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The third comment on "What is patriotism" on People's Daily Online: handle "touch porcelain" patriotism according to law

Qiu Feng
08:38, February 4, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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In recent years, there has been a strange phenomenon of "porcelain touch" patriotism in the public opinion field. Some social networking accounts, under the banner of "patriotism", feast on patriotic traffic meals. However, when the sword moves sideways, they earn a lot of money. However, some netizens pursue them when they make a big fortune.

Such acts do great harm. On the one hand, it harms the reality of the country in the name of patriotism, harms the most simple emotional identity of the public, and also stigmatizes patriotism; On the other hand, it kidnaps public opinion, misleads public cognition, disrupts the public opinion field, distorts the right and wrong, causes fluctuations in people's minds, and even affects social stability.

To put it bluntly, these accounts are just looking for a way to make money, consume people's patriotic feelings, and turn patriotism into a cheap business for personal gain. It's shameful. This kind of business is not very clever, but it is often very fruitful, especially when it is started by innocent people or enterprises, which seriously infringes the legitimate rights and interests of the parties.

Such behaviors must not be tolerated or condoned! We should crack down on traitorous and harmful acts, as well as on such other "obstructing" acts. To a certain extent, the latter is more confusing and more likely to demagogue people. It is also more necessary to punish severely according to the law on the basis of clarifying the facts, clearing up the fog, and correcting the audio and video.

How to effectively curb such behavior? The key is to deal with it according to law. No matter what banner, big talk or position they are holding, as long as they break the law, they should pay their due price.

Needless to say, in dealing with such matters, due to the difficulty of identification and evidence collection, the parties concerned tend to hold the mentality that more is better than less, and less is better than nothing, thinking of pacifying people as soon as possible. This mentality is understandable, but objectively it will lead to more rampant patriotic behavior.

Of course, since the facts need to be sorted out, especially the investigation and evidence collection need time, the relevant parties should be given enough space to deal with them. In particular, when dealing with problems, they may encounter difficulties and misunderstandings. The society should be tolerant and relevant departments should support them. However, in any case, it should not be allowed to turn "porcelain touch" patriotism into a runaway wild horse, which should become a consensus.

Recently, the Central Cyberspace Office launched the special action of "Qinglang · 2024 Spring Festival Internet Environment Renovation", pointing out that "we will seriously investigate and deal with a number of illegal website platforms, accounts and related MCN institutions, and investigate and deal with a number of typical cases". Whether it is individuals or MCN institutions, "touching porcelain" patriotism, taking patriotism as a business, is to lift a stone to hit their own feet, and the end of "touching porcelain" is legal punishment.

Good law, good public order and the whole world. It is our common wish to make the rule of law a social consensus and basic criterion, to make the main theme of patriotism sing more loudly, and to punish the "touch porcelain" patriotic and consumer patriotism behaviors as they deserve. Managing chaos in accordance with the law will better unite our hearts and stimulate the enthusiasm of the whole society for struggle.

Related links:

One of the three comments on "What is patriotism" on People's Daily Online: Rational treatment of the dispute between "patriotism" and "hindering the country"

The second of the third comment on "What is patriotism" on People's Daily Online: there is no need for a unified model, only a consensus of struggle

(Editor in charge: Tong Zongli, Qu Yuan)

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