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People's online review: R&D funds have reached a new level, demonstrating the determination of scientific and technological innovation

September 21, 2023 13:22 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Innovation is the first driving force for development, and R&D funds are the source of scientific and technological innovation activities. On September 18, according to the data jointly released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Finance, in 2022, China's total investment in research and experimental development (R&D) will exceed 3 trillion yuan, reaching 3078.29 billion yuan, an increase of 10.1% over the previous year, continuing the momentum of rapid growth. China's R&D funds have reached a new level, outlining the vigorous trend of continuously increasing investment in scientific and technological innovation and boosting high-quality economic and social development.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have successively issued a series of policy documents and reform measures to optimize the management of scientific research funds. On March 3, 2014, the State Council issued Several Opinions on Improving and Strengthening the Management of Scientific Research Projects and Funds of the Central Government. On December 3 of the same year, the State Council issued the Plan on Deepening the Management Reform of the Central Fiscal Science and Technology Plan (Special Projects, Funds, etc.), which opened the prelude to the reform of science and technology plan and fund management. The CPC Central Committee is committed to integrating resources, making systematic top-level design for scientific research funding, improving the efficiency of R&D funding, stimulating the vitality of scientific research innovation, and laying an economic foundation for the steady development of China's scientific research.

The system layout of the CPC Central Committee has restructured the current science and technology planning system. With the relevant policies being implemented more quickly and solidly, local governments at all levels have implemented the innovation driven development strategy to support local science and technology innovation in various ways, such as funding science and technology planning projects, increasing financial incentives, and guiding social capital. With the concerted efforts of the central and local governments, significant results have been achieved. By 2022, China's R&D funds in 12 regions will exceed 100 billion yuan. At the same time, the dominant position of Chinese enterprises in R&D investment has been further consolidated. A series of new measures have effectively mobilized the enthusiasm of enterprises for research and development, supported enterprises to give priority to the declaration of science and technology plan projects, implemented the pre tax deduction of research and development expenses, and promoted the sharing of scientific instruments and equipment. Enterprise entities enjoy more autonomy within the policy scope, and their expenditure also shows a considerable upward trend. In 2022, China's enterprise R&D expenditure will be 2387.86 billion yuan, It increased by 11.0% over the previous year.

The annual increase of R&D funds shows the importance and determination of the CPC Central Committee and local governments to scientific R&D and scientific and technological innovation. Enterprises, universities, scientific research institutions and other executive bodies have received substantial fund support and guarantee in scientific research, which helps to solve the difficulties and obstacles in fund management and use, stimulate the innovation potential of scientific researchers, and liberate them from bondage, R&D strength will continue to improve, and scientific research achievements will also continue to emerge. In the long run, the rapid growth of investment in science and technology has more effectively supported the construction of an innovative country. In the future, if China wants to become a leading innovative country and even a world science and technology power, it must continue to increase the investment in research and development of the whole society, optimize and adjust the investment structure.

"Give more autonomy to scientific research institutions, give scientists greater decision-making power over technical routes and use of funds, and free scientific research institutions and researchers from the cumbersome and unnecessary constraints of institutional mechanisms!" In the future, under the overall deployment and implementation everywhere, China's R&D funds will be further improved to provide practical guarantee for researchers to devote themselves to research, Promote economic transformation and upgrading and high-quality development with scientific and technological innovation.

(Editor in charge: Xu Yuhan, Qu Yuan)

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