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People's Online Review: Improve Spring Festival "Happiness Index" with "Caring for Temperature"

——One of the series reviews of "Having a Safe and Happy Chinese Year"

January 30, 2024 18:27 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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With the Spring Festival approaching, can the affected people eat, dress, warm and live well? Do the poor people in urban and rural areas have difficulties in basic life? Can they spend the winter safely? It is a vivid manifestation of the thorough implementation of the people centred development thought that we should not let any poor people fall behind. We will do a good job of rescue and assistance with our hearts and feelings, so that care can reach the needy groups directly. The heavy answer to people's livelihood will make this Spring Festival more warm and peaceful.

The holiday situation of thousands of families has attracted the attention of the Party and the state. The Office of the Central Committee and the State Council issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job during the 2024 New Year's Day and the Spring Festival, and made a series of arrangements on "caring for people in need and doing a good job in rescue and assistance". Adding beds and quilts to the homes of disaster stricken households, adding rice to the pots of poor households, so that widows, widows and lonely people will not be in trouble for the New Year goods... It is often of special significance to care for people's livelihood during the Spring Festival. It can not only provide timely help to the people in need, but also close the distance between the cadres and the masses, harmonize the relationship between the party and the masses, and build a bridge connecting the party spirit and public opinion. Therefore, all regions and departments need to pay special attention to the livelihood work from the value ranking, be pragmatic in the implementation, do everything possible to help people in need to solve their problems, and send the warmth of the Party and the government to thousands of families.

There is no trivial matter in people's livelihood. Eating, dressing, warming and living well are both domestic and national affairs. Only by creating conditions to strengthen people's livelihood can we make people happy, make life brilliant and realize their dreams. To send warmth during the Spring Festival, we should not only fully implement various social assistance policies, timely and fully distribute various relief funds, but also do a good job in disaster relief and heating assistance in the northern region; It is not only necessary to highlight the timeliness, increase the temporary assistance efforts, and timely solve the sudden and urgent basic living difficulties encountered by urban and rural people, but also to highlight the key points, pay close attention to the care and assistance of vagrants and beggars, and firmly carry out the special winter action to eradicate wage arrears.

Holding the bottom line of people's livelihood is a test of whether leaders at all levels have established and practiced the concept of political achievements for the benefit of the people. To deliver warmth and ensure people's livelihood, we need to be "practical" most and fear "empty customers" most. Formalism and bureaucracy are taboos in people's livelihood work. Bringing the care of the Party and the government to those in difficulty should be reflected not only in money and materials, but also in sincere promises and promises to solve problems that worry, upset, and worry. More questions need to be asked, and more difficulties can be solved, so that people's livelihood care can be accurately delivered to people in need.

The Spring Festival is a happy and peaceful festival to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new. It is also a post station to accumulate momentum and start the journey again. The warmer the people's livelihood, the more confident they will be and the stronger the endogenous power will be. On another year's journey, more substantial and warm answers to people's livelihood are waiting for the majority of Party members and cadres to write.

(Editor in charge: Yin Shen, Qu Yuan)

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