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People's online review: welcome the new development of higher quality and higher level of jointly building the "Belt and Road"

10:30, October 24, 2023 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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In his keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, President Xi Jinping stressed that, "Deepen international cooperation on the Belt and Road, welcome new developments of a higher quality and level, promote the modernization of all countries in the world, build an open, inclusive, interconnected and common development world, and jointly promote the building of a common destiny of mankind", which provides fundamental guidelines and action guidelines for promoting the high-quality development of the Belt and Road, It triggered a warm response.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative. From a glorious history to a bright future, there has never been any initiative in the course of human modernization like the joint construction of the "Belt and Road", which has gathered such a broad consensus for common development and become a landmark event in the history of human social development. There has never been an action like jointly building the "Belt and Road" in the geographical map of the world to cross mountains, natural barriers and oceans, so as to cover the global connectivity network of land, sea, sky and network, effectively promoting economic globalization and the flow of goods, capital, technology and personnel from all countries. The third "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum was successfully held. During the forum, 458 achievements were made, which became the most grand event to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the "Belt and Road" initiative, and an important platform for discussing and building high-quality "Belt and Road" cooperation.

At present, changes in the world, times and history are unfolding in an unprecedented way. Together, we can overcome all kinds of risks and challenges without fear of any difficulties and obstacles. In the face of global development imbalance, governance dilemma, digital divide, distribution gap and other issues, the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" has provided impetus for world economic growth, built a platform for international economic cooperation, opened up space for global common development, become a popular international public product, and is an important practice of building a community with a shared future for mankind. The joint construction of the "Belt and Road" has entered a new stage of high-quality development, which has gathered the greatest consensus of the joint construction countries' desire for development, met the most urgent desire of the joint construction countries' economic upgrading, provided the most effective plan for the world economy to get out of the haze, and demonstrated China's greatest sincerity in promoting the common development of all countries, so it has been welcomed and appreciated by more and more countries. This is where the important vitality of the "Belt and Road" lies, and it is also where China's confidence and confidence lie.

The main line of jointly building the "Belt and Road" is connectivity. At the opening ceremony of the Summit Forum, President Xi Jinping announced China's eight actions to support high-quality co construction of the "Belt and Road", including building the "Belt and Road" three-dimensional connectivity network, supporting the construction of an open world economy, conducting practical cooperation, promoting green development, promoting scientific and technological innovation, supporting people to people exchanges, building a clean road, and improving the "Belt and Road" International cooperation mechanism, etc. A series of heavy programs and practical measures are the project book and road map for deepening the international cooperation of the "Belt and Road", and lay a solid foundation for promoting the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" to achieve new development of higher quality and level. The "Belt and Road" partners will jointly implement the outcomes of this Summit Forum, continue to promote the high-quality co construction of the "Belt and Road", and strengthen the docking of their respective development plans with the "Belt and Road" initiative, which will further promote the "hard connectivity" of infrastructure, "soft connectivity" of rules and standards, and "heart to heart connectivity" of people from all countries, opening a new window of opportunity for China and the world.

Work together to set sail and sail thousands of miles. Jointly building the "Belt and Road" is not only a timely move to meet the current challenges of mankind, but also a grand plan to forge a shared future. As a long-term, cross-border and systematic world project and century project, the first decade is just a prelude, and a broader future is opening. Starting from a new historical starting point, we will strive to achieve higher quality consultation, joint construction and sharing, unswervingly implement the global development initiative, the global security initiative and the global civilization initiative, and jointly build the "Belt and Road" will become more and more prosperous and broader.

Related reading:

People's Online Review: Jointly build the "Belt and Road" to build a new framework for international cooperation

People's Online Review: Jointly building the "Belt and Road" is on the right side of history

(Editor in charge: Yin Shen, Qu Yuan)

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