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New achievements in promoting high-quality development with new meteorology

——China Economic Observation ④

Commentator of this newspaper
October 31, 2023 05:56 | Source: People's Daily
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To grow in response to challenges shows China's resilience in development; To move forward in the wind and rain, we need to take advantage of the situation.

At the reception to celebrate the 74th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed the need to "focus on increasing macro-control, expanding effective domestic demand, stimulating the vitality of business entities, constantly promote the continuous improvement of economic operation, the continuous enhancement of endogenous power, the continuous improvement of social expectations, effectively prevent and resolve major risks, and strive to achieve the annual economic and social development goals", This has pointed out the direction of our efforts and provided important guidance for us to do our current economic work well.

Since this year, in the face of the international environment with high winds and high waves and the arduous tasks of domestic reform, development and stability, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has united and led hundreds of millions of people to rise to the challenge and advance against it. China's economy has generally rebounded and improved, laying a good foundation for achieving the annual economic and social development goals. However, we should also be aware that the world economic recovery lacks momentum, domestic cyclical structural contradictions are intertwined and superimposed, and the economic recovery after the smooth transition of epidemic prevention and control is a process of wavy development and zigzag progress. The more we climb the slope and overcome the difficulties, the more we should be confident and determined to maintain the perseverance of "sticking to the green mountains and not relaxing", strengthen the determination of "flying in the clouds is still calm", stimulate the drive of "moving forward with more difficulties", and strive to achieve the annual economic and social development goals.

We have the foundation to achieve the annual economic and social development goals. To observe China's economy, we should look not only at the "shape" of short-term fluctuations, but also at the "trend" of long-term development. Since this year, some indicators in the economic operation have experienced short-term fluctuations. However, macro policies have worked in tandem, and the overall recovery of the economy has become more obvious. People's lives have continued to improve, and the overall social situation has remained stable. Facts have proved that the economy always operates in fluctuations. We should not only see short-term fluctuations and take effective measures to continuously improve the economic operation, but also correctly understand that the long-term development trend of China's economy has not changed. We should seize strategic opportunities, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, constantly strengthen China's economic strength, scientific and technological strength, and comprehensive national strength, and enhance China's viability Competitiveness, development and sustainability.

We have the confidence to achieve the annual economic and social development goals. To observe China's economy, we should not only read the "statement" of current profit and loss, but also observe the "inside" of endogenous power. To overcome the impact of natural disasters such as the rare "rotten field rain" in the Yellow River and Huaihe River, China's grain production is expected to harvest again throughout the year; Although the world economy lacks the impetus for recovery, China's economic growth has stabilized and picked up, and the growth rate is among the best among major economies; In the face of global challenges such as the energy crisis, China has built the world's largest power supply system and clean power generation system... We have better coordinated the domestic and international overall situation, better coordinated epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, better coordinated development and security. China's innovation momentum has continued to increase, high-quality development has been steadily promoted, and the economy is more resilient and risk resistant. From incremental scale and trade scale to carbon reduction contribution and scientific and technological contribution, China's economy is still the "ballast" of world economic growth, the "engine" of global innovation and prosperity, and the "booster" of win-win cooperation among countries. Facing the future, we should closely focus on the primary task of high-quality development and the strategic task of building a new development pattern, continue to consolidate the good momentum of economic recovery with greater strength and more practical measures, and achieve new results in promoting high-quality development with new weather.

We have the conditions to achieve the annual economic and social development goals. The institutional advantage is the foundation for China's economy to overcome difficulties. Since this year, from the release of 10 plans for stabilizing growth in key industries, to accelerating the implementation of 31 policies and 28 measures to promote the development and growth of the private economy, to the continuation, optimization and improvement of a number of tax and fee reduction related policies, macroeconomic policies have been powerful and effective, promoting the continuous recovery of China's economic operation, and the accumulation of positive factors has increased. At present, there are many tools in the policy "toolbox" of our country. We should make good use of the policy space, find the right direction, organically combine the implementation of the strategy of expanding domestic demand with the deepening of supply side structural reform, continue to deepen reform and opening up, and effectively prevent and resolve risks in key areas. We will be able to continuously promote the continuous improvement of economic operation, the continuous enhancement of endogenous power, and the continuous improvement of social expectations Risks and hidden dangers were continuously resolved, and the economy was promoted to achieve effective quality improvement and reasonable quantity growth.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "On the new journey, our future is bright, but the road ahead will not be flat." The long journey, only struggle. We should unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, fully implement Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, integrate ideas and actions into the Party Central Committee's analysis and judgment of the economic situation, fully implement the Party Central Committee's decision making departments, maintain strategic determination, strengthen confidence and resolve, and work together in the same boat to achieve unity, We will surely make good progress in building a socialist modern country in an all-round way with the new achievements of high-quality development.

People's Daily (October 31, 2023, Version 1)

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(Editor in charge: Yue Hongbin, Qu Yuan)

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