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Take multiple measures to tackle cross-border telecom network fraud (People's Review)

Zhang Tianpei
06:30, September 13, 2023 | Source: People's Daily
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Cut off the black and gray interest chain of cross-border telecom network fraud crime, and squeeze the space of telecom network fraud crime


On August 29, the giant telecom network fraud dens located in Batam Island, Indonesia, were destroyed at one fell swoop, and 88 suspects of telecom network fraud were successfully arrested; On September 6, the relevant local law enforcement departments of Myanmar collectively transferred 1207 suspects of fraud to us, as well as a large number of crime tools... Recently, the Chinese police actively carried out police law enforcement cooperation, carried out joint crackdowns with the Indonesian police and the relevant local law enforcement departments of Myanmar, and eliminated several overseas telecom network fraud dens, The arrest of the criminal suspect of telecom network fraud severely cracked down on the arrogance of the fraudsters, and continued to deter cross-border telecom network fraud crimes.

In recent years, the telecom network fraud crime has taken on the prominent characteristics of industrialization, collectivization and internationalization. Although countries continue to crack down on it, it still occurs frequently. At the same time, it has spawned a series of illegal and criminal acts such as online gambling, illegal immigration, and human trafficking, which have seriously affected the personal and property safety of people in various countries and brought major hidden dangers to social stability in various countries. Illegal elements engaged in telecom network fraud often hide their criminal dens in the blind area of monitoring, trying to exploit legal loopholes and avoid severe sanctions. It is necessary and urgent to effectively prevent the spread of telecom network fraud.

Cooperation in combating cross-border telecommunications network fraud is a broad consensus of the international community. In recent years, Chinese public security organs have actively carried out anti fraud actions with relevant institutions and organizations in various regions and countries, destroyed overseas fraud dens, arrested and returned criminal suspects, intercepted illegal outflow of funds, and gathered joint forces to combat telecom network fraud with closer cooperation, more proactive offensive and more professional actions. Since this year, the Ministry of Public Security has successively sent working groups to the Philippines, Cambodia, Laos and other countries to carry out international law enforcement cooperation, continue to promote relevant joint actions, launch a fierce attack on overseas telecom network fraud groups, and to a certain extent, curb the high incidence of such crimes.

At the same time, it should be noted that cooperation among countries still faces difficulties and challenges. For example, different countries pay different attention to the law enforcement standards of telecom network fraud, resulting in difficulties in obtaining evidence, arresting, repatriating and recovering stolen goods when handling cross-border telecom network fraud cases; Some criminals have lived in overseas areas for a long time, and even joined the nationality of residence. In the case of relatively imperfect judicial assistance system, they use legal loopholes to escape extradition and sanctions after arrest.

Therefore, to eradicate the soil of cross-border telecom network fraud crime, we must adhere to the full chain and in-depth attack. International law enforcement cooperation should be further actively carried out in view of key cases such as the current upstream dens of cross-border telecommunications network fraud crime industry and the hidden organizers abroad. Overseas is not a blind spot in the fight against telecom network fraud, nor is it an out of law place where people can roam freely. On the basis of respecting the laws and regulations of various countries, strengthening the exchange of police activities and information sharing, maximizing judicial cooperation, strengthening judicial assistance, and improving the strength and efficiency of the fight will further form a powerful deterrent to cross-border telecommunications network fraud crimes. In addition, it is also necessary to comprehensively promote the construction of China's three-dimensional border prevention and control system, and cut off the channels for criminals to go abroad to engage in telecommunications network fraud.

Telecommunication network fraud crime is a preventable crime. We should adhere to the principle of moving forward and putting prevention first, and comprehensively take a variety of preventive measures to prevent cases to the maximum extent and reduce property losses of the masses. A heavy fist is not enough to punish evil. The crime of telecommunication network fraud must always be severely punished in accordance with the law, and there is no leniency for fraud committed abroad. For upstream and downstream related crimes such as infringing on citizens' personal information and helping information network crimes, we should also crack down and punish them in accordance with the law, cut off the black and gray interest chain of cross-border telecommunications network fraud crimes, and squeeze the space for telecommunications network fraud crimes.

Strengthening publicity and education, building a nationwide anti fraud pattern, and promoting people's awareness of fraud and fraud prevention are important aspects to solve the problem of telecom network fraud. All regions and departments have innovated ways and means of pre prevention of telecom network fraud to make people deeply understand and understand the means and hazards of telecom network fraud, improve their vigilance against information related to fraud, and enhance their ability to identify telecom network fraud, which is conducive to forming a strong atmosphere for the whole society to jointly resist and prevent illegal and criminal acts of telecom network fraud, Let telecommunications network fraud nowhere to hide, and better protect the people's personal and property security.

People's Daily (September 13, 2023, 5th Edition)

(Editor in charge: Zhao Xinyue, Qu Yuan)

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