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People's Online Comment: Build an Iron Wall to Protect Cultural Relics

Qiu Mian
October 17, 2023 13:53 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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The protection of historical relics is an inevitable requirement for inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese culture. One of the important aspects is to combat and prevent cultural relics crimes, and keep the safety red line, bottom line and lifeline of cultural relics.

Cultural relics and cultural heritage are non renewable and irreplaceable resources of China's outstanding civilization. Once damaged, they are difficult to recover, and even if repaired, they will not have the charm of the past. In recent years, the whole society has attached great importance to the protection of cultural relics. Last year, the Ministry of Public Security and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage jointly deployed a new round of three-year national special action to combat and prevent cultural relics crimes. Judging from the data: since the special action, the national public security organs have investigated more than 800 cases of cultural relics crimes, captured a batch of criminal suspects, and recovered more than 13000 cultural relics of all kinds, including 2189 precious cultural relics. This phase of remarkable results not only effectively protected historical relics, but also strongly deterred illegal and criminal acts, releasing a clear signal of firm determination to "protect cultural relics for the country and heritage for the nation".

However, over the years, some lawbreakers, driven by interests, have taken risks and engaged in such criminal activities as stealing, digging and reselling cultural relics. In recent years, cultural relics crimes have also presented new situations and new characteristics. Some criminal gangs have become more professional and intelligent, and some criminal activities have spread to the Internet. Therefore, the action to combat and prevent cultural relics crimes is more urgent and arduous. Only by continuing to solve cases, crack down on gangs, dig behind the scenes, hand over cultural relics and break the chain, can we thoroughly eradicate the breeding ground for cultural relics crimes and resolutely crack down on the arrogance of criminals.

The effective protection of cultural relics is inseparable from the strong guarantee of the rule of law. It should be noted that the Law on the Protection of Cultural Relics is the basic law in the field of cultural relics protection, and has been amended three times since 2013 to meet the needs of practice. Each place also takes the protection of cultural relics as a major feature of local legislation according to their own realities. On the whole, from laws and regulations to local laws and regulations, the legal system of cultural relics protection has been improved day by day, and the process of legalization of cultural relics protection has also been constantly promoted, which has to a large extent built a legal barrier for cultural relics protection.

Only by strengthening law enforcement on the basis of improving the protection of the rule of law can we better pool the joint efforts to protect cultural relics in accordance with the law. In recent years, the Ministry of Public Security has severely cracked down on and prevented all kinds of cultural relics crimes, and has pushed forward the special action to crack down on and prevent cultural relics crimes in depth; The procuratorial organ urges relevant departments to strengthen the protection of cultural relics through public interest litigation; The judicial organ insists on striking hard in accordance with the law, comprehensively cracking down on the network of cultural relics crimes, severely punishing the first offenders of cultural relics criminal gangs, and thoroughly cutting off the chain of cultural relics crimes. At the same time, cultural relics, customs and other departments give play to their respective functional advantages, establish a linkage working mechanism with other departments, strengthen cooperation, close cooperation and regular consultation, and jointly study and deploy the work of combating and preventing cultural relics crimes. Practice shows that combating and preventing crimes against cultural relics is not a "one-on-one fight" of a certain department. Instead, it is necessary to gather the strength of various departments, constantly weave a protection network, and improve the protection capacity.

The protection of cultural relics is a long-term task, and it takes a long time to combat and prevent cultural relics crimes. All relevant departments should continue to maintain the situation of high pressure and severe attack, implement the whole chain attack, adhere to joint prevention and control, adhere to source management, and comprehensively improve the safety prevention and control capability and level. In particular, we should pay more attention to giving play to the strength of mass prevention and mass governance, encourage the masses to play a role in preventing cultural relics crimes, and improve the whole society's concept of rule of law and awareness of cultural relics protection. It is believed that as long as the law enforcement is strong and the action is effective, the mobilization of forces that can be mobilized to participate in, we can build an iron wall to protect cultural relics.

Cultural relics belong not only to our contemporaries, but also to future generations. The protection of cultural relics contributes to the present age and benefits the future. In line with the attitude of being responsible for history, we should strengthen the protection of cultural relics with a high sense of responsibility and mission, and promote the rational and appropriate use of cultural relics, which will surely make the achievements of cultural relics protection more beneficial to the people.

(Editor in charge: Yin Shen, Qu Yuan)

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