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People's Sports Talk: The "White Paper" highlights the remarkable achievements of China's sports for the disabled

Jiang Meng
March 3, 2022 19:02 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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On March 3, the Information Office of the State Council issued a white paper entitled "Development of Sports for the Disabled and Protection of Their Rights in China" (hereinafter referred to as the white paper). According to the white paper, physical education for the disabled is an effective way for the disabled to strengthen their physique, recover their body and mind, participate in society and achieve all-round development; It is a unique channel for people to recognize the potential and value of the disabled and promote social harmony and progress together. China has embarked on a path of disabled sports development with Chinese characteristics and in line with the trend of the times.

The main body of the white paper is divided into five parts. Through detailed and rich data, vivid and specific work, and hard won and eye-catching achievements, the white paper shows the extraordinary course of China's disabled sports along the way. China attaches great importance to the protection of the right to health of the disabled, integrates rehabilitation and fitness sports for the disabled into rehabilitation services for the disabled, and regards the right to participate in sports activities as an important part of the full realization of the right to survival and development of the disabled. By participating in a variety of sports activities, the majority of disabled people not only better realize self-esteem, self-confidence, self-reliance and self-improvement, but also show life strength and excellent character in sports, and the right to participate in social life on an equal basis is better guaranteed, so that the concept of "integration of disability and health" is really implemented.

To vigorously develop sports for the disabled, we must build a top-level design. The white paper reveals that sports for the disabled have been incorporated into national strategies such as national fitness, healthy China, and sports power. In terms of the rule of law, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Public Cultural Services and the Regulations on the Construction of Accessible Environment stipulate that priority should be given to the reconstruction of barrier free facilities in public service places such as sports and the allocation of barrier free facilities and equipment. Relying on the national strategy and upholding the rule of law, the development of sports for the disabled has a solid foundation.

As a special group, disabled people's participation in sports has its particularity. The white paper points out that from rehabilitation to fitness and then to sports, China has refined and graded the content of disabled people's participation in relevant activities, which not only respects the scientific laws of disabled people's rehabilitation exercises, but also reflects the practical and realistic combination of individual conditions of disabled people. In terms of specific development, China has adopted the policy of adjusting measures to local conditions. Promote the disabled to participate in sports fitness and competition activities at the grass-roots level by promoting relevant projects in the community and adopting the way of government purchasing sports fitness services. The white paper shows that the participation rate of cultural and sports activities in communities of the disabled in China will continue to rise from 6.8% in 2015 to 23.9% in 2021. It is precisely because it has a relatively broad mass base of rehabilitation and fitness sports for the disabled, and also provides a sufficient "talent pool" for the selection and training of disabled athletes.

China's training guarantee mechanism for disabled athletes is also constantly developing and improving. On the one hand, medical and functional grading of disabled athletes should be carried out according to the types of sports and suitable sports events to ensure fair participation in sports competitions. On the other hand, we will establish and improve the amateur training system for disabled athletes that combines the county level discovery and selection, the municipal level training and improvement, the provincial level training and competition, and the national key training. Relevant parties are constantly strengthening the construction of sports training bases for the disabled, and providing targeted services for the competition, training, training and scientific research of disabled athletes. Scientific selection of talents, multi-level training, and comprehensive guarantee of software and hardware have effectively ensured the healthy, standardized and sustainable development of sports for the disabled.

With the strong support of the Party and the government, the disabled athletes made unremitting efforts and yielded fruitful results. Since 2016, Chinese disabled athletes have participated in the Winter Paralympic Series of international events and won 47 gold medals, 54 silver medals and 52 bronze medals. Behind the medal after medal is a triumphant song played by a Chinese disabled athlete who overcame physical obstacles with life and hard work, which is the best proof of the rapid development of China's disabled sports.

With the opening of the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games coming soon, people expect Chinese athletes for the disabled to show the world the spirit of Chinese disabled people's self-improvement in the new era, and show the development achievements of China's Winter Paralympic Games. The release of the white paper entitled "Development of Sports for the Disabled in China and Protection of Their Rights" further demonstrated to the world that it is an inevitable requirement for the development of human civilization to earnestly respect and protect the rights and interests of the disabled, including their right to participate in sports, and will certainly promote the international sports for the disabled to "move forward together".

(Editor in charge: Jiang Meng, Qu Yuan)

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