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Xu Chuan: Answer Students' Questions: Why I Joined the Communist Party of China
2016-05-25 08:23:14 Source: China Youth News
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Xu Chuan


I received a message from my classmate saying that he was confused recently and didn't know how to choose. He is qualified to be promoted as a Party member, but he hasn't thought it out yet. He asked me what I think.

I am particularly gratified because he is thinking, judging and thinking. What's the difference between people who don't think and salted fish? When others say yes, you can choose. Are you someone else's puppet?

Even if everyone tells you that this is a good thing and you don't think it well, you should be careful. This is your own life, this is your own choice, this is responsible for yourself.

Why join the Communist Party of China? This is a question he gave me and a proposition I gave myself. Let's talk together today.


Before I graduated from college, I became a full party member. Not too early, many people became party members in high school. Of course, it's not easy to compare, and I don't envy it. We all have our own lives, and we can't always look at others. If you keep your eyes on others, you will lose yourself. In fact, many of my conditions have already been met. I have a good mass base and high prestige. In all kinds of elections in the class, as long as they are positive, as long as I participate, I will be the first. Sometimes I still vote in full, that is to say, even I think I am very good.

But I am good at everything except learning. Therefore, no matter how high the prestige is, no matter how good the foundation is, or how poor the achievements are, they are still not qualified to join the Party. Because of my grades, I voluntarily resigned from the position of monitor. As a result, my classmates selected me again. Of course, I finally "quit", because the results are really terrible.

Everything is ready, only the east wind. Later, the east wind came, but the wind was too small, and the performance improved, but not good enough. My grades have been desperately catching up until my junior year. So I began to enter the organization's investigation procedure with great excitement.

Then, the question arises, why should I join the Communist Party of China?


A lot of students talk about the motivation of joining the Party with a lot of platitudes. They always "tell me from my grandfather". It is purely for the sake of making oneself appear solid and mature, and moving my grandfather out at any time. Or my grandfather told me that he would never forget the well diggers when drinking water; Either my grandfather taught me from childhood that there would be no new China without the Communist Party; Or my grandfather told me that he was born under the red flag and grew up in New China

I once deeply suspected that everyone had the same grandfather.

These extremely correct nonsense, which has lasted for many years, is also in use now. I don't think this is bad, but I think it should be your own business to join the Party. And, I think, even if Grandpa really told you, are you all such good grandchildren? I never said that, nor did I ever let my grandfather speak for himself.

Because I haven't met my grandfather.

But my family is very popular. It is true that I was born in a poor peasant family, and my family is basically a party member. My grandfather was the secretary of the village party branch, so was my uncle, and my father was a party member who grew up in the army.

However, what shocked me most was not them.


When I organized a conversation before joining the Party, the head of the Publicity Department of the school asked me to talk about why I joined the Communist Party of China. I didn't tell my grandfather or my family influence. I told a story.

I studied in the College of Foreign Languages, and the secretary of the Party Committee of the College was Bi Keyou. He had a niece, Xiao Bi, who was studying in our class. We were very envious at that time. Because there is a relative around, even if the same ability to see the relationship, at least I feel a little more secure. Xiao Bi always says that you don't know my uncle and he won't go through the back door for anyone. We just ha ha ha, fools believe it. Later, Xiaobi participated in the interview of the college's postgraduate insurance, and she was always the top three. There were two places in our college. The college has been widely spread for a long time. It says that you have properly guaranteed your research after graduation, and your grades are already good, not to mention your uncle. Xiao Bi looks fierce, your uncle! She said that if her uncle was not here, it might be better. We hahaha again, fools believe.

Later, it was announced that Xiao Bi did not make it! After all, Xiao didn't get on?!

In those days, Xiao Bi cried like a peach. None of us had the heart to discuss her uncle.

But we also gradually believe that it is not always a good thing to have a leader. Of course, she is not a vegetarian. She went to a better school in Beijing for her postgraduate exam.

Later, in an interview with Secretary Bi, I mentioned this topic and said that everyone felt incredible at that time. According to Bi Shuji, what is inconceivable? Entrance examination is a big thing for everyone, and she has no particularly proud results. Moreover, when personal interests conflict with the interests of others, Party members should have made sacrifices and concessions, otherwise why are you a Party member? When joining the Party, they all swore that they should pay at any time. Joining the Party is not to gain more benefits for themselves

He spoke very carefully and I listened very carefully.

A word flashed through my mind, which is called "Righteous and awe inspiring". People who are supported by righteousness are probably awe inspiring and invincible. I don't think I can be such a person, but I think I would like to be with such a person. I think this is the world of positive energy. I think this is the world we all need.

So I decided to join the Communist Party of China.


However, I am still too young, and my world outlook and values will not take root easily. Belief building is too simple, and it is particularly easy to destroy.

