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People's online review: Time honored brands should keep pace with the times. How can they "rely on their elders"

Zheng Yan
November 14, 2023 16:34 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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A few days ago, five departments including the Ministry of Commerce issued the Notice on Publishing the Review Results of China's Time honored Brands, which removed 55 brands, including Beijing Snow Flower, Tianjin Daoxiangcun, Chongqing Guanshengyuan, which had been operating poorly for a long time, or even went bankrupt, cancelled, closed down, or lost the ownership and use rights of registered trademarks, from the list of China's Time honored Brands, requiring that Daoxiangchun Zhang Xiaoquan and other 73 brands with poor operation and declining performance were rectified, which aroused widespread concern in the society.

Chinese time-honored brand refers to a brand with profound history, distinctive cultural characteristics, unique technology, excellent design and manufacturing, high-quality product services, efficient marketing channels, and widely recognized by the society. It has both high economic value and rich cultural value. In 2022, China's time-honored enterprises will strive to overcome the impact of the epidemic and achieve an operating revenue of more than 1.2 trillion yuan. In the first three quarters of this year, the operating revenue has exceeded the level of last year, and the development momentum is good. It can be said that time-honored brands have experienced the precipitation of time, accumulated complex processes, excellent products and excellent reputation, and played a leading role in commercial circulation, consumption promotion, quality management, technological innovation, brand building, cultural inheritance and other aspects.

It should also be noted that old brands are valuable resources, but old brands are not "iron hat kings". From retaining new and old customers with consistent quality, to promoting nostalgic consumption with "memory killing" and "emotion brand", many time-honored brands have their own aura, take advantage in the competition, and attract a large number of consumers. At the same time, some time-honored brands have failed in the market competition. Some catering brands stick to the traditional formula of high sugar and high oil, and are unwilling to gain or loss due to time, unable to adapt to healthy dietary needs; Some only focus on goods, but ignore services, reducing the consumption experience; Some of them lack legal awareness, and are helpless in the battle between Li Kui and Li Gui, unable to protect their core rights and interests... Whether they can make good use of time-honored brands and old brands determines the future development prospects of enterprises.

The production of some time-honored brands frequently "lights up the red light". Behind them, there is often a lazy attitude of lying on the merit book and sleeping soundly. To be specific, some operators still adhere to the concept of "the fragrance of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley", adhere to the principle of "the tradition must remain unchanged", fail to form a modern product research and development, enterprise management and marketing operation line, gradually out of touch with the times and consumer demand; Some even overdraw their own brand resources in order to expand their business by putting water on quality. It can be seen that the value of time-honored brands lies in their "old age", but they cannot "rely on the old to sell the old". The outdated concepts, products and marketing are bound to be eliminated by the market.

The adjustment of the list of time-honored brands reflects the efforts of relevant departments to guide enterprises to strengthen their advantages, improve their quality and remedy their weaknesses, as well as the inevitable law of market competition and the true aspirations of consumers. For other time-honored brands, this is also a wake-up call. In the face of the impact of the blooming market and fashion trends, where should the time-honored brands go? In fact, under the background of the rise of Guochao, time-honored brands such as Pockmarked Wang, Wufangzhai, and Big White Rabbit are constantly reborn. Facts have proved that the iron rule of quality has not changed. The key is that today's quality is not limited to whether the materials are true or not, whether the weight is enough, but also whether the packaging is beautiful or not, whether there are many choices, whether the interaction is frequent or not, whether the energy consumption is saved, whether the story is good or not, and so on. While maintaining the core value of the brand, time-honored brands should also focus on the production process, product standards, corporate culture and other fields to systematically implement policies and respond to the necessary questions of integrity and innovation.

The Administrative Measures for the Establishment of China Time honored Brand Demonstration issued this year takes "dynamic management" as a chapter, clearly carrying out daily monitoring and establishing a "traffic light" mechanism; The recently held 3rd China Time honored Brand Innovation and Development Conference also proposed to establish a dynamic management mechanism of "entering and exiting". Relevant measures help guide the sustainable and healthy development of time-honored brands and better play an exemplary role. At the same time, they constantly remind operators that there is no eternal time-honored brands or long-term new brands. Give up ingenuity and lose quality, and even the most famous time-honored brand may quickly "collapse"; Insist on keeping pace with the times, and constantly develop and innovate. No matter how small a business is, it can polish the golden signboard.

(Editor in charge: Meng Zhe, Qu Yuan)

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