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People's Sports Talk: Persistence in Ordinary, Salute the "Unknown Hero" of Winter Olympics

Li Ying
February 19, 2022 16:34 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Recently, the video of American snowboarder Tessa Maud crying because of the enthusiasm of Chinese volunteers was screened on overseas social media, and netizens praised the warmth and sincerity of volunteers. In fact, at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, there are more than 18000 volunteers who stick to their ordinary posts. They are enthusiastic and gather strong joint forces to help others, dispel doubts and contribute indispensable Chinese strength to the smooth progress of the Winter Olympic Games.

Volunteers use smiles to convey goodwill and professionalism to show their responsibility. Whether it is the window service staff responsible for consulting, the guide who guides the audience to sit down orderly in the stands, or the overseas students who interpret for the communication of personnel from different countries and regions, the enthusiastic smile is the "standard configuration" of volunteers, which conveys friendliness and kindness with the simplest and most direct smile. In addition to the basic requirement of "smiling", professional quality is also reflected in more aspects. Zhao Zehua, a volunteer in charge of the doping detection center, needs to keep a high level of attention for a long time at night and meticulously complete a large number of sample operations. He uses a rigorous and professional attitude to guard the purity and fairness of the ice and snow festival. The etiquette volunteers on the award platform, who rely on muscle memory to train their eyes, posture, positioning, and the degree of right angle turning, are neat and uniform, showing the vibrant image and imposing demeanor of Chinese youth.

Volunteers use the festival to convey blessings and spread Chinese culture through actions. The Winter Olympics and the Lantern Festival are "double happiness". Volunteers actively hold colorful folk activities, inviting athletes and venue staff from all over the world to guess riddles, watch lion dance shadow plays, and participate in the fun competition "Jiatangyuan". 20 university student volunteers from China University of Petroleum also made hand-made lanterns for athletes and team officials to immerse visitors from all over the world in the charm of Chinese traditional culture. At the "10 seconds" TCM experience hall, volunteer Jun Wenxi never tires of leading athletes and staff from all over the world to review the 5000 year history of TCM and the Chinese nation, feel the beauty and cultural heritage of TCM, and at the same time, continue to write the story of TCM in the world.

The Winter Olympics is not only a stage for athletes, but also a harvest for volunteers. International students from tropical areas such as Myanmar and Zimbabwe can feel the passion and vitality of ice and snow sports in volunteer services. International students from Ukraine frankly said that volunteer life is full and happy, they have made many new friends, and participation in the Winter Olympics is to realize their "ice and snow dream".

Volunteers are a beautiful scenery at the Winter Olympics. They ignite the passion of ice and snow sports with their blood youth, stimulate the surging force of "moving forward together", and let the world see an open, confident and sunny China. They are like snowflakes, blooming in every corner of the Olympic Games, but also in everyone's heart.

Series Comments on 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games

(Editor in charge: Shi Yaqiao, Qu Yuan)

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