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People's Sports Talk: Physical Exercise Should Pay More Attention to Scientific Sports

Kong Qingyuan
09:53, June 9, 2023 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Life is in motion. People can effectively delay aging, slow down the atrophy of body organs, and enhance resistance and immunity through moderate physical exercise.

The village BA basketball match and the community cup football match are in full swing, the marathon running and bicycle racing fields are full, the national fitness online sports meeting and the national fitness conference for the elderly have achieved remarkable results... With the extensive development of national fitness activities, people should also pay attention to the transformation from love of sports to understanding sports and sports.

The author learned from the rehabilitation department of a Grade III A hospital that some sports injuries are still common now. Some run in an improper posture, and the knee will ache when running more; Some skip rope to lose weight. Although they lose weight, their knees also jump out of problems; Some middle-aged and elderly fitness enthusiasts exercise their cervical vertebrae, mistakenly fixing their chins with cloth straps, and hanging their heads on the trunk to shake; Some young people are keen on heavy lifting and will injure their muscles or joints if they are careless. All kinds of phenomena show that physical exercise should be scientific.

How can we make sports more scientific? This is an important subject for the implementation of the national strategy of national fitness for all. In reality, sports science, as a discipline with strong professionalism and practicality, is not easy to learn. It requires a certain amount of effort and sometimes good teacher guidance. Specifically, from the national level, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of market regulation mechanism, strengthen talent training, vigorously popularize science and exercise common sense, and actively explore advanced technology. Deeply dig the essence of traditional culture such as Chinese martial arts, and strengthen the integration of Chinese and Western culture, sports and medicine.

In addition, further efforts should be made to popularize science and give full play to the role of new media social platforms in publicity and promotion. The public should deeply understand the importance of sports science in physical exercise and avoid blind sports. We should pay attention to thinking in sports practice, and strive to become an understanding person of physical exercise. We should strive to get twice the result with half the effort, not half the result with half the effort. We should be good at drawing on professional guidance, and actively learn common sense of exercise through various media. It is necessary to strengthen cultural self-confidence and be good at combining exercise with traditional Chinese culture, such as TCM regimen and basic skills of martial arts.

Physical exercise is the way, and science is the method. Only by accelerating the transformation from active fitness to scientific fitness can we better promote the deep integration of national fitness and national health, and better meet the people's growing needs for a better life. When the quality level of national fitness has reached a new height, people's physical literacy and health level will also be greatly improved.

(Editor in charge: Zhao Chunxiao, Qu Yuan)

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