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Foreign Ministry: The crimes committed by the United States in Southeast Asia are numerous and outrageous

Time: 2022-05-12 10:23:00    Author: Liu Xiaoyan    News source: Beijing Daily client

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On May 11, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian held a regular press conference.

A reporter asked, according to Cambodian media reports, Cambodia recently found a US heavy bomb weighing about one ton and loaded with about 500 kilograms of explosives opposite the Phnom Penh Palace. In April this year alone, the Cambodian Mine Action Center found at least five unexploded US aviation bombs in the country, each weighing more than 200 kg. Cambodian scholars pointed out that the so-called American version of global peace and democracy is based on hypocrisy, deception and incitement of violence around the world, which only brings chaos, instability and threats to the peace and security of small and weak countries. They called on the United States not to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries under the guise of democracy and human rights, create chaos and turbulence with double standards, and undermine peace, democracy and human rights. What is China's comment on this?

Zhao Lijian said that I have noticed the relevant information. During the Vietnam War, the United States used cluster bombs and chemical and biological weapons in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and other Southeast Asian countries, and committed countless and heinous crimes. Authoritative data shows that:

The US military used about 15 million tons of bombs, mines and artillery shells in Vietnam, of which about 800000 tons were unexploded and scattered in nearly 20% of Vietnam's territory. In Vietnam, more than 40 years after the end of the Vietnam War, the left unexploded ordnance has caused more than 40000 deaths and more than 60000 injuries, which is equivalent to about 1000 deaths and 1500 injuries every year. According to the current clearance rate, it is estimated that these bombs will take 300 years to be completely cleared. About 2 million gallons of defoliant were put into Vietnam to destroy the Ho Chi Minh Trail, causing nearly 5 million Vietnamese to be infected, 400000 to die, about 2 million to suffer from cancer or other diseases, and many children were deformed and disabled at birth.

In Laos, the US military dropped 270 million bombs with a total weight of 2 million tons, which was equivalent to one ton per person of Laos population at that time, 135 bombs per person, of which nearly 30% about 80 million were unexploded and scattered in 37% of Laos territory. Every year after the war, there are more than 100 incidents of accidental contact, which have resulted in more than 20000 deaths and seriously hindered the local economic and social development. Among the 47 poorest areas in Laos, 46 are located in unexploded ordnance intensive areas.

According to incomplete statistics of Yale University, the United States dropped more than 2.7 million tons of explosives in Cambodia from October 1965 to August 1973. According to Cambodian government data, from 1979 to 2021, nearly 20000 Cambodians were killed and more than 45000 disabled by unexploded ordnance such as landmines. The United States always talks about safeguarding democracy and human rights in Southeast Asia, and asks them to clear these bombs and mines first!

"What is more distressing is that the tragedy of the last century is still unfolding in the new century." Zhao Lijian said that over the past 20 years, the US military has launched more than 90000 air strikes in Syria, Iraq and other countries, resulting in the death of about 48000 civilians.

Zhao Lijian pointed out that history has proved that the United States has always broken the rules and order, created violent conflicts and implemented coercive diplomacy. The United States, under the guise of "democracy", "human rights" and "rules", is a typical American "double standard", which protects its own hegemony and "rules" and damages the fundamental interests of small and medium-sized countries.

"Peace rather than turbulence, unity rather than division, cooperation rather than confrontation are the common aspiration of the countries in the region and the common aspiration of the international community." Zhao Lijian pointed out that no matter how the United States camouflages, lies will eventually be exposed, and the path of inciting opposition and creating unrest and tension is doomed to be unpopular. Asian countries have deep historical memory and clear eyes to distinguish right from wrong. They will never let the region become a chess board for big countries to play games, nor a chess piece for big countries to fight against.

[Editor in charge: Yang Jingru]
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