops the modern form of Chinese civilization; Activates the "one pool of spring water" of Chinese culture, presenting a scene of "gloomy and gentle".

Adhere to the Party's cultural leadership, promote the coordinated development of material civilization and spiritual civilization, adhere to the "two combinations", shoulder the new cultural mission, strengthen cultural self-confidence, cultivate and practice the core socialist values, grasp the leading power of public opinion under the information conditions, widely gather social consensus, adhere to the people centered work orientation, and protect historical and cultural heritage, Building Chinese discourse and Chinese narrative system, and promoting exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations are the fundamental and principled contents of Xi Jinping's cultural thought, and become the basic framework of this important thought at the "body" level;

We will improve the system of using the Party's innovative theories to arm the whole Party, educate the people, and guide practice, fully implement the responsibility system for ideological work, promote the normalization and institutionalization of education of ideals and beliefs, integrate socialist core values into the rule of law, social development, and daily life, accelerate the construction of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics, and accelerate the construction of integration The integrated all media communication pattern, improve the comprehensive network governance system, launch more cultural masterpieces matching the new era, deepen the reform of the cultural system, strengthen the excavation and interpretation of China's excellent traditional culture, actively promote the protection and utilization of cultural relics and the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage, comprehensively promote the construction of the common spiritual home of the Chinese nation, and adhere to the direction of sinicization of China's religions, Strengthening the construction of international communication capacity, deepening the exchange and mutual learning of civilizations, and building a propaganda and ideological work team are the strategic deployment of these 16 aspects, which are an integral part of Xi Jinping's cultural ideology and become the main connotation of this important ideology at the "use" level.

Xi Jinping's cultural thought has both innovation and breakthrough in cultural theory and layout and deployment in cultural work; There are both epistemology at the ideological level and methodology at the practical level, forming a scientific and systematic ideological system. This important thought deeply answers the fundamental questions of what banner to hold, what road to take, what principles to adhere to, and what goals to achieve in the new era of China's cultural construction. It is the crystallization of the thought of adhering to the "two combinations" and promoting the innovative development of Marxist cultural theory, opening up a new realm of Marxist cultural theory; It has comprehensively spread the basic framework and overall layout of ideological and cultural work, defined the roadmap and task book of cultural construction in the new era, and provided comprehensive guidance for further promoting the construction of a cultural power.

The towering Tiger Hill Pagoda is a thousand year old Suzhou City. The bluestone slabs on Pingjiang Road were either from the Song and Yuan Dynasties, or from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. They were also repaired after the founding of New China, and the civilization roots of China extended under the feet. The "Wumen Wangting" Grand Canal Culture and Sports Museum, the "Maple Bridge Night Mooring" characteristic boat, the millennium cultural charm and modern economy coexist harmoniously, and the humanistic economics of the new era weaves the "double-sided embroidery" of economic prosperity and cultural prosperity. From this, we can explore the mystery of "where the culture is very developed, the economy is still ahead".

"Building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation is an inevitable requirement for promoting Chinese style modernization" "Promoting high-quality development, culture is an important fulcrum"... Xi Jinping's cultural thought profoundly reveals the internal requirements and objective laws of the construction of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, guides the integration, interaction and development of culture and economy in the "integration of practice and application", Cultivate development advantages, promote development to a higher level, and show more vigorous vitality; Economize the culture, activate the millennium culture, stimulate the cultural potential, and show the strong vitality of Chinese culture.

"Anyone who has a good command of culture should be able to use it." From generalizing the regular understanding of propaganda and ideological work with "nine insistences", to clarifying the "fourteen emphases" in cultural construction, to putting forward the important requirements of "seven efforts" in propaganda and ideological and cultural work... Xi Jinping's cultural thought is "physically and practically connected", and "physically" and "practically" are organically unified, that is, what Why, what to do and how to do it, not only deploy the task of "crossing the river", but also guide the solution of the problem of "bridge or boat", which systematically answers the major issue of what kind of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics to adhere to and develop in the new era, and how to adhere to and develop socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, highlighting the prominent feature of Marxism, practicality, It is the creative application and development of the living soul of Marxism in cultural practice.

