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People's Sports Talk: Never give up your life when the wind blows

Zhang Anqi
March 8, 2022 14:03 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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The Beijing Winter Paralympic Games are in full swing, showing the world a different splendor. In the face of the strong wind of fate, Paralympic athletes interpreted the tenacity of life and showed their unyielding soul with their confident and generous heroism on the field, which won the attention and applause of the world.

The Winter Paralympic Games is not only an arena, but also a stage to prove oneself and influence the world.

Look, they are showing confidence that they will not be defeated by fate. Li Duan, the blind man who groped for light on the torch platform of the opening ceremony, was never confined by the "kiss" of the night. He lit the "light fire" in the sound of cheering to illuminate the world; Liu Zixu, who lost one leg, broke the shackles of fate and won the first gold medal for the Chinese team in the winter biathlon men's short distance sitting competition; As the only armless player in the Winter Paralympic Games at the same level, Sun Hongsheng smiled blandly: "It's enough to excite me to finish the race successfully". For him, the process is more important than the medal; Adam, a "small town youth" from Canada, never felt depressed due to the accidental loss of his right lower limb, but "found the courage to face everything in the movement". In the face of the shortcomings in life, they did not complain about the misfortunes they encountered unexpectedly in their life, but kept up with them and showed their positive optimism and unremitting efforts to the world.

See, the beauty of life has never been defined by any standard. The beauty of a man with sound personality should not be limited by narrow vision and outdated thinking. When they gallop down the top of the snow mountain in the posture of standing or sitting; When they are in a wheelchair, they push the curling bottle out again and again in an unconventional manner to complete the beating; When they can only rely on wheelchairs and crutches, they still practice the marksmanship of "walking with one hundred steps"... They tear the pain brought by their fate to pieces and proudly tell the world that I have won again. In front of the brilliance of human nature, their efforts have become eternal, and the brilliance of life is defined by themselves.

Look, caring for the disabled reflects the civilization temperature of our society. Whether it is the barrier free passageways and elevators in the competition venues or the barrier free rooms in the Winter Paralympic Village, the details show the service level and attitude of the country. Ana Lena Foster, a Paralympic athlete from Germany, said, "The (barrier free facilities) here are perfect, and I have not encountered any problems." "Barrier free" will become the direction of China's social development. At the same time, compassion and sympathy will be replaced by equality and respect. Psychological "barrier free" will also gradually enter the hearts of people. Under the concept of "disability integration", We will move forward hand in hand.

"The limitations of fate can always exist, but unyielding challenges can never be lost." Although the gale kisses me bitterly, I sing proudly and unyielding of the light of human nature. The Winter Paralympic Games made the world realize the self-improvement in the soul and feel different splendor.  

(Editor in charge: Shi Yaqiao, Qu Yuan)

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