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People's online review: improve the protection ability, and be healthy for the New Year

——The seventh of the series of comments on "Having a Safe and Happy Chinese Year"

North Shore
19:13, February 5, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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As many people have set foot on the road of returning home, the smell of the 2024 Dragon Year Spring Festival is getting stronger. How to live a happy and peaceful year in good health is a matter of practical concern to the masses.

Recently, the COVID-19 epidemic in China fluctuated at a low level, and the number of people infected with influenza and mycoplasma pneumoniae fell back. Seeing from the flow of people, the tourism boom between the north and the south in China continues, and the large-scale flow and gathering of people tend to accelerate the spread of respiratory diseases; Judging from the weather change, there is a wide range of persistent low temperature, snow and freezing weather in the central and eastern regions. The rain and snow cover a wide range and last for a long time, which may have adverse effects on the health of the masses. To sum up, respiratory diseases will maintain a certain prevalence level before and after the Spring Festival, and it is vital to do everything possible to ensure the health of the people during the Spring Festival.

A happy and peaceful Spring Festival should be a healthy Spring Festival. No matter where and how the masses spend the Spring Festival, it is crucial to improve their protection ability in combination with their own physical conditions, local climate conditions and other factors. Local government departments should also strengthen all aspects of security, do a good job in management and service, and escort the masses to spend a healthy and safe New Year holiday.

To improve the protection, the focus is on improving the medical diagnosis and treatment. This puts forward higher requirements for medical and health institutions everywhere. The National Health Commission has made special arrangements for prevention and control before and after the Spring Festival. Strengthen on duty duty, maintain the state of emergency preparedness, make overall arrangements for medical and health resources and professional forces, ensure that the "120" emergency hotline is open 24 hours a day, and fever clinics and consulting rooms in hospitals above the second level and grass-roots medical and health institutions should be open... Strengthen the medical force, arrange medical service guarantee work during the festival, and better meet the medical and emergency needs of the masses. It is worth mentioning that some grass-roots community health service centers open outpatient clinics during the festival, and family doctors issue "long prescriptions" for patients with chronic diseases to ensure that the drug use of relevant people is guaranteed. We will do a solid job in medical diagnosis and treatment services, disease monitoring and early warning, and lay a solid foundation for the health of the masses.

To improve the protection, we should also pay attention to improving the immunity of the masses. The health of the masses is closely related to their own immunity. During the Spring Festival, activities such as visiting relatives and friends, dinner parties and so on increase, and a little carelessness will increase the body's "load", directly or indirectly affecting health. In this sense, the general public should consciously balance the demand for healthy diet during the festival. Only scientific and reasonable nutrition intake can help improve self immunity. For example, try to diversify food, remember not to overeat, keep the same eating and rest patterns as usual, and do not drink or drink less, etc. Efforts should be made to ensure a reasonable diet, balanced nutrition, scientific exercise, regular work and rest, and a strong immunity, optimistic and upward mental state as support, so as to better prevent and resist diseases.

Everyone should be the "first responsible person" for their own health, as well as the "key responsible person" for the health of family members. During the festival, health and safety should be put first in all aspects of travel, parties, daily life and good habits. All departments at all levels should take practical actions, take appropriate measures and ensure strong support; The broad masses should also take practical action to become self aware and raise their awareness. With the joint efforts of all parties, we will keep the line of health and weave the safety net. Happiness and health will become the warm background of the Spring Festival.

Related links:

People's Online Review: Improve Spring Festival "Happiness Index" with "Caring for Temperature"

People's online review: Answer the "examination paper" of Spring Festival travel

People's online review: identify potential risks and build security lines

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        People's Online Review: Celebrate the Spring Festival in a civilized way

(Editor in charge: Yin Shen, Qu Yuan)

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