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People's Financial Review: 5.3%, showing that China's economy continues to recover

——Financial review series of "strong start and good momentum" ②

Ding Li
April 18, 2024 14:25 | Source: People's Daily Online - Viewpoint Channel
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Recently, the National Bureau of Statistics released the main data of macroeconomic operation in the first quarter. On the whole, the main indicators of production demand have rebounded, employment and prices are generally stable, market confidence is growing, high-quality development has achieved new results, and China's economy has made a good start.

From the specific data released, we can see that China's economy has continued to pick up and made progress with stability, with a good start and a stable start in the first quarter. In the first quarter, GDP grew 5.3% year on year and 1.6% month on month. From the production side, the added value of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries increased by 3.3%, 6.0% and 5.0% respectively, which shows that the primary industry is generally stable, and the secondary and tertiary industries are growing strongly. From the demand side, the three major demand indicators of investment, consumption and import and export increased steadily. In the first quarter, employment indicators were stable and good, CPI was flat on a year-on-year basis, and the overall balance of payments was in balance... Groups of good data delineated the fundamentals of China's sustained economic recovery and good performance, and depicted a panoramic picture of the steady operation of the national economy in the first quarter.

The biggest engine of economic growth since the beginning of the year has been the strong recovery of manufacturing industry. In the first quarter, manufacturing investment rose 9.9% year on year, and the added value of industries above designated size rose 6.1% year on year. The manufacturing purchasing managers' index (PMI) also returned to the expansion range in March and hit a new high in the last year, which shows that the confidence of enterprises has been significantly enhanced.

As the whole society accelerates the promotion of new quality productivity, the high-tech manufacturing industry with high technology content and high added value continues to grow rapidly. In the first quarter, the added value of high-tech manufacturing and equipment manufacturing increased by 7.5% and 7.6% respectively, and the output of new products such as charging piles, 3D printing equipment and service robots increased by 41.7%, 40.6% and 26.7% respectively. China's industrial structure and demand structure have been actively improved, and the background of green development is more sufficient.

The support of consumption to economic development is the bottom line of our economic development. In the first quarter of GDP growth, the contribution rate of domestic demand was 85.5%, of which the contribution rate of consumption was 73.7%. In the future, the favorable conditions for supporting consumption will continue to increase, the development oriented consumption and enjoyment oriented consumption will continue to accelerate, and China's consumption upgrading and industrial upgrading will be carried out simultaneously. It is worth mentioning that with the support of policies such as trade in of consumer goods, local governments are also actively creating a general environment conducive to residents' consumption.

It should also be recognized that although China's economic data is generally good, there are still some weak links. External risks are still relatively high, and we need to be vigilant at all times.

People are not old after many storms, and the road to Guanshan is still long. China's economy has always grown stronger and more resilient after experiencing storms. Understanding new situations, facing new problems, coordinating adjustment, timely improvement, fully unleashing the potential and advantages of China's economy, we are full of confidence in the future.

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(Editor in charge: Zhao Jing, Qu Yuan)

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