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French media: The "proxy war" between the US and Ukraine risks escalation

Time: 2022-05-12 10:23:00    Author:    News source: Reference News Network

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   Reported on May 11 by the reference news website   On May 9, the website of the French Echo published an interview article entitled "The United States is fighting a proxy war in Ukraine". Interviewee David Allen Miller, a senior researcher at the Carnegie Institute for International Peace, believes that the Biden administration of the United States is fighting a "proxy war" in Ukraine. In recent weeks, the Biden government has changed its tune on Ukraine and become more aggressive towards Russia, which makes people worry that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine may escalate.

Miller said that after the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, there was a feeling that the United States was no longer reassuring in terms of "leadership". After the outbreak of the Russian Ukrainian conflict, the situation has changed. The article quoted Miller as saying: "Six weeks ago, I doubted whether the United States would be able to provide military equipment. However, the lack of Russian capability, the stubborn resistance of Ukraine and the unity of the West make the American government feel that it can not only block Russia's progress, but (Russian President) Putin may even be defeated."

The article mentioned that some reports in the US media said that the information provided by the US was very important for the Ukrainian army to aim at the Russian army and sink the "Moscow" missile cruiser. Miller said that this made people more worried about the message of the United States beyond the scope of prudence and wisdom.

Miller said that Biden made it clear that he would not send troops to Ukraine. But as the conflict continues, it is doubtful how the so-called "red line" should be adhered to. Miller believes that the Biden government does not want to cross the line, but the change of tone in recent weeks is a dangerous signal. He said that at present, the Russian Ukrainian battlefield gives people the feeling that Putin may not achieve his original goal, Ukrainian people are also difficult to achieve their expectations, and the conflict will continue for several months, either violently or gently. In this case, the risk of direct conflict between the United States and Russia should be measured.

Miller said that although the Biden government has always avoided the concept of proxy war, it is a proxy war. Putin "did not draw a red line on nuclear attacks". The victory criteria set by President Zelensky of Ukraine may not be achieved, and what the United States believes is reasonable or possible may not appear.

Miller said that among the 10 most populous countries in the world, only the United States fully participated in the sanctions against Russia. China, India, Indonesia, Mexico and Saudi Arabia do not intend to break with the two camps. The United States cannot become an undisputed superpower again by virtue of the Ukrainian crisis. Miller pointed out that the world is still very complex, and many issues always need the cooperation of Russia, China and other countries, whether it is the COVID-19 epidemic or climate issues.

[Editor in charge: Yang Jingru]
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