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People talk about: unity and tacit understanding compose hymn, super combination creates brilliance again

20:39, March 5, 2022 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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On the morning of March 5, Yanqing Alpine Skiing Center welcomed the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games Alpine Women's Skiing Speed Down (visually impaired group) competition. Zhu Daqing, a Chinese player, crossed the finish line with a time of 1:21.75 seconds and won the silver medal. This is the first medal won by the Chinese delegation at the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games, and also the first medal won by the Chinese sports delegation in the winter Paralympic Games.

Alpine skiing is often regarded as the game of the brave, and downhill is also called the king of speed in alpine skiing. It requires athletes to slide down from the top of the mountain through the gate shaped with flags along the specified route. On the "Rock" track with a total length of 2267 meters, the starting height is 1930 meters, the ending height is 1285 meters, and the height difference reaches 645 meters. The athletes have to ski at high speed, jump, and turn to cross the flag gate, which is very dangerous. This sport full of speed and passion has high requirements for the endurance, explosive power, agility and mentality of disabled athletes.

Because of love, I can overcome obstacles and strive constantly. Zhu Daqing, from Hebei, had visual impairment since she was a child, but this did not stop her love of competitive sports. With her outstanding talent in sprinting, she participated in various disabled events on behalf of China, and won the women's 100m T12 gold medal at the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Paralympic Games and the women's 200m T12 bronze medal at the 2012 London Paralympic Games. In 2019, Zhu Daqing's cross event contact with the alpine skiing project, the pain she suffered in training and the strangeness to the project could not stop her yearning and pursuit of speed. She successfully realized her dream and won the first medal of the Chinese delegation at this Winter Olympics, which also made up for her regret of missing the Paralympic Games in 2008. The famous general who moved from the Paralympic Games to the Winter Paralympic Games showed the world the spirit of the Paralympic athletes' unremitting self-improvement and hard work with excellent performance and good state, and wrote a magnificent movement of continuous life and sports.

For safety reasons, every visually impaired alpine skier has a leader beside him. They are the "eyes" of the skiers, guiding them to complete a series of difficult movements, helping them avoid obstacles, and finally completing the competition. Yan Hanhan, Zhu Daqing's guide, is also an athlete. Due to the impact of injuries, he cannot realize his dream on the field. But out of his love for ice and snow sports, he is willing to be a "hero behind the scenes" to escort Zhu Daqing, help her achieve self breakthrough, and also realize her dream in another way.

In fact, this pair of super strong teams have great strength and won three gold medals in the National Paralympic Games. At the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games, they lived up to expectations and stood on the podium again. And this pair of partners is also the epitome of countless disabled athletes. No matter what hardships and setbacks life brings to disabled athletes, they always smile, grow together in mutual encouragement and help, and create miracles of life with unity and tacit understanding.

The horn of the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games has been sounded, and Paralympic athletes have played the life hymn of tenacity and struggle with love and persistence. I hope that every athlete can achieve his dream, bloom and fly against the wind in the next competition.

(Editor in charge: Shi Yaqiao, Qu Yuan)

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