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Put practical requirements throughout the whole process of thematic education

October 17, 2023 06:48 | Source: People's Daily
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"We should put practical requirements throughout the whole process of thematic education, and resolutely prevent and overcome formalism and bureaucracy". During a recent visit to Jiangxi, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward clear requirements for summing up and applying the successful experience of the first batch of thematic education and carrying out the second batch of thematic education with high quality, It emphasizes that we should "do a good job in theoretical study, investigation and research, examine and rectify the outstanding problems, do a good job in benefiting the people, promote development with hard work, and win the trust of the people".

Practicality is a prominent feature of Marxism, and seeking truth and pragmatism is an important thought and working method of the Chinese Communists. Since the new era, the key to our Party's ability to unite and lead hundreds of millions of people to overcome many long-term unsolved problems and accomplish many long-term major events is to grasp the deployment, implementation, and supervision in the spirit of nailing down the nail, and never withdraw without a complete victory. Practice fully shows that "reality" is the foundation of seeking and starting a business, and the foundation of being a man and doing things; Only by being pragmatic, practical and pragmatic can we promote development and win trust from the people. On the new journey, the majority of Party members and cadres should consciously practice Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, master the leadership methods, thinking methods and working methods contained therein, really work hard, seek practical results, focus on problems, move forward with difficulties, and strive to create achievements that can stand the test of history and the people.

Theoretical study, investigation and research are very important basic links of theme education and key measures throughout the whole process of theme education. To do a good job in theoretical study and investigation and research, we must vigorously promote the Marxist style of study that integrates theory with practice, and work hard to promote the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We should adhere to the principle of thinking more, learning more, and understanding more. We should comprehensively learn and understand the scientific system, core elements, and practical requirements of this important thought, and achieve the unity of learning, thinking, and application, knowledge, trust, and practice, so as to learn the skills of watching the family, rejuvenating the party, and strengthening the country. We should be good at using the Party's innovative theory to study new situations and solve new problems, vigorously promote a pragmatic style, do a good job in investigation and research, and work hard on finding out the truth, making practical moves, and seeking practical results. We should truly find out the situation, find out the problems, and put forward countermeasures, and truly transform the research results into practical measures to improve work and promote development.

When people see whether the theme education is effective, the most intuitive feeling is to see whether the problems in the Party's style have been solved, and whether the style of Party members and cadres has made significant progress. To examine and rectify the outstanding problems, we must adhere to the combination of goal orientation and problem orientation, study, investigation and reform, and win the trust of the people with the actual results of rectification. During his investigation in Zhejiang, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "Party organizations at all levels should strengthen the organizational leadership and work guidance of the second batch of thematic education, grasp the characteristics of different levels, different fields and different objects, combine the actual situation, give classified guidance, and focus on rectification from top to bottom, so that the masses can see the effectiveness." We should adhere to the principle of learning, comparing, inspecting, and rectifying while learning, Find gaps against the requirements of the standard Party conduct, check the root causes against the requirements of the Party spirit, clarify measures against the requirements of the Party discipline, enhance the effectiveness of inspection and rectification, deeply inspect and analyze, deeply dig the ideological roots, and deeply implement the rectification. We should put ourselves, our responsibilities, and our work in the right place. We should focus on the special rectification of outstanding problems, dare to act hard, and prevent delay and correction.

Serving the people is the greatest political achievement of the Chinese Communists. In order to do a good job of benefiting the people and benefiting the people, we must firmly establish the people centered development idea, and test the achievements of theme education with the new results of promoting high-quality development. We should adhere to the principle that everything is for the people and everything depends on the people. We should consciously ask for the people's interests and needs, and always share the same breath, destiny, and heart to heart with the people. We should continue to improve the well-being of people's livelihood by expanding the "cake", focus on solving the people's urgent problems, and put the work of benefiting people's livelihood, warming people's hearts, and following the public opinion in the hearts of the people. We should firmly establish the concept of political achievements that benefit the people, and do not engage in greedy, reckless, and grandstanding; Insist on seeking practical results, and do not engage in flashiness, opportunism and data fraud; Insist on laying the foundation for long-term benefits, and do not seek quick success, instant benefits, waste energy and waste money. We should take the number of good deeds we have done for the people as an important criterion to test our political achievements, so that the achievements of Chinese style modernization will benefit all people more and more equitably.

During his visit to Jiangxi, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "we should use the Jinggangshan spirit, the Soviet spirit, and the Long March spirit to strengthen the Party members and cadres, educate and guide them to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, remember their original mission, actively forge ahead, and be brave to take on their responsibilities." The history continues, and the spirit is passed on from generation to generation. At present, China's development has entered a period of coexistence of strategic opportunities and risks and challenges, and the number of uncertain and unpredictable factors has increased. We must be prepared to withstand the major test of high winds, high waves and even rough waves. The more arduous the task and severe the challenge, the more we should vigorously carry forward the great spirit of Party building, continue the red blood and inherit the spirit of struggle. We should unremittingly use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to forge our soul, deeply understand the requirements of this important thought on strengthening ideals and beliefs, improving the ideological realm, strengthening the exercise of the Party spirit, and always maintain the political nature of Communists, and always maintain the attitude of striving to be enterprising, pioneering, and facing difficulties, Rely on tenacious struggle to open a new world for career development.

Keep the main road simple, and work hard. We have created a glorious past through hard work, and we also need to create a better future through hard work. From Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we draw the wisdom and strength of forging ahead, and pool the strong positive energy of being realistic, pragmatic, responsible, and entrepreneurial. We will surely succeed in promoting the historic cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, and continue to create new achievements worthy of the Party, the people, and the times.

People's Daily (October 17, 2023, Version 1)

(Editor in charge: Yang Guangyu, Qu Yuan)

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