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Seize the opportunity and improve the modern industrial system (observed by commentators)

——Develop new quality productivity according to local conditions ⑤

Sheng Yulei
06:10, May 24, 2024 | Source: People's Daily
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  To speed up the development of new productive forces, we must master the dialectics of fast and slow, seize the first opportunity, and "maintain historical patience"


Hainan Free Trade Port is a distinctive banner leading reform and innovation in the new era. The first commercial space launch site and the first digital bonded area in China were born. The global innovative drugs with a full range of bone marrow protection effects, which were administered before chemotherapy, filled the gap. The world's first onshore commercial small nuclear reactor "Linglong No.1" core module was successfully hoisted... System integration and innovation "enable", and scientific and technological achievements "update".

This is the courage of "time waits for no one".

Zijinshan Laboratory in Nanjing, Jiangsu, is a scientific and technological innovation highland for network security and development. Academician Liu Yunjie reported to General Secretary Xi Jinping, who came to visit us, saying, "Today I have handed you my homework, which is a little difficult, and we have a long time to finish it."

This is the adherence of "ten years to sharpen a sword".

Fast and slow, the philosophy of time, contains the logic of development. To develop new quality productivity, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "we must seize the opportunity, increase innovation, cultivate and strengthen emerging industries, advance the layout and construction of future industries, and improve the modern industrial system." At the same time, he also reminded that "but this is not a temporary thing" and "we should prevent the rush". To speed up the development of new productive forces, we must master the dialectics of fast and slow, seize the first opportunity, and "maintain historical patience".

Quickly, we must seize the opportunity and "seize the opportunity when we see it". General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "On the basis of maintaining the foundation and stabilizing the position, we should actively forge ahead, and strive for the best results without stopping."

Scientific and technological innovation is the core element of developing new quality productivity. In the face of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform, "no innovation, no slow innovation". Only through innovation can we avoid "missing opportunities for development, or even missing an entire era".

When the low altitude becomes a development resource, the low altitude economy is written in the Government Work Report in 2024, and countless tide walkers are struggling. CAAC supported the establishment of 20 pilotless aviation test zones and bases, and Shenzhen issued the first local special regulations. UAV, helicopter, and fixed wing aircraft enterprises caught up with each other, and the industrial chain related to general aviation equipment was upgraded at an accelerated pace... Take advantage of the momentum, and a promising new industry is growing.

"We can't fall behind on the new track". We must grasp the general trend, seize the opportunity, stimulate the extraordinary sense of urgency and the sense of the times, and firmly hold the initiative of innovation and development in our own hands.

Quickly, we should prevent "being impatient" and not be anxious for success. To develop the new quality productivity, we must grasp the rhythm and strength, and work hard for a long time, step by step, fighting one battle after another.

After hearing about Chinese enterprises' efforts to occupy the commanding heights of the global new energy industry, General Secretary Xi Jinping expressed his feelings with "joy as well as sorrow": "The good news is that our business is ahead of the rest of the world; the bad news is that we are afraid of a big clamour, which will first rise in a crowd, and finally disperse in a crowd." When inspecting NARI Group Co., Ltd, General Secretary Xi Jinping encouraged the employees of the enterprise: "When we say that big things come late, what are big things? They are the best things, the most sophisticated things. These things can not be done at once. They all need a lot of effort, even a lifetime of effort."

From scientific and technological innovation to industrial layout, "at any time, we can't take the path of rushing to order, wasting all our efforts and focusing on GDP".

Yichang, Hubei, is the boundary point of the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River, where the phosphorus chemical industry has caused continuous environmental degradation. Since 2017, the local chemical enterprises in the region have implemented the policy of "transforming customs into green ones" to accelerate the shift to the new energy battery material industry. One increase and one decrease is a long-term strategy.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "protecting the ecological environment, establishing a unified market, and speeding up the transformation of mode and structure are the clear direction and focus. We should use" quick thinking "and addition. However, if we can't see through water resources scientifically, optimize industrial layout, coordinate port shoreline resources and arrange some major investment projects, or if we don't have a unified understanding, we should use 'slow thinking', and sometimes we need to do subtraction. "

"Those who come but cannot be lost are always on time". Every minute counts. We should focus on the most urgent and urgent issues, focus on disruptive and cutting-edge technologies, and focus on strategic and leading industries. "If you are weak, you will not give up your contribution.". We also need to maintain strategic concentration and patience, adhere to a blueprint to the end, drop water wears away stone, and accumulate.

The way of speed is the way of innovation, but also the way of development.

(This is the end of this series of comments)

People's Daily (May 24, 2024, 5th Edition)

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(Editor in charge: Yue Hongbin, Qu Yuan)

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