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People's online review: China's positive energy shines the road of struggle

Jiang Meng
09:11, September 25, 2023 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Solidarity and struggle is the most significant spiritual symbol of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people. The results of the 2022 China Positive Energy Network Masterpieces Collection and Broadcast Activity were announced, and 550 positive energy works were presented to the vast number of netizens, showing the vivid scene of Chinese outstanding sons and daughters marching bravely and overcoming difficulties under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, reflecting the strength of unity and majestic positive energy behind one Chinese miracle after another.

Unity is strength, unity is victory. The Beijing Winter Olympics was successfully held, and the city of double Olympics shines in the world. The sweat and efforts of event organizers, project builders, and venue volunteers are condensed in wonderful moments; The Shenzhou 13, 14 and 15 took off in a relay, the Chinese space station was fully completed, and Chinese scientists and astronauts pursued their dreams, the stars and the sea without fear of difficult and dangerous challenges; Fierce mountain fires broke out in some parts of Chongqing, and an endless mass team resolutely supported the fire fighting, defended their homes, and built the indestructible Great Wall of the People... China's positive energy fully demonstrated that "heroes come from the people, and everyone is great", and people of all ethnic groups across the country "united into one piece of steel" under the leadership of the Party, and dared to fight in their own jobs Light and heat, step by step overcome the difficult challenges on the way forward, and constantly create achievements that attract worldwide attention.

Solidarity and hard work lay a solid foundation for further creating a better future, and China's positive energy provides a strong driving force for continued progress.

Behind China's positive energy, there is a series of great spiritual support. From the spirit of Nanniwan and Yimeng in the period of the new democratic revolution, to the spirit of the Red Flag Canal and the Saihanba in the period of the socialist revolution and construction, to the spirit of fighting floods and model workers in the new period of reform and opening up and socialist modernization, and the spirit of overcoming poverty in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics The spirit of anti epidemic...... The great spirit of creation, unity and dream formed by the Chinese people for a long time have jointly forged the spirit of continuous inheritance and development. These precious spiritual wealth will certainly inspire and lead Chinese youth in the new era to actively participate in the great cause of the development and construction of the Party and the country.

In the new era and new journey, we must respect the initiative of the people, unite all forces that can be united, give play to the creative power of the people, and let the people share the opportunity to make a difference in life, to realize their dreams, and to grow and progress with the motherland and the times. We will take people's support or disapproval, approval or disapproval, happiness or consent as the fundamental criteria to measure the gains and losses of all work, and strive to solve the most direct and realistic interests of the people, so that the results of reform and development will further benefit all people. Such united struggle has the broadest mass base, and China's positive energy will benefit hundreds of millions of Chinese people.

Only a positive heart can go far. Difficulties and frustrations are inevitable on the way forward, but they cannot stop the Chinese spirit and strength of indomitable progress. The people are real heroes. Relying on the people to create great historical undertakings and always carry forward the great spirit of struggle, we will certainly be able to turn our grand goal into a beautiful reality.

(Editor in charge: Xu Yuhan, Qu Yuan)

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