Drink the same river and draw the map of Jiuzhou together. The Yangtze River, once "seriously ill", has seen the beautiful scenery of "a river flowing eastward" reappear. The "smiling spirit" finless porpoise has returned. The "riverside rust belt" has become the "riverside green belt". New industries, new forms of business, and new driving forces are emerging. The economic and social development of provinces and cities along the river has been "comprehensively green transformation". General Secretary Xi Jinping highly summarized the "five major changes" in the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, with the concept change in the first place: "there has been a major change in thinking and understanding, and it has become a consensus to jointly focus on major protection and not engage in major development.". "The Yangtze River is the mother river of the Chinese nation, and also an important support for the development of the Chinese nation" "We should follow the concept of the unity of heaven and man, and follow the law of nature, and seek the path of sustainable development"... From this, we can understand that "we should connect the essence of Marxism with the essence of Chinese excellent traditional culture, and integrate with the common values that the people use daily without being aware of" The power of thought.

"The people's aspiration for a better life is our goal", "The country is the people, the people is the country", "Green water and green mountains are the golden mountains and silver mountains"... General Secretary Xi Jinping insists on "two combinations", insists on making the past serve the present, weeds out the old to bring forth the new, and uses Marxism to activate the outstanding factors with vitality in the excellent traditional Chinese culture and endow new era connotation, Deeply inject the great spirit and rich wisdom of the Chinese nation into Marxism, pay attention to drawing theoretical innovation wisdom from the creation of the people, put forward a series of new ideas, new ideas and new assertions, which are grounded, gather the wisdom of the people, conform to the public opinion, win the hearts of the people, and are loved, recognized and owned by the people, fully demonstrating the "penetration" of sinicized and contemporary Marxism The distinctive characteristics of "integration" and the essential attribute of the people's nature fully demonstrate the powerful power of Xi Jinping's cultural thought to cultivate vitality through literature and forge soul through concentration.

Marxism is a developing and open theory. It is the secret for Marxism to maintain its vitality to unify the adherence to Marxism and the development of Marxism, and to constantly create new theories in combination with new practice——

As "a constantly expanding and open ideological system", reflecting the distinctive feature of openness, Xi Jinping's cultural thought has opened up space for innovation, indicating that our Party's historical and cultural self-confidence has reached a new height.

The formation of Xi Jinping's cultural thought fully proves that "the second combination" is another ideological liberation, which enables us to grasp the ideological and cultural initiative, make full use of the precious resources of Chinese excellent traditional culture in a broader cultural space, and explore theoretical and institutional innovation for the future.

Scientific theory always interacts with great practice. The world today is undergoing unprecedented changes in a century. At a critical period of national rejuvenation, contemporary China is undergoing the most extensive and profound social change in history. It is promoting the Chinese style modernization, a very grand and unique practical innovation in human history The new examination questions put forward by the questions of the times are more complex and difficult than in the past. It is urgent for us to submit answers from the combination of theory and practice. To promote theoretical innovation based on practice, answer practical questions, and lead the development of practice, Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era will continue to open up a new realm of Marxism's sinicization and modernization, and show a more powerful and persuasive force of truth.


The soul of a country is shaped by literature. Today, under the guidance of Xi Jinping's cultural ideology, Chinese style modernization gives modern power to Chinese civilization, and injects strong spiritual power into the overall construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation.

At the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the "Malan Huaer Children's Choir" moved the audience and amazed the world. These children who sing the Olympic song in Greek come from Fuping County, Hebei Province, deep in the Taihang Mountains. It is an old revolutionary base area, and was once a key county in the national poverty alleviation work. It is known far and near as a "poverty-stricken nest". Pulling out the roots of poverty, prospering industries, improving the environment, strengthening the spirit, and achieving fruitful results in poverty alleviation, the per capita disposable income of rural residents in Fuping has nearly quadrupled from 2012 to 2021, and the happy songs of children ripple from the heart to the mountains, more resounding on the world stage. Like the sound of nature, it sings the confidence of the mountain doll, the happiness of more than 100000 people in Fuping County who have been lifted out of poverty, and the aspiration of hundreds of millions of people on the new journey to constantly strive for self-improvement.

Cultural confidence is a more basic, broader and deeper confidence, and a more basic, deeper and more lasting force. The grand China, with its long history and vast civilization, is the foundation and source of our confidence. When China's modernization has achieved great achievements that have attracted worldwide attention, and when China has made great strides to catch up with and lead the times, the confidence of the Chinese people has poured out like the sun. Today, Chinese style modernization is "clearer, more scientific, more sensible and feasible". Material civilization and spiritual civilization coordinate and promote each other. The modern power of Chinese civilization has enabled hundreds of millions of people to radiate a stronger historical consciousness and initiative.

