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People come to talk: the popularity of holiday museums reflects people's rich spiritual world

October 7, 2023 16:23 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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This year's Mid Autumn Festival National Day holiday saw a strong recovery in the domestic tourism industry. According to the data center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, 826 million domestic tourists traveled during the eight day holiday, realizing a domestic tourism revenue of 753.43 billion yuan. Among them, visiting the clocking museum has become an important destination. It is understood that museums around the country are not only popular, but also filled up early. It has become the consensus of some people to visit museums and enjoy cultural feasts during festivals and holidays, and accept cultural influence, reflecting the increasingly rich spiritual world of the people.

The strong cultural demand makes it difficult to get a ticket for each museum. In recent years, museums around the country have become top spots in online card punching strategies. This year, before the holiday, the Nanjing Museum, Suzhou Museum, Guangdong Provincial Museum and other visit booking systems all showed that there were no or tight quotas in the first five days of the holiday. On October 1, the Imperial Mausoleum Museum of the First Emperor of Qin issued a reminder that the tickets for the first four days have been sold out... Visitors to the museum are not only local people, but also tourists who come from a long distance travel also make early reservations. Cultural tours have become part of the holiday experience. Some tourists admit that "it is the main theme of tourism to wander around the scenic spots and eat and drink, but it seems too monotonous to be full, and visiting museums will enhance the connotation of the whole tourism." Based on a similar mentality, museums have become an important choice for tourists from all over the world.

The service upgrade further heats up the museum tour. In order to meet the needs of tourists to visit museums, some regions have cancelled some museum appointment mechanisms for people not to make an appointment and difficult to make an appointment, so that visitors can buy tickets at the scene or enter the museum directly without making an appointment. At the same time, it further optimized the booking time of the museum, effectively improving the convenience and satisfaction of the audience. In terms of exhibition arrangement, some museums have launched different types of cultural activities according to the interests, receptivity and cultural needs of tourists of different ages. For example, a visit experience project with entertainment nature is launched for children to experience the subtlety of traditional architecture, traditional skills and traditional culture, and to teach and play. For tourists with different personalities and no professional knowledge, try to help tourists feel the culture with special exhibitions and popular experiences. For example, Nanjing Museum launched the exhibition of "First Look at the First State in Jiangnan - Jinling Landscape in Calligraphy and Painting since the Ming Dynasty", allowing people today to follow the strokes of the ancients and return to the city of Jinling in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and Suzhou Museum launched the exhibition of Buddhist statues in Longxing Temple in Qingzhou. The rich activities make the museum visit no longer a simple and boring viewing, but more participation and interaction.

The popularity of museums reflects the new changes and demands of people's cultural life. From "sleeping on the bus to taking photos at the scenic spot", to the slow travel and leisure tour in pursuit of quality experience in recent years, to the cultural tour in the museum, the tourism forms are increasingly diversified, reflecting the urgent needs of the people for spiritual life in the context of rapid economic development and continuous improvement of people's life. People's understanding of tourism is no longer limited to sightseeing and rest, but hopes to have more in-depth understanding and more cultural exploration. In fact, not only museums, but also major cultural attractions and historical sites have become popular attractions as always. At the same time, the way of viewing tourists is quietly changing, staying longer, no longer just a cursory glance. There are not a few tourists who immerse themselves in it for half a day, a day or even several consecutive days. More tourists have hired guides to explain. They are no longer satisfied with looking fresh, but pay more attention to understanding the story behind each historical relic. This is the embodiment of the continuous enrichment of the people's spiritual world, and also the embodiment of the nation's emphasis on culture and desire for knowledge.

Behind the museum becoming a popular website, it not only adds a popular website scenic spot, but also reflects the revitalization of national culture, reflecting the richness of people's spiritual world and their persistent pursuit of culture.

(Editor in charge: Xu Yuhan, Qu Yuan)

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