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People's Sports Talk: "Wang Wang Volunteers", the beautiful scenery of the Winter Paralympic Games

Warm mountain
March 3, 2022 11:13 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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On March 4, with the official flame of the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games, which is composed of nine routes of flame, passed through Beijing, the "Double Olympic City" will once again usher in a snow and ice event, where disabled athletes from all over the world will work hard to play the song of destiny together.

In order to successfully host the "equally wonderful" Winter Paralympic Games, accessibility in service details is crucial. If it is said that providing wheelchair free access is to provide athletes with physical disabilities with "second legs", providing guide dogs for blind athletes will bring them "second eyes". As a working dog, the guide dog can provide a variety of services for the blind, such as guiding, riding, delivering goods, etc., and bring more convenience to the blind's study, life, work, sports, etc. However, no matter how advanced modern technology is, technology cannot replace the warm care and companionship that guide dogs bring to visually impaired people.

At this Beijing Winter Paralympic Games, there will be a team of "Wang Wang volunteers". They are 68 guide dogs from the China Guide Dogs (Dalian) Training Base, and have received special training to adapt to complex and cold environmental conditions. After relevant tests, it can lead blind athletes to travel independently during the event. Not only that, the guide dogs will also wear the anti-counterfeiting traceability code with China's independent intellectual property rights for the first time, which can provide more than ten detailed information about the guide dogs' blood, age, training and "service". It is believed that these strictly selected and scientifically trained Chinese guide dogs will, with their unique warmth, thoughtfulness, loyalty and responsibility, help blind athletes better participate and play, fully integrate into the Olympic family, and become "good partners" of blind athletes.

In fact, as early as 2004 Athens Paralympic Games, foreign athletes used guide dogs. At that time, there was still a blank in the training of guide dogs in China. Later, through the strong support of the state and relevant departments and the efforts of the society, China had the first guide dog training institution in 2006. In 2008, two guide dogs appeared at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Paralympic Games. Ping Yali, China's first Paralympic gold medalist, completed the penultimate torch relay under the guidance of the guide dog Lucky; Another guide dog, Star, appeared in the Chinese team, accompanied by Li Duan, a blind long jumper and two gold medal winner of the Athens Paralympic Games.

From the appearance of the guide dog at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Paralympic Games in 2008 to the service of the guide dog for more blind athletes in the 2022 Beijing Winter Paralympic Games, behind all this is the continuous development and improvement of the Chinese guide dog cultivation project and the continuous progress and maturity of the cause of the disabled in China.

The Chinese guide dog holds the "code" and "duty" of the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games, which is the embodiment of China's efforts to create barrier free events as the host country, with disabled athletes as the center. From the opening and closing mode of the toilet door to providing Braille menus for blind athletes, to the barrier free reconstruction of all 30 venues used for the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games, to the barrier free upgrade of 9858 points within 1km around the Olympic venues... All services are based on the actual needs of disabled athletes, and all services are aimed at facilitating the participation of disabled athletes, Fully reflect the humanistic concept of "integration of disability and health".

China has presented the world with a "truly unparalleled" Beijing Winter Olympic Games, and will also present the world with a "unparalleled" Winter Paralympic Games with temperature, barrier free. The harmony, friendship and inclusiveness of the Olympic Games are not limited to the event itself, but will be passed on, carried forward and magnified. From this point of view, hosting the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games will also become a valuable asset, helping China's barrier free environment construction and the development of the cause of the disabled to a higher level.

(Editor in charge: Yan Shuai, Qu Yuan)

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