This is the cultural shaping power of "promoting industry and cultivating talent through literature", which has cultivated strategic confidence in building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation. From the continuous promotion of digital transformation and digital sharing of cultural relics resources, to the compilation and publication of Renaissance Library and "Chinese Painting Series of Past Dynasties", from the completion of cultural palaces such as the History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China and the National Edition Hall of China, to the blooming of masterpieces such as Changjin Lake, The World, Snow Mountain and Earth, etc, Chinese culture shines new light, Chinese civilization inspires new vitality, and spiritual and cultural life is rich and colorful. More and more Chinese people are watching cultural nostalgia in the historical source, and strengthening cultural self-confidence in the spirit of the times.

This is the spiritual strength of "striving for success", which greatly enhances the ambition of building a strong country and national rejuvenation. With the sky as the plate and the stars as the seeds, "Shenzhou", "Beidou", "Chang'e", "Zhurong" and "Xihe" interpret the unique "Chinese romance" in the vast universe. With the earth as the scroll and sweat as the ink, we will build the world's fastest railway, the longest bridge, the busiest port, the world's largest education system, social security system, medical and health system, and paint a vibrant and steaming China. Looking back on the past struggle, the great achievements of the new era are the work of the Party and the people; Looking ahead, the Chinese people will have a stronger driving force, a higher spirit of struggle, and a stronger belief in winning!

This is the enterprising quality of "bold exploration and pioneering", which has greatly strengthened the backbone of building a strong country and national rejuvenation. The innovation and creation of the new era has made the Chinese people more confident in "looking at the world at a level", further activated the great creative spirit, and let the vitality of cultural innovation and creation of the whole nation flow fully. Today, "treat science with a scientific attitude and pursue truth with the spirit of truth", and theoretical innovation timely and scientifically answers new topics of the times; "Must be based on the law of historical development, must move in the right direction of history", practice and innovation continue to open up new horizons for China's development; "We should not only maintain the stability and continuity of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and the national governance system, but also constantly enhance their development and innovation". Institutional innovation promotes the continuous transformation of institutional advantages into governance effectiveness; "Adhering to creative transformation and innovative development", cultural innovation has achieved the magnificent atmosphere of "magnificent mountains, heroic people, and promising future"... Standing up in the tide of revitalizing the old and embracing the new, opening up a new situation in the process of advancing with the times, the Chinese people have walked all the way in innovation, and will certainly move towards the future in innovation.

This is the heroic spirit of "unity is strength", which greatly enhances the confidence in building a strong country and national rejuvenation. Looking back on the magnificent journey of the new era, it is the strength of unity that is "harder than iron, stronger than steel", and the unremitting struggle to "move forward without hindrance". It has enabled us to constantly climb the slope and cross the ridge, attack the city and remove the stronghold, and created a miracle in the world that "people are united, and Mount Tai moves". "The leadership of the Communist Party of China, the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the support and support of the broad masses of the people are our greatest strengths." On the new journey, more than 1.4 billion Chinese people think about one place, work hard to one place, and work together in the same boat to build a city. There is nothing that can not be done or overcome.

In Yan'an, on the Loess Plateau in northern Shaanxi, the apple planting area accounts for about 1/9 of the country and 1/20 of the world. More than 60% of the city's farmers' operating income comes from the apple industry. After the closing of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Yan'an, Shaanxi Province for his first inspection trip, praised "vigorously developing the apple planting industry is the best and most suitable industry with great prospects", and emphasized "implementing the policies of enriching the people one by one and accelerating the modernization of agriculture and rural areas".

New starting point, new business type, new driving force and new advantages -- Apple has "no worries about sales" by catching the fast train of the Internet era; Taking advantage of the "Belt and Road" initiative, Apple is "renowned overseas"; Exploring the "insurance+futures" model, Apple "hedging"... In the new era, "red apples" become "golden apples", and the harvest scene reflects the development climate.

Today, the firm confidence in creating a happy and beautiful life, the spirit of struggle, innovative temperament, and solidarity embodied in this Apple, and the ambition, backbone, and bottom spirit of doing business reflected by this Apple reflect the value pursuit of "the Communist Party's leadership is to work for the people and do well in the affairs of hundreds of people", It has long been deeply integrated into the practice of Chinese modernization of "making people live a better life".

Spiritually, a nation can stand firm and stand up to the tide in the torrent of history. Looking back on the history of more than 100 years of struggle, the reason why our Party has gone through vicissitudes of life and is in its prime and enduring hardships is because of such a strong spirit of revolution and hard work. In the great practice since the new era, the spirit of poverty alleviation, the spirit of epidemic resistance, the spirit of "three bulls", the spirit of scientists, entrepreneurship, the spirit of exploring the moon, the spirit of Beidou in the new era, the spirit of the Silk Road and other great spirits forged have been deeply integrated into the blood of our party, country, nation and people, and become historic achievements in promoting the cause of the party and country in the new era The precious spiritual wealth of historic changes is a strong spiritual power that inspires us to march forward courageously.

