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People's online review: modern science and technology museum system to build a new ecology of science popularization

September 13, 2023 13:35 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Recently, the China Association for Science and Technology announced that since the start of construction in 2012, the number of offline public visits served by China's modern science and technology museum system has exceeded 1 billion. As an institutional innovative design of the Party's leading science popularization work, key progress has been made in building a modern science and technology museum system, and the integrated development pattern of the modern science and technology museum system with distinctive Chinese characteristics has gradually taken shape.

In order to implement the pioneering thought that "scientific and technological innovation and science popularization are the two wings to achieve innovative development", since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, "popularizing scientific knowledge, carrying forward scientific spirit, and improving the scientific literacy of the whole people" has gradually become a social consensus. In December 2021, the 14th Five Year Plan for the Development of Modern Science and Technology Museum System (2021-2025) issued by the Chinese Association for Science and Technology put forward a series of tasks and goals such as "strengthening the infrastructure construction of science and technology museum system, and promoting the construction of one science and technology museum in each prefecture level city by 2025". With the support of macro policies, the significance and value of the science and technology museum have been further highlighted. It is not only a pure humanistic space, but also an important symbol of the modernization development of a country.

In the past 10 years, China's modern science and technology museum system has grown from scratch, taking root, sprouting, and bearing fruit in all corners of the country. At present, 446 up to standard physical science and technology museums, 657 mobile science and technology museums, 1764 popular science caravans, 1124 rural middle school science and technology museums and China Digital Science and Technology Museum have been built, which is a "five in one" science popularization infrastructure system covering the whole country. A new blueprint for the coordinated development of "national province city county" has been initially presented, so as to promote the fair benefit of science popularization services and improve the scientific quality of the whole people And make positive contributions to all-round social development.

For the general public, the modern science and technology museum is a vivid educational space, which effectively promotes the balanced and inclusive science and education resources. At the Zhangye Science and Technology Museum, primary school students in Linze County, Zhangye City, Gansu Province, watched the robot performance in ignorance and curiosity. The construction of modern science and technology museum system takes participation, interaction and experience as various forms, which can better meet the public's higher level demand for science popularization and realize the sharing of scientific and technological development achievements. For the country as a whole, the modern science and technology museum is a shining card representing the image of the country and an important bridge to promote exchanges and mutual learning among world civilizations. The special exhibition "Blue comes from blue -- the origin, development and exchange of blue and white porcelain" jointly planned and launched by the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, Shanghai Museum, Nanhai Museum, Shanghai University, etc. will tour to countries along the "Belt and Road" to tell the world the story of Chinese ceramic science and technology, and demonstrate China's ambition of openness, mutual trust, cooperation and sharing, and mutual learning of civilizations.

"Without the general improvement of the scientific quality of the whole people, it is difficult to build a large high-quality innovation force and realize the rapid transformation of scientific and technological achievements." The modern science and technology museum presents the rapidly changing scientific and technological achievements to the people of China and the world in a vivid and diversified way, and cultivates fertile soil for innovation in building a scientific and technological power.

(Editor in charge: Xu Yuhan, Qu Yuan)

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