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People's online review: Let the work of caring for the next generation always be full of vitality

Tian Yu
February 11, 2022 17:15 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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To lead the youth is to lead the future, and to shape the youth is to shape the future. Recently, the Office of the Central Committee and the State Council issued the Opinions on Strengthening the Work of the Committee for Caring for the Next Generation in the New Era (hereinafter referred to as the Opinions), which aims to give further play to the education, guidance, care Relevant deployment was made to protect the unique advantages and important role of young people, which gathered consensus and contributed to the cultivation of socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor.

Doing a good job of caring for the next generation is related to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has stood at the strategic height of the development of the cause of the Party and the country, cared about the growth and progress of young people, and pointed out the direction for the Party's youth work in the new era. Only by persisting in educating people with the Party's ideology, condensing people with the Party's ideals and beliefs, cultivating people with socialist core values, and inspiring people with the historical mission of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation can we cultivate a large number of successors who can meet the important tasks of the times.

It takes ten years for trees to grow and a hundred years for people to grow. To support and help young people grow into talents, we should fully trust them, care about them warmly, and be strict with them. Telling good red stories, inheriting red genes, from actively guiding young people to cultivate and practice socialist core values to strengthening the rule of law education and protection of rights and interests of young people, from implementing the "Five Elders" project of caring for the next generation to optimizing the social environment for healthy growth of young people... Yijian focuses on ideals and beliefs, ideology and morality, traditional culture, scientific and technological literacy and rule of law education, It emphasizes six important tasks, aiming to build a broader stage for teenagers' practice and innovation, provide more opportunities for teenagers to shape their lives, and create more favorable conditions for teenagers to make contributions.

It should also be noted that the relevant working committees at all levels are the counselors and assistants of the Party and the state in educating young people, as well as the bridge and link connecting young people. To do a good job of caring for the next generation, we must promote the construction of the customs work committee in the new era. Consolidate and expand the organizational system, strengthen the construction of educational positions, promote the construction of work brands, pay attention to theoretical research, strengthen publicity work... The Opinions put forward specific requirements for the work of the relevant working committees at all levels, with strong practical pertinence, which is the top priority of educating people for the Party and the country. The relevant work committees at all levels should have "two overall situations" in mind and "the big one of the country" in mind, follow the growth law of young people, actively explore methods and paths suitable for the characteristics of the relevant work committees, and become confidants, enthusiasts, and guides of young people's friends, so that the work of caring for the next generation is always full of vitality.

When you are born, you should shoulder the heavy responsibility. To do a good job of caring for the next generation, we need education and guidance, and more importantly, we need to be proactive. Contemporary teenagers are a generation that advances together with the new era. With lofty aspirations, equal emphasis on morality and talent, cultivation of both sense and reason, and courage to pioneer, we can fly our life dreams in the hot youth and achieve brilliant career in the struggling youth, so that we can not disgrace the mission of the times and live up to the expectations of the people. Taking advantage of the trend of the times, we will be brave to be the pioneers, pioneers, and devotees in the forefront of the times, and strive to grow into socialist builders and successors with ideals, skills, and responsibilities. The vast majority of young people will certainly contribute wisdom and strength to the realization of the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

(Editor in charge: Zhao Jing, Qu Yuan)

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