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People's Online Review: China's Positive Energy, Agglomerate Endeavour

Jiang Meng
September 22, 2023 09:22 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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The final results of the 2022 China Positive Energy Network boutique collection and broadcasting activity sponsored by the Central Cyberspace Office were announced recently, and 550 positive energy network works stood out. Each excellent work shows a series of inspiring memorabilia, and each ordinary and great life in China represents a series of impressive historical moments. All of these have converged into a magnificent picture of China's development, demonstrating the perseverance and boldness of China.

Pass on Haoran Zhengneng and inspire great efforts. After 38 years of teaching in rural areas and riding nearly 20 miles of mountain roads to work every day, others found it too hard, but Cheng Guipan said, "It's not hard. I just need to walk into the school gate and see the students, and forget all the troubles." Liu Lun, a postman who ran along the rural roads for more than 500000 kilometers in 36 years, always took every letter and package seriously, His unchanging belief is that he should be a man and work steadily. Yang Yong, the driver of train D2809, resolutely took emergency braking measures at a critical moment to protect the safety of 151 passengers and staff on the train, but he was unfortunately killed in duty. His relic, "The Manual of EMU Drivers", clearly reads "The last pass, a gate of honor and disgrace". He lived up to this clanking promise with his life... These admirable models, With unremitting persistence and even life, we fight hard in ordinary posts, as persistent and tenacious as screws. It is the tens of thousands of "them" who have worked hard in their respective posts to demonstrate China's positive energy in their own way and jointly stand up as the backbone of China. We should vigorously spread China's positive energy, play the song of the times, and drive more people to improve and forge ahead.

The people are the creators of history and a powerful force to advance history. For the people, the country's development achievements are more visible and tangible. The Party and the government have always adhered to the people centered development philosophy. China has built the world's largest education system, social security system, and medical and health system. Basic old-age insurance covers 140 million people. The participation rate of basic medical insurance has stabilized at 95%. People's lives have improved in all aspects, and people's sense of gain and happiness have been growing. This will further stimulate the people's consciousness and initiative and create a better future.

Today's achievements come from hard work, and tomorrow's great cause needs more tenacious struggle. To achieve a comprehensive victory in the fight against poverty, we must consolidate and expand the achievements of the fight against poverty and comprehensively promote rural revitalization. From now to 2035, we will basically realize socialist modernization... To achieve these grand blueprints, we must adhere to the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, take the long march of the new era, and more importantly, closely unite the people of all ethnic groups in the country to forge ahead.

A little spark gathers into a torch. The positive energy of China is the result of the practical actions of hundreds of millions of hardworking and kind-hearted Chinese people. To comprehensively promote Chinese style modernization, we must adhere to the spirit of struggle, face difficulties, overcome risks and challenges on the way forward, use China's positive energy to write a new chapter in China's development, and create a new glory in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

(Editor in charge: Meng Zhe, Qu Yuan)

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