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Adhere to the people centered value orientation (observed by commentators)

——Firmly follow the path of financial development with Chinese characteristics ②

Zhou Shanshan
November 13, 2023 06:25 | Source: People's Daily
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To do a good job in financial work, we must deeply grasp the people's nature of financial work

With higher coverage and greater availability, financial services will sink into more consumer groups and richer consumption scenarios, so as to achieve the organic unity of economic value and social value in the continuous improvement of people's well-being


Yangfengshan Village, Xianju County, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, has thousand mu of mountain terraces as the production base of high-quality rice. Zhou Fangping, secretary of the village general party branch, still remembers the loan "delivered to the door" before the spring plowing this year. There is no need to go to the bank. After working hard in the daytime, we welcomed the customer manager of Xianju Rural Commercial Bank to make a "night visit". Soon, 1.8 million yuan of "strong village and common wealth loan" arrived. Financial services enter villages, households and fields, vividly demonstrating the Chinese temperature of inclusive finance and reflecting the Chinese concept of finance for the people.

The popularity of financial work is determined by the Party's purpose. The nature of the people is the essential attribute of Marxism, and serving the people wholeheartedly is the fundamental purpose of our party, which also determines that our financial cause must implement the people centered development thought. The central financial work conference held recently highly summarized the "eight insistences" of unswervingly adhering to the path of financial development with Chinese characteristics, of which "adhering to the people centered value orientation" is an important one. Our Party is engaged in revolution, construction and reform in order to make people live a happy life. To do a good job in financial work, we must deeply grasp the people's nature of financial work.

Realizing the people's aspiration for a better life has always been the starting point and end point for us to do a good job in economic work and promote high-quality financial development. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the financial system has adhered to the correct value orientation, which not only strongly supports the overall economic and social development, They also better guard the money bags in the hands of ordinary people. Practice has proved that only by integrating the people centered value orientation into the whole process and all aspects of financial work can we continuously meet the economic and social development and the growing financial needs of the people.

Only by adhering to the value orientation of taking the people as the center can high-quality financial development open up new space and create a new situation. The financial cause starts from serving the people and prospers in serving the people. Poverty alleviation microfinance helps thousands of households realize their dreams of a well-off society, "bank tax interaction" helps small and micro enterprises solve financing difficulties, and loans for shantytown reconstruction help many people realize their dreams of living in peace... Continue to enrich products and optimize services, so that financial services reach more "long tail customers" and reap new growth points. It is in serving the people that China has built the world's largest banking system, the second largest insurance, stock and bond market, and inclusive finance in the world. With higher coverage and greater availability, financial services will sink into more consumer groups and richer consumption scenarios, so as to achieve the organic unity of economic value and social value in the continuous improvement of people's well-being.

To better meet the financial needs of the people, we must continue to deepen the structural reform of the financial supply side, and focus on solving the most immediate and realistic interests of the people. A series of measures fully reflect the value orientation that development is the people, development depends on the people, and development results are shared by the people, It also laid a solid foundation for building a financial power.

Finance is not just a slogan, but also a specific practice. Taking the people's desire for a better life as the work goal and driving force, we will actively use financial means and strength to solve the problem of people's "urgent difficulties and anxieties" with heart and emotion. One by one, we will move forward with perseverance. China's financial industry will certainly enable the broad masses of people to enjoy a fuller, more secure and more sustainable sense of gain, happiness sense of security.

People's Daily (November 13, 2023, version 09)

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(Editor in charge: Yang Guangyu, Qu Yuan)

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