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People's Sports Talk: Make Sports a "Compulsory Course" for Teenagers in Summer

July 29, 2022 08:50 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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At present, the burden of written homework has decreased, and the demand for quality education has increased. How to reasonably arrange the summer life of teenagers has become the focus of parents' attention. Recently, the Ministry of Education issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job in the 2022 Summer School Work, which proposed to effectively open sports venues, strengthen physical exercise, etc., opening up ideas for young people's summer life.

For teenagers, sports can strengthen their physique. In recent years, "Little Fatty Pier" and "Little Glasses" have emerged frequently, and the health problems of adolescents such as obesity and myopia have aroused widespread concern in society. Strengthening outdoor activities and physical exercise is a good way to prevent myopia and obesity and improve physical health. In accordance with the requirements of the Bright Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Myopia among Children and Adolescents (2021-2025) issued by the Ministry of Education, many schools have assigned sports homework to students this summer, conveying a clear direction. Compared with the physical education classes and extracurricular exercises in the semester, the summer vacation is longer and more concentrated, which can not only complete the sports homework assigned by the school, but also be a good opportunity to learn sports skills and cultivate regular sports habits, which should be paid attention to.

For teenagers, sports can also improve their minds. Team projects such as volleyball and basketball test the sense of cooperation. Long distance sports such as long-distance running and mountain climbing require perseverance, while confrontational sports such as football and wrestling can cultivate the ability to resist setbacks... In general, all kinds of sports can release psychological pressure and help cultivate a positive and sunny attitude of teenagers. Sports are not only to exercise and improve physical ability, but also to "use sports people" to improve personality and will in sports, which is what teenagers need for growth.

The physical and mental health of adolescents cannot be ignored, and summer sports also need scientific guidance. Parents need to make reasonable exercise plans according to the actual situation of their children. We should not only diversify and cultivate children's interests, but also moderate and reasonable to ensure children's safety; It is not only necessary to let children participate in sports, but also to help them develop regular work and rest, balance diet intake, so that sports can play a role in pressing the restart button for the body during the holidays, and better ushering in the new school year.

It should also be noted that youth summer sports are not only a matter of family and school, but also need the concerted support of all parties. Shandong Rizhao vigorously promotes the construction of youth stadiums such as football and basketball, and has built more than 7900 fitness facilities, giving priority to youth; Zhejiang set up a youth sports federation to attract people from all walks of life, promote social forces and jointly promote the development of youth sports... Recently, many good practices have emerged around the country, which are worth learning from and promoting. The family, school and society work together to provide guidance and services, which can promote sports to be more abundant and deeply integrated into the daily life of young people, and bring them a richer and more long-term positive impact.

Let sports become a "required course" for teenagers in summer vacation, so that they can have a happy and meaningful summer vacation, and also let them have a healthy body and mind, and a happy childhood. The road of sports and education integration and sports power will be wider and wider.

(Editor in charge: Shi Yaqiao, Qu Yuan)

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