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Grasping the Law of Innovation and Firmly Tackling Key Problems (People's Forum)

Shi Fang
October 30, 2023 05:58 | Source: People's Daily
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In Changhe Aircraft Industry (Group) Co., Ltd., we emphasized "adhering to innovation driven and making greater efforts in independent research and development of key core technologies"; At Harbin Engineering University, we encourage young students to "establish a strong aspiration to serve the country through science and technology, study hard, and climb the scientific peak"; In the intelligent manufacturing production area of Jiangsu NARI Group Co., Ltd., we explained "what do we mean when we say big things come late? They are the best things, the most sophisticated things. These things can not be made all at once. They all need a lot of effort, even a lifetime of effort"... General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on scientific and technological innovation, It points out the direction for scientific and technological workers.

The key to Chinese modernization lies in the modernization of science and technology. The key core technologies cannot be bought, bought or acquired. The national key weapons cannot be built overnight, and all of them need to pay sustained and hard efforts. The spirit of the General Secretary's important speech is a profound revelation of the law of scientific and technological innovation, and also points out the direction and path for scientific and technological workers to shoulder the important task of the era of achieving high-level scientific and technological self-reliance. The majority of scientific and technological workers must integrate their scientific pursuit into the great cause of building a socialist modern country, establish the ambition of daring to create, dare to put forward new theories, open up new fields, explore new paths, and work hard on originality and uniqueness, in order to produce more high-level original achievements and truly benefit the people and society.

On the road of scientific research, the more ambitious the goal, the more pragmatic and firm the pace. To become a great thing, we must lay a good foundation and reserve for a long time. It is the so-called "nine tiered platform starts from the accumulated soil". From "two bombs and one satellite" to Beidou Navigation, and from domestic aircraft carriers to domestic large aircraft, there is no way to make breakthroughs without the help of generations of scientists who have anchored their goals and accumulated solidly. In order to achieve a leap in the "big thing", the choice of research direction should adhere to the demand orientation, adhere to facing the world's scientific and technological frontier, facing the main battlefield of the economy, facing the major needs of the country, facing the people's life and health, and constantly march to the breadth and depth of science and technology. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, with the tenacity of "moving forward with more difficulties" and efforts to improve the original innovation ability, so that the majority of scientific and technological workers will be able to climb the slope and overcome difficulties on the journey of scientific and technological innovation.

Huang Xuhua hid his name for 30 years, and finally led the team to develop the key technology of nuclear submarine; Nan Rendong has devoted himself to tackling key problems for more than 20 years, making outstanding contributions to building the world's largest single aperture radio telescope... Numerous examples show that the advantages of scientists depend not only on intelligence, but also on concentration and diligence. Only after long-term exploration can they form a profound accumulation in a certain field. There is no shortcut for learning or scientific research. "Those who travel thousands of miles will fall short of the path". No matter which scientific field is, the closer it is to the unknown "no man's land" and the created "cold zone", the more it is necessary to sit firmly on the "cold bench", and strive to tackle key problems and reach the peak of science with the persistence of "doing one thing in a lifetime".

Scientific and technological innovation is not allowed, nor is it urgent. A loose and inclusive scientific research environment is needed to form a scientific research ecology conducive to basic research. Scientific research has its own laws. A formula may need thousands of careful deduction to get scientific demonstration, and an original breakthrough from "0" to "1" may even require a lifelong effort of scientists. To help scientific and technological workers concentrate on innovation, we need to create a scientific research environment that is tolerant of failure and free to explore. If we want to achieve twice the results in science and technology, we need to make greater efforts to deepen the reform of the science and technology system. Only by following the law of scientific and technological workers' growth and becoming talents, solving their problems, easing their burdens, cheering on, and activating the "spring water" of scientific and technological innovation can more innovative talents emerge.

If China is to be strong and the Chinese people live a better life, it must have strong science and technology. The vast number of scientific and technological workers have much to offer by deeply implementing the innovation driven development strategy and vigorously building an innovative country and a powerful country in science and technology. With "national affairs" in mind, "national responsibilities" shouldered, and good work done, scientific and technological workers will be able to make new contributions in the new journey.

People's Daily (October 30, 2023, 4th Edition)

(Editor in charge: Yue Hongbin, Qu Yuan)

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