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People's Sports Talk: "Beijing Moment" not only amazes, but also brings warmth to the world

Li Bin
February 5, 2022 08:58 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Splendid fireworks bloomed over the Bird's Nest, and a beautiful opening ceremony performance announced the official opening of the "Beijing Moment" of the Winter Olympic Movement. The quadrennial ice and snow legend, the glory and dream of the Olympics, opened a new chapter in Beijing, the "City of Double Olympics".

This is an Olympic pageant that will shine in the annals of history. From "One World, One Dream" in 2008 to "Towards the Future Together" in 2022, China has actively participated in the Olympic movement and persistently carried forward the Olympic spirit. It is a firm pursuer and activist of the Olympic ideal. The Beijing Winter Olympics is a sports event held by China as it enters a new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, and it is also the first global comprehensive sports event held as scheduled since the outbreak of COVID-19. A romantic, beautiful and warm opening ceremony performance conveys confidence and strength to the world to break through the haze and welcome spring. Under the "big snowflake", which symbolizes the unity of mankind, athletes from all over the world will gather at the stadium to fully demonstrate the Olympic spirit and sports excellence, and jointly play the great movement of "unity, friendship and peace".

This is a hearty visual feast. From the countdown to the 24 solar terms, to the water sky of the Yellow River, from the five ice and snow rings chiseled from the Ice Cube, to the "light fire" way to light the main torch of the Winter Olympics... romantic creative links are unforgettable. In particular, the large ground screen of the entire Bird's Nest Stadium is the first time to realize full LED images, creating an unparalleled sense of modernity. With both scientific and technological content and artistic effect, the whole opening ceremony is a feast for the integration of humanities, art and digital technology, and a vivid demonstration of China's economic and social development achievements in the new era. Scientific and technological innovation, low-carbon environmental protection and sports health concepts complement each other, making people feel the beauty of nature, humanity and sports of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

This is a confident demonstration of extensive and profound cultural exchanges. The "China Door" and "China Window", which are based on classic traditional door and window patterns, imply that the Chinese people open their doors and welcome friends from all over the world to the Winter Olympics; The design inspiration of the athlete's guide card comes from the "Chinese knot" which symbolizes good luck and peace; The tiger head hat with the traditional tiger head pattern of Hebei folk is used for reference, and once it appears, it will become popular... Chinese stories and Chinese culture are embedded in every link of the artistic performance and opening ceremony, which integrates a deeper level of cultural confidence. Ordinary children from the Fuping mountain area of Baoding, Hebei Province, sing the Olympic song loudly in Greek, bringing the audience different strength and civilization. We should use culture to arouse more people to work hard and forge ahead, promote the cohesion and integration of diverse civilizations of mankind, and make the meaning of the Olympics more profound.

This is an agreement of the times of beauty and sharing. The Chinese people's cultural heritage of putting people first and putting people first, and the firm belief of the Chinese people in loving peace and embracing the world, were vividly illustrated at the opening ceremony, so that the world saw a China where people are amiable and respected, where development is changing with each passing day, and where the cause continues to be inherited. By preparing for the Winter Olympics, China has promoted regional development, ecological construction, green innovation and improved people's lives. The spotlight of the Winter Olympics reflects the dream and pursuit of China in the new era. China has lived up to the Winter Olympics. The entry of the Winter Olympics into "Beijing Time" is another warm embrace of the Chinese people for the Olympic Movement, and it is also another great cohesion of the Chinese nation to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese dream.

"Snowflakes, snowflakes, open in the sun. In the hometown, in the distance, they all open equally." Snowflakes with the names of various countries, accompanied by dance and ground lighting, converge into a big white crystal snowflake. The story of snowflakes implies that human society will work together to open up the future. At the historical juncture of the century's epidemic and the century's changes, the slogan of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games "Together for the future" is closely combined with the Olympic motto of "Faster, Higher, Stronger -- More Unity", expressing the ardent desire of more than 1.4 billion Chinese people to work together, support each other, and create a better future, passing on to the world to promote unity and cooperation The value concept and confidence power to overcome difficulties. People are convinced that the Beijing Winter Olympics will be a good opportunity to spread the Olympic spirit to the world and build a community with a shared future for mankind.

China will dedicate a simple, safe and wonderful Olympic Games to the world and create new glory for the Olympics. Starting tonight, let's gather under the Olympic flag and move forward together!

Series Comments on 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games

(Editor in charge: Meng Zhe, Qu Yuan)

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