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Party building review: "Dunmiao" is not a "hard job"?

September 21, 2023 09:46 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Whether it is crop "seedling raising" or cadre "seedling planting", we should master the heat, be patient and pay attention to skills. Recently, some media disclosed that the mechanism of "stumping seedlings" in some places was not perfect, and there were some cases such as "selecting seedlings" for apportionment, too heavy burden, and weak willingness to select cadres. Good "stump seedlings". Why did some good seedlings not grow, but withered, withered and died young? This has a lot of inspiration for the growth of young cadres and the improvement of grass-roots governance efficiency.

Young cadres are the hope for the development of the cause of the Party and the country. However, newly employed cadres, like young trees, need careful watering, pruning and leaf cutting. Only when they have a solid foundation can they thrive. Only by going to the masses and practice, listening to the urgent needs of grassroots cadres and the masses, and understanding and mastering the real situation, can we improve our ability to solve problems and solve problems. Since the new era, a large number of young cadres have gone to the grass-roots level, especially in hard areas, to "stump up seedlings". Through trials and hardships, they have seen the world and honed their abilities with real weapons, so that they can better shoulder the responsibilities and missions of the new era in ideological refining, political training, practical training and professional training.

However, the early fruit is not sweet, and the cadres who "pluck seedlings" are not practical. The original well intentioned "Dunmiao" mechanism has become distorted in the implementation of some places, and has become a "hard job" of setting targets and apportioning. Some ignore the needs of career development, do not match the reality of young cadres, and "drive ducks to the market"; Some young cadres go to the grass-roots level with the title of director and secretary, but they have to be equipped with a competent "nanny", who has no real name; Some people only focus on "sending", regardless of "stumbling", as long as they report materials to the superior, regardless of the situation of grass-roots work... All these things run counter to the requirements of "establishing a quality training system of source training, tracking training, and whole process training".

It is no good to do nothing with a single pier, and even worse to do nothing with a single pier. "Dunmiao" is a complete cycle, and the whole process needs to be "good is rewarded, wrong is cured, ill is saved, lost is changed". It must be soberly recognized that the release of young cadres from the organization is not "gilded", nor is it a formality, but is to be beaten and tempered in tough and important posts. This is a matter of great importance for the Party and the country to carry on the cause, and cannot be handled! Cadres must resolutely avoid the tendency of not using, ignoring, and refusing to do anything, and resolutely overcome the problem of "the name is not in the person", "the body is not in the mind", "the time is not in the time".

Hot practice is the best classroom, and the people are the best teachers. The growth of young cadres depends not only on organizational training, but also on their own efforts. The iron shoulder is made by pressing and grinding, and the hard skill is made by doing and spelling. In the process of "stumping seedlings", young cadres should also adhere to the principle of learning by doing and learning, learning from the grassroots and the masses. They can shoulder heavy work, fight hard battles and withstand hardships. If you look from one mountain to another and feel that the unit is "small" and the post is "inferior", or you dislike the basic conditions, fear the work intensity, and are half hearted, you can't do a good job.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed that we should pay attention to the fundamental plan of having successors, improve the regular working mechanism for training and selecting outstanding young cadres, and take training and growth at the grass-roots level and in difficult areas as an important way to train young cadres. Only by adhering to the principle of "stumping seedlings", and more importantly, "stumping seedlings", can we cultivate good cadres who are responsible for entrepreneurship and achieve the unity of personal growth, mass satisfaction and career development.

(Editor in charge: Xu Yuhan, Qu Yuan)

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