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People's online review: ask about space, and explore further

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October 26, 2023 13:53 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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At 11:14 on October 26, 2023 (Beijing time), the Long March 2F remote 17 carrier rocket carrying the Shenzhou 17 manned spacecraft ignited and launched at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, entered the predetermined orbit, and the launch was a complete success.

This is the 30th flight mission and the 12th manned flight mission since the establishment and implementation of the manned space project. From completing on orbit rotation to carrying out on orbit practical (trial) test of space science and application loads; From the implementation of astronaut extravehicular activities and load extravehicular activities, to the installation of extravehicular loads and the maintenance and repair of the space station... From the mission of the Shenzhou 17 manned spacecraft flight crew, it is extremely challenging, and also improves the ability and level of extravehicular activities to a new height. As the spokesman of China's manned space program said, "Let's wish the Shenzhou 17 crew a successful mission".

Looking up at the Milky Way, you can paint nine days. China's manned space program, which has gone through more than 30 years, carries the dreams of Chinese people flying in space and has never changed. Looking back on the past, from unmanned flight to manned flight, from one person a day to many people a day, from on-board experiments to extravehicular activities, from single ship flight to space station patrols, China's manned space flight has written a glorious history of Chinese astronauts' self-reliance, innovation and transcendence, and also inspired everyone to forge ahead for the space dream and the Chinese dream. Flying from the blue planet to the vast sky, the pioneering work of Chinese astronauts has constantly broken new records. The heroic work of Chinese astronauts shows confidence and calm, which makes people more confident that with the rapid development of China's aerospace industry, the pace of Chinese people's exploration of space will be greater and farther.

The height of supporting dreams depends on the strength of innovation. Looking at China's manned space flight, it can be said that it is a challenge, innovation and leap along the way. In summary, innovation never stops. The success of the launch of Shenzhou 17 manned spacecraft is a new height achieved on the basis of self-reliance and independent innovation. It is precisely because China's manned spaceflight has constantly conquered a major key core technology that it is filled with the spirit of innovation and transcendence. Taking the launch vehicle as an example, optimization and improvement are normal, and improving the level of product autonomy and controllability is normal, so that the success rate of Long March 2F launch vehicle can reach 100%. The track of going to the sky again and again has formed a sentence: the sky is vast, exploration is endless, and innovation is endless.

Of course, what has never changed is not only the space dream and innovation, but also the original intention of astronauts. Tang Hongbo, commander of the flight crew of the Shenzhou 17 manned spacecraft, said bluntly: "It is my original intention to be ready to go to space for the motherland since I joined the crew of astronauts. This original intention has never changed, and for the sake of this original intention, I have never been slack." In order to protect this original intention to go to war for the country, he has raced against time in the past two years to complete physical and psychological recovery, And carry out learning and training at the same time. This is driven by a sense of mission to forge ahead, only to shoulder the heavy responsibilities and complete the glorious tasks assigned by the Party and the people. The body can lose weight, the mind can not lose weight, only in this way can we live up to the times and dreams.

It is worth mentioning that the Shenzhou 17 manned spacecraft flight crew is the youngest crew on average since the launch of the space station construction mission. Youth means vitality and relay. The growth of a number of young astronauts will certainly inject new forces into the rapid development of China's space industry. At the same time, they went together for the same goal. With the inheritance of "old brings new" and the cooperation of aerospace personnel, they found the value coordinate of youth and wrote a wonderful story of growth. Astronaut Tang Shengjie said proudly, "The times have given us a stage to pursue our dreams"; Astronaut Jiang Xinlin said firmly, "Run hard with a fighting attitude". Indeed, dreams and missions have nothing to do with age. Adhere to growing up and taking root down, look up at the stars and be down-to-earth. Every effort and effort can bring dreams closer and closer.

In the deep space, there is the "space home" of the Chinese people. Every time we ask about space travel, it is the beginning of a new mission and the beginning of the next exploration. We need to continue our struggle and write another chapter. With the courage to climb, the ambition to tackle difficulties, the heroic spirit to innovate, and the confidence to realize dreams, China's manned space flight will be able to "fly" more and more steadily and farther away.

(Editor in charge: Meng Zhe, Qu Yuan)

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