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People's view: promote the Paralympic values of "I can" to penetrate the hearts of young people

Hao Wenxuan
March 5, 2022 15:47 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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"The two Olympics are equally wonderful". At present, various events of the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games are under way. While Paralympic athletes are struggling on the field, the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee is also deepening the education of Paralympic values in order to realize the vision of "making the Olympic Games benefit social development" and "making the world more familiar and integrated".

"The connotation of the Olympic culture is beyond competitive sports, especially in the broadest and most complete sense, it cannot be separated from education." Since the preparation of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the Winter Paralympic Games, the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee has always focused on the youth of hundreds of thousands of Chinese universities, middle schools, primary schools and special education schools while carrying out Olympic education, Actively promote Paralympic values education, introduce winter sports for the disabled, publicize Paralympic values, and form a sustainable Paralympic education model.

"The combination of knowledge learning and experiential activities" is the basic way of Paralympic education. BOCOG has organized the compilation and publication of the Chinese version of "I Can" Paralympic Values Education by the International Paralympic Committee. At present, more than 15000 copies have been distributed free of charge to 835 Olympic and Paralympic education demonstration schools and 2062 snow sports featured schools nationwide. This educational material focuses on primary and middle school students, and changes teenagers' views on the disabled by deepening their understanding of the Paralympic Movement; Through systematic introduction of Paralympic values, students are guided to salute and learn the unyielding will of Paralympic athletes.

In addition to letting teenagers know more about the values of the Paralympic Games, the Paralympic education experience activities are also more popular on campus. BOCOG has carried out the "My Dream of Winter Olympics" International Camp for Winter Olympic Journalists for four consecutive years. Small journalists learned, consolidated and shared the knowledge of the Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympic Games and felt the Olympic and Paralympic spirit through keynote speeches, knowledge quizzes, simulated interviews and other activities. The international camp has covered 2220 schools in 23 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and the Macao Special Administrative Region, with more than 2 million young people participating.

The Paralympic education is an excellent opportunity to guide disabled youth to feel the charm of winter competitive sports. The Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympic Games themed youth painting collection activity collected 2022 paintings from disabled children across the country. These paintings will become a link between disabled students and Paralympic athletes. In the interaction with athletes, disabled students will deeply learn the unyielding spirit of Paralympic athletes who are still struggling against difficulties in adversity.

"I can" is always more important than "I won". This is the concept of Paralympic education to the majority of young people. It is expected that with the promotion of Paralympic education, young students will better understand the spirit of the Paralympic Games, learn the unyielding will of Paralympic athletes, the courage to pursue dreams and the belief that they will never compromise with fate; In the Paralympic education, more attention and inclusion should be paid to the disabled groups, so as to contribute to the development of the disabled movement in China and the integration of disability and health.

(Editor in charge: Shi Yaqiao, Qu Yuan)

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