It is the lofty pursuit of Chinese modernization to be both material and spiritual. Chinese style modernization is the cause of all Chinese people. We must pool the infinite wisdom and strength hidden in the people and fully stimulate the historical initiative of all people. On the new journey, guided by Xi Jinping's cultural ideology, we will continue to enrich the people's spiritual world, improve the level of civilization of the whole society, and promote the all-round development of people, so that all people will always have the ideological foundation of unity and struggle, the pioneering spirit, and the healthy pursuit of values, and turn it into a powerful force for building a strong country and national rejuvenation, We will surely write a more splendid chapter of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, and promote the rejuvenation of Chinese civilization.

From the helpless sigh of "people can't go all the way", "people are inferior to people in everything" and "can Chinese people modernize" after modern times, to the spirit of the Chinese people over the past hundred years, from passive to active, from negative to positive, from pessimistic to optimistic, from inferiority to self-improvement, and to today, the Chinese people are more confident, independent, and self strengthening, Zhengxin is confident to write the great history of China's development in the new era, and one conclusion is particularly clear——

"Any culture must have its own subjectivity if it wants to stand up and go far, and if it wants to have leadership, cohesion, shaping power, and radiation power." The Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, founded in adhering to the "two combinations", is the most powerful embodiment of this cultural subjectivity and becomes the essence of the times of Chinese culture and Chinese spirit. As the cultural part of this important thought, Xi Jinping's cultural thought was formed and constantly enriched in the great practice of building a socialist culture with Chinese characteristics in the new era, marking that our party's understanding of the laws of building a socialist culture with Chinese characteristics has reached a new height, meaning that our party has a strong cultural force to lead the new era.

After thousands of years of trials and tribulations, the Chinese civilization is glorious and charming. Continuing the millennium culture, the right path in the world is stretching at our feet.


The reason why Chinese style modernization is called "China" is that it is deeply rooted in the excellent traditional Chinese culture and nourished by the Chinese civilization. Today, under the guidance of Xi Jinping's cultural ideology, Chinese civilization has given a deep foundation to Chinese style modernization, which has laid a solid cultural foundation and created favorable cultural conditions for comprehensively promoting the construction of a powerful country and the great cause of national rejuvenation.

"Where do we come from? Where do we go? Today, I remind myself all the time to have such a sense of history." General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward a series of landmark, original and strategic ideas, which are full of the wisdom of the ancient Chinese civilization and the characteristics of the times that nurture the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, It will guide us to better understand the historical necessity, cultural connotation and unique advantages of China's road.

"Common prosperity is a basic goal of Marxism and a basic ideal of our people since ancient times." General Secretary Xi Jinping explained the cultural foundation of common prosperity in this way. Therefore, we can better understand why common prosperity of all people is the essential feature of Chinese modernization——

It organically combines the ideas of "truly realizing social sharing and realizing everyone's free and comprehensive development" conceived by Marx and Engels with the ideas of "not suffering from poverty but suffering from inequality", "not suffering from poverty but suffering from insecurity", "the old and the old, the young and the young" in Chinese traditional culture, and the ideals of "small health" and "great harmony", Our party endows common prosperity with theoretical height and historical details. The people-oriented thought of "the people are the foundation of the country, the foundation is firm and the country is peaceful" is integrated with the development thought of adhering to the people as the center; The governance concept of "the way to govern the country, enriching the people as the beginning" runs through the original mission of benefiting the people; The beautiful vision of "rich and poor are moderate" and "benefit the world together" is reflected in the unremitting pursuit of resolutely preventing polarization... On the road to modernization, the Chinese Communists are assiduously pursuing "common prosperity for all people" and are committed to "realizing the people's direction for a better life".

