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One of the three comments on "What is patriotism" on People's Daily Online: Rational treatment of the dispute between "patriotism" and "hindering the country"

February 4, 2024 08:25 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Recently, we media blogger revealed that a Japanese pattern sticker containing the element of "Rising Sun Flag" was posted in a shopping mall in Nanjing, Jiangsu. Coincidentally, before that, someone had sent a video saying that the "Japanese military flag" pattern was found in the advertisement in the subway in Nanning, Guangxi. Relevant events have aroused great concern and heated discussion on the Internet.

Some netizens responded to the concerns of the masses for the relevant units and made timely disposal comments, believing that it is absolutely necessary to remove sensitive elements that hurt national feelings in a timely manner; Many netizens also pointed out that after viewing the full picture of the patterns and advertisements, there would be no misunderstanding at all. There was a suspicion that the previous allegations and reports were taken out of context and caught in the shadows. "We should enhance cultural confidence and not compromise with those who cheat traffic through patriotism.".

Obviously, although the two sides have different opinions, they both point to the patriotic issue, forming a discussion about whether the relevant behavior is "patriotic" or "hindering the country".

Why is patriotism so concerned? In the final analysis, it is because "patriotism is the deepest and most lasting emotion in the world, the source of a person's morality and the foundation of his meritorious service". From the determination of "to profit the country's life and death, not to avoid it because of misfortunes and blessings" to the absolute sincerity of "clear love, only for China"; From the sentimental attachment of "I am the son of the Chinese people, and I love my motherland and people deeply" to the deep feeling of "the motherland is more important than life, is our mother, our land", where the heart is tied and the feelings are returned, patriotism is a kind of simple emotion close to nature, but also a kind of sincere emotion with wide influence.

For the majority of Chinese people, patriotism has been cast in the genes of the Chinese nation, flowing in the blood of cultural inheritance, and has become a widely accepted mainstream value and social consensus. Because of this, the vast majority of people cannot tolerate the desecration of patriotism. Whether it is to insult patriotism itself and patriots wantonly, or to pick right and wrong in the way of "anti black" and "low-level red", distort and discredit patriotism, it runs counter to patriotism and is a typical act of "obstructing the country", which is bound to cause strong indignation of the masses.

In fact, it is meaningful to argue about whether it is "patriotic" or "hindering the country". From the point of view of the debate, the more you look at it, the more meaningful it is. To decide whether to "love the country" or "hinder the country", it is impossible to solve the problem only by subjective thinking. What can solve this problem is the social practice of people who link subjectivity with objectivity. In other words, we must draw conclusions based on facts, or we may hurt the innocent, and thus patriotism itself. Affirm and support the correct behaviors and opinions from the moral and legal levels, and criticize or punish the wrong behaviors and opinions according to law. This is a major issue of right and wrong. We must not be vague, and we must take a clear stand.

This principle is used to examine the disputes in recent years. If the informer is blind or inaccurate, the relevant departments and enterprises should respond in a timely manner, give explanations, avoid misunderstanding, and settle disputes in the complex and changeable public opinion field; However, if it is verified that it is for personal gain by rubbing off the "positive energy" heat to earn traffic, and is willing to stir up public opinion and add fuel to the flames, it should be severely punished according to law and regulations.

Patriotism has never been a performance, blind obedience or self moving, but a deep emotion that is truly revealed in everyone's heart. It must not be biased and confused by the cheap "low-level red" or the bad "high-level black". This is also an important reason why people are very angry when such situations occur.

"Are you Chinese?" "Do you love China?" "Would you like China?" Such "three patriotic questions" are questions of history, times and the future. Let's ask questions, answer well, and take real action to jointly protect patriotism, the deepest and most lasting emotion in the world, so as to better let the patriotism be pure, the patriotism be continuous, and the patriotic action be spread layer by layer.

Related links:

The second of the third comment on "What is patriotism" on People's Daily Online: there is no need for a unified model, only a consensus of struggle

The third comment on "What is patriotism" on People's Daily Online: handle "touch porcelain" patriotism according to law

(Editor in charge: Tong Zongli, Qu Yuan)

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