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People's online review: Culture enriches China, and spirit supports the national conditions of the family

——The fifth of a series of comments on "Having a Safe and Happy Chinese Year"

Jiang Meng
10:57, February 3, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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The Spring Festival of the Year of Dragon is approaching, and the festive atmosphere in China is getting stronger and stronger. All regions actively carry out rich and colorful cultural activities, which not only demonstrate the traditional culture of the Spring Festival, but also increase the supply of the essence of the new national trend culture, enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the masses, and ensure that the masses enjoy a civilized and peaceful Spring Festival.

To make the people have a good New Year, "spiritual food" is indispensable. The Spring Festival is not only a time of family reunion, but also an opportunity for people to relax and enjoy the spiritual and cultural feast. While actively creating an atmosphere of celebrating the New Year, local governments should also organically integrate folk customs and innovation, mass cultural activities and the creation of spiritual civilization, national conditions and the Chinese Dream, to meet the diverse, multi-level and multifaceted spiritual and cultural needs of the masses, and to continue to forge ahead and accumulate spiritual energy.

The Spring Festival cultural activities are full of good performances. Beijing launched six series of more than 7000 activities, including "Cultural New Year", "Intangible Cultural Heritage New Year", "Performing Arts New Year", and "Ice and Snow New Year", to meet the people's expectations for cultural and tourism life during the Spring Festival; Shanghai plans to launch more than 200 cultural and tourism activities for the Spring Festival around eight segments, including cultural and museum viewing, art exhibition viewing, drama appreciation and song listening, to attract citizens to experience in depth; Qingdao, Shandong Province, has organized more than 200 cultural and artistic activities, including artistic performances, cultural activities, radio, film and television, festivals and exhibitions, and invited people to enjoy the colorful year...... With the Year of the Dragon as the theme, various places have demonstrated the ever-changing "Dragon Prosperity" of the motherland, enhanced the pride and pride of "descendants of the dragon", and further consolidated and strengthened the cohesion of the Chinese nation. Cultural activities popular with the masses, such as intangible cultural heritage of folk customs and national style performances, make the New Year more enjoyable.

The vast rural areas are fertile ground for spiritual and cultural roots. At the peak of returning home from slack farming during the Spring Festival, all localities should organize the activities of "three visits to the countryside" of culture, science and technology and health and the activities of "Our Chinese Dream - Culture Enters Thousands of Families" to send agricultural technology knowledge, cultural services, science popularization, health inspection, legal consultation, etc. to the grass-roots level, so as to promote the grassroots to update their ideas, improve their quality, enhance their ability to become rich, and stimulate the endogenous development power of the countryside. In the prosperous year of China, there is more and more spiritual nourishment, which shows the bright prospect of the overall revitalization of the countryside.

To enrich the people's spiritual and cultural life, we must do a good job in service guarantee. Relevant departments at all levels should coordinate and cooperate to ensure the safety of public facilities, strengthen market supervision, unblock complaint channels, and guide cultural and tourism operators to improve their service levels and enhance their service capabilities. At the same time, we should guard against the breeding of vulgarity, vulgarity and kitsch, resolutely resist bad culture, purify the festival culture market, and continue to build a clear social and cultural environment.

The Year of China, with its long-standing cultural heritage and spiritual connotation, embodies the Chinese people's good hope for getting rid of the old and putting new things in place, receiving good fortune and welcoming good fortune. In the new era, it is necessary to inject new cultural connotation into the Chinese New Year. It is necessary to provide higher quality spiritual culture to nourish people's hearts, build consensus, and gather strength, so as to further enhance people's sense of gain, happiness, and security. Abundant cultural nourishment, strong spiritual strength and strong confidence guarantee will provide inexhaustible momentum for the people of all ethnic groups in the country to forge ahead.

Related links:

People's Online Review: Improve the "Happiness Index" of Spring Festival with "Caring for Temperature"

People's online review: Answer the "examination paper" of Spring Festival travel

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(Editor in charge: Yin Shen, Qu Yuan)

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