"The construction of ecological civilization is the fundamental plan for the sustainable development of the Chinese nation. The Chinese nation has always respected and loved nature, and the Chinese civilization, which has lasted for more than 5000 years, is pregnant with a rich ecological culture." General Secretary Xi Jinping explained the cultural roots of harmonious coexistence between man and nature in this way. Therefore, we can better understand why the harmonious coexistence of man and nature is the distinctive feature of Chinese modernization——

From the dialectics of "all things have their own way of life, and each has its own way of life", we can better understand the internal logic of "adhering to the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand"; From the view of nature that "when it is not against the agricultural season, the valley cannot be eaten better; when it is not against the farming season, the fish and turtles cannot be eaten better", we can better understand the strategic consideration of "joint protection and no development"... Drawing on the rich nourishment of more than 5000 years of Chinese civilization, instead of following the old path of "pollution first, treatment later" in some western countries, China is striving to build a modern harmonious coexistence between man and nature, What we inherit and develop is the Marxist thought on the relationship between man and nature, which is rooted in the ecological concept of the Chinese civilization of the unity of nature and man, and the coexistence of all things, and sets up a new civilization benchmark for human modernization.

"Respect for Peace" conveys the desire and belief of China and the Chinese people to seek peace, development, cooperation and win-win results ", General Secretary Xi Jinping explained the profound and profound meaning of" Respect for Peace "presented to the United Nations. Therefore, we can better understand why taking the path of peaceful development is the prominent feature of Chinese style modernization——

The social ideal of "the world is public" and "the world is in harmony", the way of communication of "faithfulness and harmony" and "kindheartedness and good neighborliness", the principle of "the people and things are in harmony with all nations", the wisdom of harmony of "harmony is valued" and "harmony without uniformity", the brave and resolute responsibility of "strength does not hold the weak, and wealth does not bully the poor", "although the country is large, belligerent will perish", and "war will be turned into treasure" The ancient maxim of... drawing rich wisdom from these cultural origins of quiet waters, China has always stood on the right side of history and the progress of human civilization, seeking its own development in the firm maintenance of world peace and development, and better maintaining world peace and development with its own development.


The Chinese civilization, which has a long history and is broad and profound, has bred the modernization of a huge population, the modernization of common prosperity for all people, the modernization of coordinated material and spiritual civilization, the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and the modernization of taking the path of peaceful development. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that we are "committed to unity and struggle to let all Chinese people move towards modernization together", "committed to common prosperity, so that every Chinese can live a better life", "committed to comprehensive development, so that people's material and spiritual world are equally rich", "committed to sustainable development, so that people and nature can coexist in harmony" "Committed to peaceful development and promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind". These "Five Commitments" are easy to understand and explain the main characteristics of Chinese modernization in simple terms, so that the outside world can further understand the mission of the Communist Party of China and China's development path. Xi Jinping's cultural thought deeply grasps the development law of human civilization, draws wisdom from the more than 5000 years of civilization history of the Chinese nation, guides hundreds of millions of people to promote civilization renewal and cultural creation, enriches and develops the cultural form of Chinese style modernization, and opens up a new path for future oriented civilization development.

"Why is our socialism different? Why can it be vibrant and full of vitality? The key lies in the Chinese characteristics. The key to the Chinese characteristics lies in the 'combination of two'." When China leaped from "a country late for modernization" to "a growth pole of world modernization", When the world saw "a new form of human civilization" from the successful practice of Chinese modernization, and when the prediction of historians that "Chinese civilization will become the leader of the world" gradually became reality, Today's Chinese people are more calm and determined: "It is the only way to open up and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics on the basis of more than 5000 years of Chinese civilization, and to combine the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and excellent traditional Chinese culture. This is our regular understanding in exploring the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and it is our greatest magic weapon for success. "

UNESCO proposed that "development should ultimately be defined by the concept of culture, and cultural prosperity is the highest goal of development". The biathlon in Qiandongnan, Guizhou, not only shows a new atmosphere of prosperity and development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries in the new era, but also provides us with a new window to observe Chinese modernization.

The "Village BA" in Taijiang and the "Village Superman" in Rongjiang were watched by tens of thousands of people on the spot, with tens of billions of online views. The masses were the main creators, the masses were the protagonists, and the masses were the main promoters. The joy and cheers of the audience were full, creating a mass cultural and sports feast that was praised nationally and internationally.

To achieve a well-off society in an all-round way and promote national fitness, once poor remote villages have become rich in pockets and heads, and the roads are clear to welcome visitors. In the name of sports, let the culture sing, sweat like rain on the field, gongs and drums roar, and sing and dance outside the field, with delicious food. Cultural and sports empowerment industry, village level events "play" to the hearts of the people, customs and scenery "melt" into the blood of national unity, agricultural interest and taste "run" out of the new track of comprehensive rural revitalization, colorful Guizhou has written new stories in the journey of Chinese modernization, vividly showing the profound connotation of Chinese modernization from one side, with extremely strong vitality and vitality.

