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People's sports talk: break the "ice is strong and snow is weak", and the development of China's ice and snow projects is gradually balanced

Wu Yulin
February 18, 2022 17:47 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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The Beijing Winter Olympic Games is drawing to a close. In this "ice and snow festival", Chinese athletes have created countless surprises, and they have lived up to expectations in many non-traditional advantageous projects, making breakthroughs and innovations.

Due to historical reasons such as geographical environment and ice and snow culture, some European and American countries have been in a long-term monopoly position in snowboarding, snowmobile, freestyle skiing and other projects. However, at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, Chinese athletes reported many successes in these non-traditional advantageous events: Su Yiming achieved a "zero breakthrough" in the Olympic gold medal of China's snowboarding; Yan Wengang, the male steel frame snowmobile athlete, won the bronze medal, which was the first time that Chinese athletes had stepped onto the Olympic podium of this project... Chinese athletes are catching up and making breakthroughs in non-traditional competitive events.

Breaking through the "strong ice and weak snow" is paved by the continuous efforts of generations of athletes. At the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Han Xiaopeng won the gold medal in freestyle skiing men's aerial skills, realizing a "zero breakthrough" in the gold medal of China's snow sports at the Winter Olympics. Sixteen years later, Qi Guangpu won the gold medal in freestyle skiing men's aerial skills at the Beijing Winter Olympics with the highest difficulty in the world. Han Xiaopeng witnessed the moment when Qi Guangpu won the gold medal on the spot. He proudly praised: "Qi Guangpu has a big heart and withstood the pressure." China's non-traditional snow and ice sports have experienced a hard process from scratch to good, which is the result of Chinese athletes' accumulation step by step in their attempts, and the active athletes' continuous self-improvement and technology improvement.

Breaking through the "strong ice and weak snow" can not be separated from the support of China's wisdom and scientific training system. The country helps non advantageous projects to make breakthroughs by constantly improving the site facilities. In order to solve the problem of training venues, the ice sports training base was completed in Beijing. The base of more than 80000 square meters covers comprehensive applications from competition management, general physical training, professional training to medical treatment, accommodation and other applications. Since then, athletes' training has become a "home".

In terms of training methods, the introduction of advanced management experience, through the introduction of foreign outstanding coaches to coach, guide the training of athletes, improve the domestic training system of coaches, and China's ice and snow sports achieve learning from each other. At this Winter Olympics, the Chinese delegation has 51 foreign coaches from 19 countries, including the United States, Canada and Russia. These foreign coaches have brought new ideas and new vitality to China's ice and snow sports, enabling Chinese athletes to fully demonstrate their level at the Winter Olympics held by their own countries, and also demonstrating China's concept of "opening up and hosting the Olympics". In addition, China's winter Olympic sports teams also have other forms of in-depth cooperation with more than 10 ice and snow sports powers, including Norway, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, etc., including long-term overseas training and competition of athletes, short-term training camps, etc.

High tech participation also adds to the athletes' training achievements. The national short track speed skating team has used the missile wind tunnel to obtain the accurate resistance value under each attitude, so as to find the best movement attitude and improve the speed. In the selection of athletes, we have broken through the tradition and achieved initial success in cross-border talent selection. Yan Wengang, a steel frame snowmobile athlete, is a cross boundary event from a long jumper to a steel frame snowmobile event. After more than five years of training and preparation, the team won the first medal of the Winter Olympics steel frame snowmobile.

At this Winter Olympic Games, although China's non-traditional snow and ice sports have made remarkable progress, there is still a gap between China and other countries. However, as Peng Qingyue, a 17-year-old ski jumper, said, "We have achieved the goal from zero to the Olympic Games in three years! It will be better and better in the near future!" Chinese athletes in the non-traditional snow and ice sports have been forging ahead and will surely move towards a better tomorrow.  

Series Comments on 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games

(Editor in charge: Shi Yaqiao, Qu Yuan)

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