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People's Online Review: Multiple Revelations from the Successful Application for World Heritage of "Jingmai Mountain Ancient Tea Forest"

Forest breeze
September 21, 2023 16:27 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Recently, the 45th UNESCO World Heritage Conference held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia adopted a resolution to include China's "Pu'er Jingmai Mountain Ancient Tea Forest Cultural Landscape" in the World Heritage List. So far, the number of world heritage sites in China has increased to 57.

Ten thousand mu of tea forest covers both ancient and modern times. It is of great significance that the "Pu'er Scenery Maishan Ancient Tea Forest Cultural Landscape" was successfully applied for World Heritage. It is not only the sixth world heritage in Yunnan Province, but also the world's first tea themed world cultural heritage, filling the gap in the global tea world cultural heritage. Tea originated in China and is popular in the world. The successful application for the World Heritage of "Pu'er Scenery and Ancient Tea Forest Cultural Landscape" will strongly demonstrate the wisdom of China's agricultural civilization, as well as the protection, inheritance and development of tea culture and tea industry.

Many netizens are asking, "Why is Jingmai Mountain?" Back to the successful application of "Puer Jingmai Mountain Ancient Tea Forest Cultural Landscape", it has left multiple enlightenment.

If the "signboard" with local characteristics is to be established and develop in an orderly and sustainable way, it must be based on advantages, combined with reality, and correctly positioned in practice. As we all know, the 10000 mu Jingmai Mountain Ancient Tea Forest is the best preserved, oldest planted, largest contiguous area, and the highest outstanding universal value of the artificial cultivated ancient tea forest in the world. However, in the 1990s, Jingmai Mountain's ancient tea forest also experienced a short detour. At that time, Jingmai Mountain also tried to plant high-yield platform tea. However, the practice finally proved that although the tea production increased, it could not sell at the price, and a series of secondary problems arose. In order to protect the ancient tea trees, the local government has successively issued a number of rules and regulations, and the villagers have also revised their operating methods to "subtract" from the tea in Taiwan, so as to regain the tradition of "tea under the forest" planting. One of the inspirations of the successful application for the World Heritage of "Pu'er Scenery Maishan Ancient Tea Forest Cultural Landscape" is that we should not blindly follow the trend and make hasty decisions on local development and industry, but should base on traditional advantages, combine reality, dare to correct mistakes, and focus on development.

Further, behind the successful application for the World Heritage of "Pu'er Scenery, Maishan Ancient Tea Forest Cultural Landscape", there is also the enlightenment of people's positive interaction with nature and firm pursuit of sustainable development. In the long river of time, the local people gradually found out a set of valuable experience. For example, the ethnic groups living for generations have formed a unique village layout and design, the power grid wire transformation "gave way" to the ancient tea forest, and repeatedly demonstrated what materials should be used for the dozens of kilometers of mountain roads entering the core area of Jingmai Mountain. Behind many details, it is the concept of cherishing the resources in hand, protecting the ecological environment, benign interaction between man and nature, and sustainable development that is conveyed.

In fact, the successful application of "Pu'er Scenery, Maishan Ancient Tea Forest Cultural Landscape" can be described as "a sword sharpened in ten years", and it is also a down-to-earth, multi effort protection and management responsibility. It has been 13 years since the "Pu'er Scenery Maishan Ancient Tea Forest Cultural Landscape" was applied for the World Heritage. Among them, there are the exploration and practice of ecological protection of ancient tea forests, the efforts of combining local government management and grass-roots villagers' autonomy, and the efforts of constantly exploring the living protection of heritage sites. In its assessment report, the International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) highly evaluated the protection and management of the "Puer Jingmai Mountain Ancient Tea Forest Cultural Landscape", and believed that the heritage meets the requirements of authenticity and integrity, the protection measures effectively cover all value carriers, and the heritage monitoring and management system is scientifically efficient. This is undoubtedly the recognition of the concept, method and ability of protection and management before and after the application for World Heritage of "Pu'er Scenery, Maishan Ancient Tea Forest Cultural Landscape".

The successful application for the World Heritage of "Pu'er Scenery Maishan Ancient Tea Forest Cultural Landscape" is a valuable mirror. Its enlightenment and reference not only lie in the experience of applying for the World Heritage, but also lie in the benign interaction and sustainable development of local people and nature who "live together in forest and tea, and people and land are harmonious" for thousands of years. Because of this, we have reason to believe that in the future, local people will accumulate more useful experience in heritage protection and management, preventing excessive commercialization, and integrating high-quality development of the tea industry.

(Editor in charge: Meng Zhe, Qu Yuan)

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