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People talk about: science and technology enable the great sports, and wisdom creates the future

Li Ying
August 1, 2023 11:32 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Recently, the 31st Summer Universiade was held in full swing in Chengdu. The outstanding performance of athletes on the field made people applaud, and the high technology everywhere outside the field was refreshing. It is understood that this Universiade will focus on the main venue, Universiade Village and other spaces, and implement a total of more than 170 technical products in venue construction, event support, digital viewing, smart services and other aspects, covering more than 30 venues, providing more convenience for hosting, participating and watching the games, while also injecting more innovative vitality into Chengdu, and promoting the urban development towards digital and intelligent steps.

Hand in hand with "scientific and technological achievements" to provide efficient guarantee for the level of the event. In terms of meteorological monitoring, a new generation of basic model for short-term and imminent weather forecast - Rongcheng Kuiniu realizes intelligent interpretation and fine correction of weather forecast by using artificial intelligence algorithm technology, prepares time window for dealing with meteorological disasters, and makes it possible to make faster, more detailed and more accurate weather forecast for the Universiade. In terms of infrastructure, the underwater robot and water purification double circulation system device of the Aquarium can maintain the water quality standard through intelligent monitoring all day long; The smart cartridge cabinet in the shooting venue uses face recognition technology to implement contactless access to bullets, helping to hold games safely and conveniently; The "Rongbao" robots scattered in the venues not only have super skills such as inquiry, navigation, awards, but also are equipped with cardiac defibrillators and emergency equipment kits to deal with emergencies. They can be called "Universiade cards" with both strength and appearance. Every detail contains technical ingenuity, which is also a vivid interpretation of the "Wisdom Universiade".

Share the "science and technology feast" and provide quality services for the Universiade life. With the help of science and technology, the Universiade Village is equipped with a variety of digital intelligent facilities to accompany young people from all over the world with considerate services around the life, clothing, housing and transportation of the event. From the "ice vest" made of new constant temperature materials in the aerospace field to the intelligent unmanned snack machine that can provide finished products in only two or three minutes; From the translation intercom system supporting 83 language services to the driverless automatic bus with a 200 meter sensing range and 360 degree blind zone free; From 3D printing real person manual, AI intelligent fitness mirror to VR Tai Chi+Baduan Brocade and other interactive game experiences, the technology application within reach of the Universiade Village not only brings convenience and novelty experience to everyone, but also reflects warmth and humanistic care.

Bathe in the "glory of science and technology" and provide intelligent support for the development of Chengdu. The Universiade follows the concept of "green, wisdom, vitality and sharing", takes low-carbon as the premise, technology as the foundation, innovation as the means, and sustainable development as the goal, and strives to make the world's youth see the vivid epitome of the construction of beautiful Sichuan. Whether it is a water polo venue that uses permeable concrete technology to collect and purify rainwater that seeps into the ground to provide water supply for the greening and cleaning of the venue; Or Chengdu University Volleyball Gymnasium, which can save 300~500 kilowatt hours of light power every day by building an indoor glass daylighting well; Or the Phoenix Mountain Gymnasium visual management platform built on the digital twin technology and the "smart city" management system can provide demonstration cases through continuous innovation and practice while reducing energy consumption and operation and maintenance costs, so as to activate the power source for the sustainable development of Chengdu, a park city, and build a strong foundation.

Under the spotlight, Chengdu unfolds a smart narrative of a city with the Universiade as the volume. Behind the spotlight, there are more scientific and technological strength and innovative vitality to escort the Universiade. At the same time, taking sports events as the fulcrum, the Universiade will drive regional innovation with scientific and technological innovation, continue to "dream" outside the venues, and let the world see a more modern and charming Chengdu.

(Editor in charge: Zhao Chunxiao, Qu Yuan)

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