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People's Sports Talk: Give Chinese Women's Football Team more time to prove themselves

old name for what is now Shaanxi and Gansu provinces
10:18, August 2, 2023 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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The Chinese women's football team lost. On the evening of August 1, in the third round of the 2023 Women's World Cup group match, the Chinese women's football team lost to the English women's football team 1:6, ranking the third in the group with one win and two losses, and was unable to be promoted to the last 16. So we bid farewell to this World Cup.

"I hope the children will play better football in the future" and "I hope they will not be so embarrassed in the future matches representing the national team". The words of Wang Shuang, the women's football player, after the game made many people moved and lost in thought. From the competition scene, the Chinese women's football team is really passive, unable to compete with the tall body of the English players, and unable to get rid of the "crazy" pressing of the English players.

Skills are inferior to people, which is the most intuitive feeling of many people after watching the game. Shui Qingxia, the head coach of the women's football team, said frankly after the match: "There is still a big gap between us and Europe (the women's football team)". "Our generation should strive to shorten the gap as soon as possible". This is not to destroy one's own ambition and grow others' prestige, but a clear understanding.

I still remember that in the group match of the women's football team of the Tokyo Olympic Games, the Chinese women's football team lost 17 goals in three games, and in the last game, it defeated the Netherlands by 2:8. The team was eliminated after one point was accumulated in three games, which was the worst performance of the Chinese women's football team in the history of the Olympic Games and also showed that the Chinese women's football team was in a deep depression. After Shui Qingxia took over the head coach, the Chinese women's football team has made progress, especially winning the Asian Cup last year. However, this does not mean that the Chinese women's football team has become one of the world's top teams, nor does it mean that the Chinese women's football team has an advantage over the European and American teams.

One detail is that before the World Cup, Shui Qingxia said in an interview: "No matter what happens in the World Cup, the Chinese women's football team will smile to meet the challenge." Wang Shanshan, the captain of the women's football team, said: "We hope to achieve good results in this competition, but we also know the gap between ourselves and the world's top teams." It is easy to find that whether the head coach or the captain, They all know that there is a gap between the Chinese women's football team and the strong teams in Europe and the United States. One example is that there were 7 European teams and 1 American team among the top 8 teams in the last Women's World Cup.

So, in this context, how do you view the failure of the Chinese women's football team to advance this time?

First of all, knowing shame is almost brave. It takes courage to acknowledge the gap and realize your own shortcomings. If you lose, you lose. Don't look for excuses, don't blame others, and don't care about the left and right. This is the premise to get out of the trough. Of course, we need to know where we lost and where the gap lies. Only by comprehensively reviewing, can we make up for our shortcomings.

Secondly, the Chinese women's football team lost, but the spirit of the women's football team was not lost. Although she conceded one goal in the first few minutes, and then two goals in a row, the women's football girls did not give up, let alone disarm. Instead, they fought for every goal and fought for every goal. It was because of this spirit that they recovered a goal in the second half - the goal lost by the English women's football team was also the first goal lost by them in this World Cup, and they were zero opponents in the previous two games. This shows that the women's football team is still struggling and strong willed. Shui Qingxia also talked about the women's football team members' struggle on the field after the game.

If the Chinese women's football team wants to rise, it cannot rely on spirit alone, but it is not feasible without spirit.

Finally, we should not stop supporting women's football just because they lost. Whenever you watch the women's football match, you will find a warm heart phenomenon. The audience has been cheering for the women's football team. Even though the Chinese women's football team is far behind and has no hope of turning over, the cheering is still continuous, which makes people feel the enthusiasm and sincerity of the Chinese women's football fans. In this regard, Shui Qingxia also said, "This is the strength of the Chinese women's football team in adversity." It is true that the women's football team lost, but the fans should not lose confidence, let alone snobbery. If they win, they will applaud, and if they lose, they will scold. This is not the attitude that fans should have.

It is a fact that the Chinese women's football team, once brilliant, is now in trouble. How can we catch up with the strong teams in Europe and the United States? The whole society needs to think, for example, how to enrich the women's football reserve force? For another example, how can our women's football team give play to its fast and flexible advantages and how can we play team football in the face of the growing emphasis on skills and tactics of strong European and American teams?

In this World Cup group match, the Japanese women's football team won all three matches, which is impressive. "Sail against the current, if you don't advance, you will fall back". While developing strengths and avoiding weaknesses, you should also be good at learning from each other in order to comprehensively improve.

For the Chinese women's football team, there are two major events this year, namely the Asian Games and the Olympic preliminaries. It is expected that the women's football team will achieve good results, and the whole society will be more patient and caring for the women's football team, and give them more time to prove themselves and justify themselves.

(Editor in charge: Yan Shuai, Qu Yuan)

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