Later, I went to Shanghai to study. Although I was just a freshman in the first year of graduate school, and although I was the party member with the shortest party age in the branch, I may be willing to contribute and brave to take responsibility, so I soon became the secretary of the party branch, and later I even ran as a freshman to become the chairman of the graduate student association.

At that time, the core task of our branch was to organize political learning. For the first time, I became the secretary of the Party branch and led everyone to learn, so I paid special attention. At that time, our learning task was to understand the speech spirit of Shanghai Municipal Party Committee leaders. We studied hard for three months. Later, the leader was arrested.

The process of learning naturally ends without a hitch. However, I can't accept it. In the following days, I was very sad, very sad, and very wronged, as if I had worked hard to build a castle on the beach, and it collapsed when a wave hit me.

Looking back on the past three months, I think all the efforts are particularly ridiculous. The more attentively, the more injured, the more concerned, the more painful, the more effort, the more funny. I didn't understand and couldn't ask for help. Many people also laugh at me. What's wrong with you? Others may not understand my anger, or the confusion caused by the impact of faith.


As time went by, I could finally think about some problems calmly.

In fact, we should not associate the motivation of joining the Party with someone. Whether positive or negative, they are all individuals. It is always risky and fragile to entrust belief to individuals. In other words, come quickly and go quickly; It's easy to build and easy to destroy. Because people can change, we have a word that is "close the coffin and decide". It is only reliable after death. Especially when other people's beliefs are not so firm and reliable.

In addition, we should not waste words because of people. We should not feel that all words are unreasonable because of people's accidents. The speeches made by the leaders of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee at that time were not representative of him, and the significance of the speeches could not be completely denied because of his personal accident. However, in the traditional culture of running the country by virtue, if virtue is problematic, then nothing is.

Now, let's answer the question again: why do you want to join the Communist Party of China today? If my understanding was shallow in the past, I would also like to find an answer by myself. This is not for the grand goal, but for my own heart.


I began to read the history of the party, and I wanted to find the answer from the beginning of the birth of the party. Not for the exam, not for the grade test, just for the inner peace, just to find a place to settle for those surging uneasiness in the heart.

Then, I had too many questions.

For example, a congress with only 12 or 13 deputies, a political party with only more than 50 people, and the youngest is less than 20 years old, how can we overcome all difficulties and dangers to get together? For example, some of the early representatives had no worries about food and clothing, some were studying abroad, and some were in high positions. What made them willing to abandon all communism? For example, on the stage of modern Chinese history, all parties have the opportunity to appear on the stage. Why did the Northern Warlords, the feudal restoration, the 1911 Revolution, and the National Government finally come to the center of the historical stage? For example, when this counter attacking party was born, it didn't have any aura, background or qualification. Where did it come from? For example, this ill fated political party faces all kinds of encirclement and pursuit all the way, fleeing, falling behind and betraying. How can it persist to the final victory? For example, history has always been watching and people have always been judging, what made people choose the Communist Party over other political parties?

The answer can only be two words: faith.

Who chose the Communist Party? History and people.


To join an organization, you need to understand its past and see its future. This should be the most basic requirement, but in fact, we have not done a good job in this basic requirement. We have been educated for many years, but the people who taught us did not finish the job well. Because we have lost interest in history and sensitivity to choice in education for so many years, in fact, history is all details, history is all stories, history is full of suspense, and history is full of twists and turns.

In fact, many people in the past of this organization did not know much about it. They did not read the history of the Party or the Party Constitution. We have not experienced hard times, so we cannot build up feelings for the Party out of thin air. Therefore, we should look back, think carefully and walk slowly.

The history of this party is not far away, and the present of this party is not complicated. It is the simplest logic to know where you are and where you are going when you know where you came from.

The future of this party is also easy to judge. In the past two years, we have witnessed many things. All people can see "fighting tigers and swatting flies" and "strictly governing the Party"; Everyone can see the "Eight Provisions" and the "Mass Line"; All people can see the "Three Stricts and Three Honesties" and the "Two Studies and One Action"; The trend is more specific, more strict and more normal.

The reason is not complicated. Without the people in mind, they will be abandoned by the people. The glory of this party is closely related to the people, and the future glory must also depend on this, and only so. This is the answer given by history and the choice of the CPC itself.


I think what I gave today is definitely not the final answer. Or, I don't want to give a final answer.

Now, the threshold for joining the Party is getting higher and higher, and it is becoming more and more difficult. It is not the number of Party members but the quality that determines the vitality of a Party. Let comrades who really want to join this organization face more tests. In my opinion, if a person does not have a strong mass base, cannot devote himself wholeheartedly to the masses, cannot bear hardship first, and cannot enjoy pleasure last, he is not qualified to join the Party. At least, within the scope of my radiation, it is such standards and requirements.

If everyone agrees with this view, it is not just me, but us.

We come from all over the world and come together for a common goal.

At the same time, we should also bring everyone's beliefs and stories.

Error Correction Editor in charge: Li Zhiqiang
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