"Chinese style modernization is the modernization of continuing the ancient civilization, not the modernization of eliminating the ancient civilization; it is the modernization of growing out of the land of China, not copying the modernization of other countries; it is the result of civilization renewal, not the product of civilization rupture." The vivid practice of Xi Jinping's cultural thought fully shows that "the second combination" It has made the socialist road with Chinese characteristics have a broader and deeper history, expanded the cultural foundation of the socialist road with Chinese characteristics, and filled the Chinese modernization with a distinctive Chinese atmosphere.

The long river of civilization is surging forward, the waves of thought are surging, and our road will be wider and wider.


At the end of 2022, a Chinese TV play will be broadcast in Egypt.

"The Chinese people today are hard won." The story of people building homes and planting fungus in small towns in western China deeply touched the hearts of audiences in the Arab world. The Chinese name of this TV play is Mountain and Sea Sentiment, while the Arabic translation is more direct - Immigration to Happiness.

The going out of Mountain and Sea Sentiment not only shows that the Chinese culture is better going to the world, the national cultural soft power and the influence of Chinese culture are constantly improving, but also reflects the "another picture" of modernization.

The resonance across mountains and seas originates from the common yearning for a better life. For more than 20 years, Chinese agricultural technology experts have traveled across the oceans, and the fungus planting technology trained hand in hand has taken root in more than 100 countries and regions, creating hundreds of thousands of local employment opportunities, and more people are moving towards happiness through "Chinese fungus".

"It is for the benefit of the Chinese people and the common development of the world". "What we are pursuing is not China's sole modernization, but our desire to work with other countries, including developing countries, to achieve modernization together." Since the new era, the unique world outlook, values, history, civilization, democracy, ecology, etc. contained in Chinese style modernization and its great practice, It is not only a major innovation in the theory and practice of world modernization, but also shows a new picture different from the western modernization model, represents the development direction of human civilization progress, and provides a Chinese scheme for human exploration of a better social system.

We will seek happiness for the Chinese people, rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, progress for mankind, and common ground for the world. Today, the world is in turmoil, and changes in the past century are accelerating. How to solve the development deficit, solve the security dilemma, and strengthen mutual learning among civilizations is a common issue of the times facing mankind. "Carry forward the common values of all mankind contained in Chinese civilization", General Secretary Xi Jinping drew wisdom and nutrients from more than 5000 years of Chinese civilization, deeply answered the questions of the times such as "what kind of world to build and how to build this world", creatively put forward major ideas and propositions such as building a community with a shared future for mankind Promoting the progress of human civilization provides correct spiritual guidance——

Great harmony and harmony in the world are the Chinese nation's beautiful vision of human society since ancient times, and also the cultural source of the idea of building a community with a shared future for mankind. "There is only one earth in the universe, and mankind has a common home" and "mankind is a community of common destiny with both prosperity and loss". General Secretary Xi Jinping, proceeding from the common interests of China and the world, and the future and destiny of all mankind, put forward the major concept of building a community of common destiny for mankind, which has been written into important documents of multilateral mechanisms such as the United Nations and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization for many times. This Chinese plan, which embodies the historical wisdom of "One Family Under Heaven", "A Journey of the Great Way, and the World is Public", embodies the greatest common denominator for people of all countries to jointly build a better world, and becomes a glorious banner leading the progress of the times.

"The reason why the ancient Silk Road is famous in history is not because of horses and spears, but because of camel caravans and goodwill; not because of strong ships and guns, but because of treasure ships and friendship.". "There are bosom friends in the sea, and the world is as close as a neighbor", "When it comes to calculating the benefits of the world", General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed a major initiative to jointly build the "Belt and Road", and more than 150 countries and more than 30 international organizations signed cooperation documents to jointly build the "Belt and Road". This "great plan with magnet like attraction", which comes from the depths of history and is full of oriental wisdom, makes "the place flowing milk and honey" interconnected again, makes "the land locked country" become "the land linked country", and provides a strong impetus for promoting the construction of an open, inclusive, interconnected and common development world.

Benefiting and benefiting the people, pacifying and enriching the people are the distinctive value orientation of Chinese civilization. "Development is the key to solving all kinds of problems and achieving people's happiness", "making efforts not to let any country fall behind", "thinking of the future of mankind and the well-being of the people", General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed a global development initiative based on the well-being of all mankind, which has received support from more than 100 countries and international organizations, including the United Nations, More than 70 countries have joined the Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative. This major initiative, which highlights the ideological foundation of "people first" and "people first", aims to promote more robust, green and healthy global development, form a development pattern of inclusive, balanced, coordinated, win-win cooperation and common prosperity, and build a global development community.

