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People's Financial Review: actively cultivate future industries and promote new development with new driving forces

Shi Yaqiao
October 11, 2023 09:04 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the Notice on Organizing the Opening of the Future Industrial Innovation Task in 2023 (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), which aims to accelerate the landing and application of new technologies and new products, and promote the future industrial innovation and development represented by future manufacturing and future information in China.

At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is booming, and disruptive new technologies are emerging. The future industry driven by cutting-edge technologies such as the metauniverse and artificial intelligence is showing a strong development trend, gradually becoming a new engine of economic growth. Although the future industry is still in the incubation stage, it has huge development potential and may be the strategic emerging industry of tomorrow. The 14th Five Year Plan and the Outline of Vision and Objectives for 2035 clearly propose to plan and layout a number of future industries, especially in the fields of cutting-edge science and technology and industrial reform such as brain like intelligence, quantum information, gene technology, future network, deep sea aerospace development, hydrogen energy and energy storage, and organize and implement the future industrial incubation and acceleration plan. Developing future industries is the key to firmly grasp the initiative of future development.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's digital economy has developed vigorously and its scale has steadily increased. From 2012 to 2022, the scale of China's digital economy will grow from 11 trillion yuan to 50.2 trillion yuan, accounting for 41.5% of GDP from 21.6%. The role of digital economy in leading and supporting economic and social development will become increasingly prominent, becoming an important pillar of the national economy. Driven by the innovative technology of the future industry, the integration and development of industrial digitalization and digital industrialization has been further deepened, and the industrial ecology has been continuously improved, which has spawned a number of new industries, new business forms and new models, and brought new growth drivers to promote the development of the digital economy and the real economy to a new level. The Digital China Development Report (2022) released by the State Internet Information Office shows that in 2022, the operating revenue of China's electronic information manufacturing industry will reach 15.4 trillion yuan, up 5.5% year on year, and the revenue of software business will reach 10.81 trillion yuan, up 11.2% year on year. By the end of 2022, China has completed and opened a total of 2.312 million 5G base stations, with 561 million 5G users. The total size of the national data center rack exceeds 6.5 million standard racks, and the total computing power of the data center in use ranks second in the world. China's mobile communication has achieved the leap forward development of 2G following, 3G breakthrough, 4G synchronization and 5G leading, and has built the world's largest and technologically leading mobile communication network. Whether enabling the real economy to move towards high-quality development or creating opportunities for the transformation and upgrading of China's digital economy, the future industry has played an irreplaceable important role in driving.

The future industry represents the direction of scientific and technological innovation and industrial development. It is a multi field integration industry with high scientific and technological content, strong industrial relevance, sufficient green development and large market space. Actively cultivating and developing future industries is an important link in the process of building a modern industrial system. On the one hand, the future industry will have a positive impact on the existing industry through the diffusion, penetration and integration of new technologies, consolidate and extend the traditional competitive industries, continue to improve industrial competitiveness, and promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries to high-quality development; On the other hand, through innovation, we will foster and strengthen emerging industries, forward-looking layout of cutting-edge industries, create new products (new services), new models, and new formats with international competitiveness, and generate new quality productivity, so as to better build a modern industrial system that is independent, controllable, safe, reliable, and competitive.

In the future, the industry is related to the overall situation of national economic development and industrial structure optimization and upgrading, and it is an important area to reshape the global innovation landscape and economic pattern. To plan ahead and foster and develop future industries, it is necessary to accelerate the development process from basic research to technology system, and then to industrialization, form a batch of disruptive technologies and major innovation achievements, cultivate a batch of industry leaders, and then form a number of emerging future industrial clusters that take the lead in the world, Take the lead in the construction of high-tech industrial chain supply chain.

(Editor in charge: Zhuang Hongtao, Qu Yuan)

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