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The Foundation of Planning and the Way to Success (People's Forum)

Remain clear
October 17, 2023 06:54 | Source: People's Daily
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In Caixi Town, Shanghang County, Longyan City, Fujian Province, in front of Mao Zedong's Caixi Township Survey Memorial Museum, nine large red characters, "No survey, no right to speak", are particularly striking. In history, Comrade Mao Zedong entered Caixi three times, carried out in-depth and detailed investigation and research, and wrote the Investigation of Caixi Township. Take a closer look at the Survey of Caixi Township, and use facts and data throughout the article. There are no superfluous words and almost no adjectives. Not long ago, the author made a special trip here to listen to stories, see pictures and learn from the original works. It seemed that the older generation of revolutionaries were carrying out research.

Investigation and research are heirlooms of our Party. General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that "investigation and research are the basis of planning and the way to success", and repeatedly stressed that "we should vigorously promote the style of investigation and research throughout the Party". Since the theme education was carried out, the majority of Party members and cadres have carried out investigation and research from the urgent problems of the masses, collected social conditions and public opinions, implemented effective measures, and used their emotions to do practical things and solve difficult problems for the masses. Investigation and research is an effective way to change the work style and improve the ability to perform duties. It has been proved by practice that "one should always be aware of what one has got on paper, and never know that one should practice it".

Investigation and research are the basic skills for doing all kinds of work well. It is a journey through mountains and rivers. It is windy and snowy and muddy. General Secretary Xi Jinping took the lead in setting an example, leading by example, and doing it himself, setting a glorious example for the whole party to attach importance to research, conduct in-depth research, and be good at research. Since the new era, the Chinese Communists have closely combined investigation and research with practical exploration to promote the cause of the Party and the country to achieve historic achievements and historic changes. There is no trivial matter in people's livelihood. The majority of Party members and cadres should conduct in-depth investigation and research, inject deep feelings, and truly work for the well-being of the masses.

We must adhere to the problem orientation, enhance the awareness of problems, and rush to investigate problems to tackle difficulties. We should study, think about and determine the ideas and major measures for comprehensively deepening reform. We should not seek strength in times of adversity, build cars behind closed doors, and even indulge in whimsy. For the majority of leading cadres, they should go to places where there are many opinions from the masses, where their work is poor, where there are many difficulties, complex situations and sharp contradictions. At the same time, we should make more grass-roots friends who can speak the truth. If you don't make friends with the masses and get along with them, you can't serve as an official and benefit one side.

The investigation and research should be in-depth and integrated. The ancients said, "If you don't climb high mountains, you don't know the height of the sky; if you don't face deep streams, you don't know the thickness of the earth.". In that year, in order to accurately understand the problem of rich peasants and the business situation in China at that time, Comrade Mao Zedong took nearly one month to hold a survey meeting, carry out actual investigations, have in-depth discussions with farmers, handicraftsmen, businessmen, etc., master a large number of first-hand materials, and write the famous article "Investigation of Seeking the Wu". He said: "My experience has always been like this. When I am worried and have no way, I will investigate and study. Once I have investigated and studied, the way will come out and the problem will be solved Win recognition?

The research report should be written with a certain level of proficiency. The research report must be true and valuable. It must be meaningful and reasonable. It does not use official language and refuses to use platitudes. When Xi Jinping worked in Zhejiang, he clearly put forward that "the main leading cadres should do their own work and write one or two investigation and research reports with information, analysis and insights every year". The research report is not written for the purpose of writing, but to really find out the problem, study the ideas and countermeasures to solve the problem thoroughly, and propose practical concrete measures, which is an important part of the scientific decision-making process.

Walking out of the memorial hall, the land of western Fujian is verdant. In this scene, he sang the Soviet ballad "Soviet cadres have a good style of work, bring their own dry food to work, dry the revolution with straw sandals every day, and visit the poor peasants with lanterns at night", reviewed the glorious history of investigation in Caixi Township, and vowed to strengthen investigation and research, so as to become more enlightened.

People's Daily (October 17, 2023, 4th Edition)

(Editor in charge: Yang Guangyu, Qu Yuan)

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