The university held a symposium to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China - Beijing Jiaotong University News Network
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Time: July 2, 2022 Source: Organization Department Author: Guo Zhiwei

The school held a symposium to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

On the afternoon of July 1, 2022, the school held a symposium to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, celebrate the 101st birthday of the party, share the glorious history and great achievements of the party, inherit the fine tradition of the party, and carry forward the great spirit of party building. Huang Taiyan, Secretary of the Party Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Wen Haitao, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, presided over the forum.

Huang Taiyan, on behalf of the Party Committee of the university, extended holiday greetings to all the Communist Party members of the university, and paid high tribute to the Communist Party members, teachers and students who fought in the front line of campus epidemic prevention and control and teaching and scientific research management services. He pointed out that reviewing the magnificent centennial history of the Communist Party of China, we have more deeply realized that the red regime, the new China and socialism with Chinese characteristics were hard won. History has eloquently proved that without the Communist Party of China, there would be no new China and no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Huang Taiyan put forward three requirements for Party organizations at all levels and all Party members in the university: first, carry forward the great spirit of Party building and always remember the original mission. We should keep in mind the original mission of "educating people for the Party and the country", consolidate and expand the achievements of learning and education in the history of the Party, and constantly draw strong strength from the centennial history of the Party. We should continue to strengthen theoretical armed forces, thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishment", constantly strengthen the "four awareness", firm the "four self-confidence", and achieve the "two maintenance". Second, strengthen the political function of the Party organization and consolidate the foundation for leading development. Party organizations at all levels should conscientiously improve their political standing, firmly adhere to the concept that "Party building is the greatest achievement", and conscientiously take it as the basic skill of running schools. It is necessary to adhere to the basic level, lay the foundation, strengthen the characteristics and create a brand, constantly improve the party building work system, system and working mechanism, promote the deep integration of party building work and career development, and create a brand of party building work with the characteristics of Jiaotong University. Third, give play to the role of vanguard and model, and accelerate the development of the school. All Party members, especially the leading cadres of Party members, should strengthen their responsibility, adhere to the principle of "doing", pay close attention to the implementation of work, contribute to the implementation of the "14th Five Year Plan" and the new round of "double first-class" construction of the school, strive to promote the construction of world-class universities with distinctive characteristics of the school to create a new situation, and greet the 20th CPC National Congress with outstanding achievements.

At the symposium, Zhao Lan, the representative of the secretary of the secondary party organization and the secretary of the Party committee of the School of Telecommunications, Lv Xing, the representative of the secretary of the teachers' Party branch, the secretary of the Party branch of the teachers of the Department of Information and Computational Science of the School of Statistics, Guo Yihua, the representative of the front-line anti epidemic party members and the deputy director of the Research and Work Department, Ding Jinfeng, the deputy secretary of the Party branch directly under the University Hospital, Zhao Wei, the representative of the ideological and political course teachers and the teacher of the School of Marxism, Hua Jianjia, a volunteer representative of the Winter Olympic Games, a student of the School of Architecture and Arts, a representative of the new Party member, Shi Hai, a teacher of the School of Civil Engineering, Chen Zengxujie, a student of the School of Economics and Management, and Jiang Xiwen, a student of the School of Computer Science, made exchange speeches in turn. They introduced the typical practices of the Party organizations of the departments and colleges to strengthen their own construction and promote the development of business, and shared the teaching, research, combating epidemic The feelings and experiences in serving the Winter Olympics and other work speak of the ideological understanding, true feelings, mission responsibility and lofty sentiments.

Fifteen people attended the symposium, including the representatives of the secretary of the secondary party organization, the secretary of the teachers' party branch, the front-line representatives of anti epidemic, the representatives of the Winter Olympics volunteers, the representatives of the ideological and political teachers, and the representatives of new party members.

(Photographer: Zhang Xianrui)

[Working background]

In order to commemorate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and carry out the "July 1" commemorative activities, according to the work arrangement of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Party Committee of the University issued the Notice on Doing a Good Job in Commemorating the 101st Anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (XDF [2022] No. 21), and organized the issuance of commemorative medals for old comrades who "have been honored in the Party for 50 years" Visiting old Party members and Party members with difficulties in life, carrying out a series of celebration activities such as "working together to fight the epidemic, warming the front line", "three revisits" theme Party Day, and Party members offering love, to encourage and mobilize all Party members in the school to carry forward the great spirit of building the Party, continue the spiritual blood, inherit the red gene, never forget the original intention, remember the mission, To contribute to the high-quality development of the school cause.

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