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People talk about: You are my eye, pay tribute to the "heroes behind the scenes"

Hao Wenxuan
March 7, 2022 17:05 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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On March 7, Zhu Daqing, a Chinese athlete, won the silver medal in the women's super giant slalom (visually impaired group) of alpine skiing at the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games, winning himself the third medal of the Winter Paralympic Games. Zhu Daqing's achievements come from his unremitting efforts and are inseparable from the escort of Yan Hanhan, the guide. As a hero behind the scenes, guide Yan Hanhan and Zhu Daqing stood on the podium and put on the medal together. This is a common honor for athletes and guides.

The guider is the partner of visually impaired athletes in sports for the disabled, and the "eye" of visually impaired athletes in training and competition. It is not easy to be a good "eye" for visually impaired players. In addition to superb skills, patience and a sense of responsibility are also required. On the track, Yan Hanhan, as a guide, not only needs to quickly judge the track conditions, but also help Zhu Daqing guide the route, angle, curve, etc. Mutual trust needs to be cultivated over the years, and the tacit understanding on the court comes from the continuous exchange and discussion of movement essentials during training. In addition, the guide should try to ensure the safety of athletes. "As long as she (Zhu Daqing) slides down safely, it is better than anything. I choose the former for safety and speed.".

In fact, before becoming a guide, Yan Hanhan was also a disabled alpine skier. He was born with a disabled right arm, but he has an amazing love for ice and snow sports. Yan Hanhan was selected into the National Disabled Men's Alpine Skiing Team and won the gold medal in the Alpine Skiing Competition of the 9th Hebei Disabled Games in 2018. Unfortunately, a mistake injured Yan Hanhan and affected his career performance. For the honor of the country and the team, and in order not to leave the beloved stadium, this excellent male athlete gave up his ambition and dream, and decided to escort others' dreams and become the bright "eyes".

For a long time, the guide is more like an "invisible person" beside the visually impaired athletes, because there is no guide's name on the performance bar. Even if they can stand on the podium with the athletes, there is no medal. In 2008 Beijing Paralympic Games, the guiders first came into the public's view. At the awarding ceremony of the women's 100m T11 competition, Wu Chunmiao, the champion athlete, took off the gold medal in front of his chest and hung it around the neck of Li Jiayu, the guide, before the national anthem sounded. It is this scene that "half of you are in the military merit badge" draws the world's attention to the guide who "advances and retreats together" with the visually impaired players. Since the 2008 Beijing Paralympic Games, the facilitators have also got a medal of their own.

At the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games, we pay tribute to every athlete who is unyielding to his fate, as well as to the "heroes behind the scenes" such as the guide. Together with the players, each guide has made great efforts, and their patience, sense of responsibility and selflessness will continue to enrich the spirit of the Paralympic Games, which is worthy of applause and respect.

(Editor in charge: Yan Shuai, Qu Yuan)

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