"Governing the country is always rich, while chaos is always poor." The Chinese civilization has outstanding peace. The gene of peace is deeply rooted in the blood of the Chinese nation. The idea of peaceful development is the inherent gene of Chinese culture. "Security is the prerequisite for development, and mankind is an indivisible security community." At an important historical juncture, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the global security initiative, advocated adhering to the common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security concept, and walked out of a new security path of dialogue without confrontation, partnership without alliance, and win-win rather than zero sum. This major initiative, which inherits the concepts of "peace is the most precious" and "harmony, cooperation and coexistence", aims to promote the world to live in peace and danger, build a community of human security, let the sunshine of peace illuminate the world, and inject stability and positive energy into the world.

"The Chinese civilization has never used a single culture to replace multiple cultures. Instead, multiple cultures have converged into a common culture, resolved conflicts, and gathered consensus." The reason why Chinese culture is so colorful, extensive, and profound is that it is inclusive. "Variety is the essence of human civilization", "Civilization is colorful because of exchanges, and civilization is rich because of mutual learning", General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the global civilization initiative, emphasizing promoting the diversity of world civilizations, carrying forward the common values of all mankind, and strengthening people to people and cultural exchanges and cooperation. This major initiative originated from the concept of "harmony without uniformity", "the beauty of harmony lies in harmony with diversity", and adheres to the concept of equality, mutual learning, dialogue, and inclusiveness. It aims to promote the inclusive coexistence of different civilizations, continue the flame of human civilization, prosper the garden of world civilizations, and inject strong impetus into promoting exchanges and mutual learning of human civilizations.


The essence of modernization is the modernization of people, and the people are the most solid foundation and the deepest force to promote modernization. "The ultimate goal of modernization is to realize the free and comprehensive development of people. Whether the modernization path can be successfully and steadily pursued depends on whether the people are the center." Faced with the question of modernization at the historical crossroads, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly put forward such major propositions as "the people's nature of the modernization direction", Deeply pointed out that "world modernization should be a modernization of peaceful development, mutual benefit and cooperation, and common prosperity", pointing out the right direction for countries to join hands on the road of modernization, improve the well-being of people in all countries, and forge ahead on the road to building a community with a shared future for mankind.

With 10000 years of cultural history, 5000 years of civilization history, and excellent ideological and cultural resources in "the sum of human knowledge", China has gone to the world. Adhering to the profound cultural awareness, cultural values and cultural spirit of the Chinese nation, and adhering to the broad cultural bearing, cultural vision and cultural mind of the Chinese nation, Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts are theoretical achievements rooted in the fertile soil of Chinese culture and seeking rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, as well as the ideological achievements of sharing the world's road and seeking common ground for the world, creating a new form of human civilization China has contributed its wisdom to the modernization of countries around the world and led the development and progress of human civilization, injected profound and lasting cultural power into the building of a community with a shared future for mankind and a better world, and demonstrated to the world that China is "capable of providing the world with the gifts that China and the world need".

"China in the future will embrace the world with a more open attitude and contribute to the world with a more dynamic civilization." Standing on the vast land of China, sucking the cultural nutrients accumulated by the Chinese nation through long struggle, constantly enriching and developing new forms of human civilization, and promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, we are full of ambition and pride!


The wind rises in the east, and the Qianjiang River surges.

In the opening and closing ceremonies of the Hangzhou Asian Games, the jade birds of Liangzhu culture flew by in the way of holographic projection; The Gongchen Bridge on the Grand Canal connects white bricks and green tiles with high-rise buildings through digital panoramic stereo imaging technology; The "digital torchbearers", gathered by more than 100 million people participating in the digital torch relay, crossed the Qiantang River, ran into the "big lotus" and lit the torch with the athletes.

From thousands of years of history, we have integrated into the digital era of interconnection of all things, and we are heading for a broader world and a more distant future. This reveals a truth: the Chinese culture has always maintained its vitality in the "alignment" with the times, and the modern civilization of the Chinese nation has unparalleled inclusiveness and innovation.

Culture, like water, is silent. Today, when hundreds of millions of people have the new identity of "netizen", what color will the online world and the digital era paint on the cultural landscape and spiritual landscape? Facing the opportunities and challenges brought by artificial intelligence, how to guide "intelligence for good"? When new cultural scenes are constantly opened, only by grasping "old" and "new", unifying "constant" and "change", and integrating "you", "me" and "others" can we truly "stand firm" in culture.

