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People's Sports Talks: Chinese Men's Basketball Team Needs to Make up Shortcomings

Wang Caoqun
July 21, 2022 13:07 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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On July 20, Beijing time, China lost to Lebanon 69:72 in the quarter finals of the Asian Men's Basketball Cup, ending the 11th consecutive victory over Lebanon in the Asian Cup.

Although it is understandable that the Chinese men's basketball team did not have a systematic training, incomplete personnel and poor final performance due to injuries, diseases, epidemics and other factors, some problems have also been exposed. In the match against Lebanon, the Chinese team made 22 mistakes, which reflected the problems of insufficient tactical literacy, poor basic skills and poor psychological quality. In contrast, the Lebanese team made only eight mistakes. In particular, Will Araki, the leading figure of the Lebanese team, scored 32 points, almost half of the whole team, indicating that the Chinese team's defense did not pose too much threat to the Lebanese team and was not targeted enough. The Chinese men's basketball team needs to make a summary.

First of all, how to use Zhou Qi's peak period to maximize his role when Zhou Qi has become an arrow of the Chinese men's basketball team. From coming all the way to join the team, taking orders in the face of danger, to supporting the Chinese men's basketball team with his own strength to the last moment, Zhou Qi can be said to have lived up to the expectations of the fans, showed his attitude and played well. However, judging from the Asian Cup, although Zhou Qi has made great contributions, the Chinese men's basketball team as a whole still has a problem of weak tactical execution. At the critical moment, they did not really hand the ball to the core players, and did not let the strongest point play a real role.

Secondly, we should solve the growth problem of young players. In fact, except for Zhou Qi, it is difficult for other people in the current Chinese men's basketball team to ensure their stable contributions to the team. Zhang Zhenlin, Zeng Fanbo and Guo Haowen, who are expected by fans, have great potential, but they have not shown their dominance in international competitions. How to give full play to the potential and advantages of young people is the top priority for the development of Chinese men's basketball team. We should "look back" on the selection and training mechanism, and we should not let coaches always "make bricks without straw".

In addition, how to improve the psychological quality of players is also the key to whether the Chinese men's basketball team can reach a higher level. The sudden outbreak of some role players in the Asian Cup "saved" the team and became one of the few "shining" moments. Athletes like Gu Quan and Jiang Weize let the fans see new hope. What impressed the fans was not only their scores, but also the arrogance that they were willing to take on. This arrogance came from their efforts at ordinary times and their own strength, and more from their strong psychological quality. What determines the lower limit of competitive sports is basic skills and peacetime training, and what determines the upper limit is mentality, which also directly affects the play of technical movements. The consequence of impatience with poor psychological quality is the sharp increase of mistakes, the deformation of actions, and even the imbalance of mentality, which leads to being punished. International tournaments are different from leagues. Every match is a key game, which cannot be missed. It requires high psychological quality. How to improve the psychological endurance of players is also very important.

We still have confidence in Chinese basketball. We have reason to believe that with the return of various basketball leagues and the systematization of athletes' training, Chinese men's basketball will regain its former glory in the future.

(Editor in charge: Shi Yaqiao, Qu Yuan)

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