The courage of "self creation" and the vision of "opening up the atmosphere" are all to locate the cultural coordinates on the road of rejuvenation in the context of the cultural pedigree and the turbulent cultural landscape that have been inherited endlessly. To forge ahead with the new journey of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, we should adhere to the leadership of Xi Jinping's cultural ideology, better shoulder the new cultural mission, work hard on deepening theoretical armed forces, improving the ability to guide public opinion, improving the construction of innovative spiritual civilization, promoting cultural prosperity, and enhancing the effectiveness of international communication, Efforts should be made to prevent and defuse ideological risks, work well with a high degree of political consciousness, full of spirit, strong will to fight, and scientific thinking methods, and constantly create a new situation of propaganda, ideological and cultural work, so as to provide a strong value guiding force, cultural cohesion, and spiritual driving force for the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation.

The land standing at the foot is the vast land where the endless and shining Chinese civilization was born; The resounding waves come from the surging tide of the Yangtze River and Yellow River flowing into the sea. On the new journey, let us strengthen our cultural self-confidence, firm determination to remain true to our ideals, and adhere to our own path, always base ourselves on the great historical practice and contemporary practice of the Chinese nation, summarize Chinese experience with Chinese principles, upgrade Chinese experience to Chinese theory, achieve spiritual independence, and integrate cultural self-confidence into the spirit and cultural character of the whole nation, Show an uplifting style and cultivate a rational and peaceful attitude.

The Chinese civilization and other civilizations in the world exchange what they need and learn from each other. They have always been absorbing and absorbing from each other. On the new journey, let us uphold openness and inclusiveness, break the barriers of cultural exchanges with the mind of embracing all rivers, better promote the Chinese culture to go global with a confident and open attitude, constantly improve the country's cultural soft power and influence of Chinese culture, and promote the Chinese civilization to glow with new vitality in exchanges and mutual learning with other civilizations.

"We are engaged in a great cause that has never been done before. Only by being honest can we not lose our direction and make subversive mistakes, and only by being innovative can we grasp the times and lead the times." On the new journey, let's stick to being honest and innovative, and stick to the spirit of Marxism and the root of China's excellent traditional culture, Effectively connect the essence of Marxism with the essence of China's excellent traditional culture, constantly summarize and refine the essence of the times in observing, grasping and leading the times, discover and develop the truth in practice, use practice to realize and test the truth, and constantly climb new ideological peaks.

Where history begins, culture begins; Where the future goes, the thought will extend.


On the eve of the founding of New China, Comrade Mao Zedong had this vision: "With the arrival of the climax of economic construction, there will inevitably be a climax of cultural construction... We will appear in the world as a nation with high culture."

Like a magnificent river, the Chinese civilization has come all the way, nourishing the Chinese nation and pouring out the vitality of the land of China. When the Chinese style modernization marked the direction of the Chinese civilization, opened up the space for innovation of the Chinese civilization, and stimulated the strong appeal of the Chinese civilization, General Secretary Xi Jinping firmly said: "The Chinese civilization has a long history, never stopped, shaped our great nation, and this nation will continue to grow."

Today, we are closer to, more confident and capable of achieving the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation than at any time in history. Chinese style modernization is a grand undertaking full of risks and challenges and requires painstaking efforts. Focusing on the biggest politics of promoting Chinese style modernization, we should firmly grasp the new cultural mission of the new era, focus on the primary political task of arming the whole party and educating the people with the Party's innovative theory, develop and strengthen the mainstream values, mainstream public opinion and mainstream culture, and provide a strong ideological guarantee and a strong spiritual force for comprehensively promoting the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation Favorable cultural conditions are the call of the mission and the necessity of the times.

The expedition towards the glorious dream and the bright and grand future, we will unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply study and implement Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishment", strengthen the "four consciousness" and firm the "four self-confidence" To achieve "two maintenance", blow the horn of culture, raise the sails of culture, continue the historical context, and compose the contemporary Chinese chapter——

We have such a mind: "The best inheritance of history is to create a new history, and the greatest respect for human civilization is to create a new form of human civilization."

We have such lofty sentiments: "The Chinese nation has created a long history of Chinese culture, and the Chinese nation will also be able to create a new glory of Chinese culture."

We are confident that "contemporary Chinese Communists and the Chinese people should and will be able to shoulder the new cultural mission, create culture in practice, and achieve cultural progress in historical progress!"

The journey is long, and literature is used to transform people.

The main road is like a rock, and there is no limit to the practitioners.

People's Daily (February 6, 2024, Version 1)

(Editor in charge: Yang Guangyu, Qu Yuan)

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